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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22677145 No.22677145 [Reply] [Original]

>First on chain bug fix (not via a proxy contract) without the need to fork
>First fully on-chain decentralised governance protocol
> A token that is both erc20 and erc115 compatible. The same token

Brainlets need not apply as none of this will make sense, please go elsewhere and buy a supply chain token because to your limited understanding of blockchain technology it's best use case is to track boxes of rice

What are the implications of this lads? How much longer can they keep this ruse up before the mafia takes care of them?

>> No.22677220

How down are you on your buy in?

>> No.22677226


>> No.22677264

Haven't checked on buidl in a while
Did a whale dump?

>> No.22677271

I remember when this shit was shilled for 5$. So glad I didn’t buy, sorry for you anon.

>> No.22677290

I've been following the reddit meme of DCAing since I bought at $3
Not only am I fucken up right now but I've got a fuckload more buidl as well
Take the buidl pill anon or suffer a slow prolonged death holding the rest of the garbage shilled on this board other than chainlink and ethereum

>> No.22677292

No. Just a sell off from September. /biz/ got in semi early and they're all a bunch of weak handed fags.

>> No.22677338

going to be worth an absolute fortune one day

>> No.22677380

buidl > bitcoin

>> No.22677402
File: 954 KB, 860x1037, 416-4168678_comfy-pepe-png[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a comfy hold.

>> No.22677491

Comfiest shit I've seen. Even after the dump from $5 to now I dont care because I bought in at FUCKING 2 CENTS!

>> No.22677654

I'm a top 10 ethart holder how long will I have to wait to make it

>> No.22677701

Ethart is more like a POC your ngmi