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22823193 No.22823193 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.22823237
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It's going to hit highs of $6 tonight. Might have trouble reaching 7 tomorrow though.

>> No.22823244

With Bsc bringing defi to normies without the gas price raping. I don't think so

>> No.22823258
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this thread again...

>> No.22823270

Salty you didn't get airdropped 400?

>> No.22823302

No bitch you're supposed to sell and fud to get more, newfag.

>> No.22823305

i probably have more uni than you do.

>> No.22823306

The trend is currently downward sloping for week, day, and hour since about 13-15 hours ago. I sold for USDT until I understand what the fuck is going on.

>> No.22823391

No fresh cash coming to the pools. If a midwit with 10 years crypto like me doesn't send his token to uniswap, do you think a normie with 6 months in crypto would?

>> No.22823593

prob he salty hehe unicheck the best its fucking bullish guys soon uniswap v3.0 soon uni 10 usd

>> No.22823606

$6 soon are likely

>> No.22823626
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forgot pic

>> No.22823631

Buy when people are exhausted from anger, sell when they're euphoria-posting delusional optimism.

>> No.22823742

What exchange is this where someone fatfingered a sell order like that?

>> No.22823832

I'm back in but UNI is not trending in any direction.

>> No.22823881

I sold, this is a dead cat bounce.

>> No.22824140

u sold u free uni check to whales good move anon..

>> No.22824193

The sour grapes FUD of sellers nourishes me

>> No.22824209
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fixed that for you. stop trying to scam people.
everyone knows shit like this drops to 0.20 cents and crawls for years before random spikes happen. uni will be a -90% crypto.

pretty much a bitconnect or confido.

>> No.22824236

Thanks buying more

>> No.22824246

Except those were literal scams. Wtf are you talking about

>> No.22824311
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>> No.22824363

So tired of this shit crabbing.

>> No.22824492

it's probably gonna crab for a while until more news :\

>> No.22825021

yikes didn't age well, try harder next time you fomo in at $8

>> No.22825205

What's going on Uni bros? Shits going the wrong way

>> No.22825644

Bizlet TA prevails again. How are you dumb motherfuckers so wrong every single time? 400 free coins to every nigger in the world and you think it’s going to go up. Kek

>> No.22825705

>400 free coins to every nigger in the world and you think it’s going to go up. Kek
Exactly lmao, this is going to sub $2.00 easily.

>> No.22825725

Imagine buying a coin with a unicorn on it

If that doesn't scream scam what does?

>> No.22825740

how much longer before the cope sets in that you sold at $3.80?

>> No.22825754

I mean fuck it go ahead dudes I dont give a fuck

Im not touching it with a 10 foot pole

>> No.22825777
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I'm not selling. The market is mind games. You can buy things now that can make you rich in 2021.

>> No.22825782

Based. I'm keeping my 400 and just waiting for all this shit to settle.

That being said I will grab a few more if it dips hard enough.

>> No.22825804

Who'd want governance of the largest defi exchange? Or access to a % of trading fees? Scam shitcoin rugpull $0 eoy

>> No.22825811

Where the fuck would the buy pressure come from, fucko face?

>> No.22825829

Alright it's official. Hype is over, this shit is going absolutely nowhere.

>> No.22825839

>he doesn't know

>> No.22825859

Again, buy when people are exhausted from anger, sell when they're euphoria-posting delusional optimism.

>> No.22825860
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I bought back in when it looked like it was starting to go back up. I'm just holding now. It's going back and forth 40 cents.

>> No.22826024

It is following BTC 1:1, there isn't going to be a mooning unless BTC moons. The whale dump 1 week ago that dropped it from 8.5 to 6.9 and then the BTC dump that dropped it from 7.4 to 6.7 basically killed all the momentum, with further BTC collapses driving away 'moonboys' who would have otherwise fomo'd in at 9 dollars.

This, I had high hopes but now I see I should have sold when it went from 1.29 to 7.5. It was a mistake to hold, could have had 4k easy.

>> No.22826116

When do we get to "this is a fool's rally"?

>> No.22826117

Approximately 5% of all UNI transactions are still people claiming their 400 or sending it to Binance. The sell pressure is still on and exchange wallets continue to consolidate. It will take a bit longer to bleed the pajeets out.

>> No.22826126

A wild unicorn tatted girl has entered my life. Uni will be $7 by Saturday EOD

>> No.22826153

Meme lines on a week old coin nice try chico

>> No.22826158

Is there a place I can overlay the BTC and UNI charts? I usually don't fuck with TA but I want to test this for myself.

>> No.22826173
File: 47 KB, 1015x706, btc uni.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is there a place I can overlay the BTC and UNI charts?
Yeah it's called MS Paint

>> No.22826176

It will moon during the next bull run....in 10 years when the economy will be back on its feet.

>> No.22826199

Kek touché

>> No.22826234

UNI is following BTC pattern, but the volatility is magnified. You can easily swing it right now.

>> No.22826292

I agree. It's not even pumping with btc but 24 hours ago it was mirroring to the minute. Manipulation, lack of interest for now, or the volume decreasing rapidly are all probably factors in some way.

>> No.22826349

Im waiting until the 200 ema flattens out on the 15m. Its definitely trending down.

>> No.22826353

I'm pretty sure what happened today was that a lot of 400's saw the rest of the market pumping and marketsold their UNI to buy other coins. I've been checking Etherscan on and off, and 400 stacks have actually accelerated in frequency today compared to a couple of days ago.

>> No.22826587
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