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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22857693 No.22857693 [Reply] [Original]

guys how do quit ordering food from home? I've succesfuly quit cigarettes after 15 years of smoking, alcohol(sober 1year already), women. But why the fuck is it so hard to not order fast food? This shit is ruining me financially

>> No.22857746

get off your fat ass and drive to the fucking store. also, watch some cooking videos on youtube, you should be able to master; tacos (taco bell), hamburgers/chicken wraps (mcdonalds, burger king, wendys), chicken tenders (checkers), pizza (dominos/papa johns/pizza hutt), and a lot of other basic shit like stew, stir fry, etc, within a few weeks.

>> No.22857750

Realise it's a massive waste of money for food that not very good. Go to /ck/ and look for a thread about staff or customer experiences, from poor hygiene to delivery drivers handing over cold half-eaten food. Far easier, healthier and cheaper to just make your own.

>> No.22857765

oh and here's a pro tip, the shit at the restaurant tastes 'good' because it's covered in fucking salt and butter. if you like your shit to taste like their shit, use a lot of salt and butter. you'll have to decide how much salt/butter you like, but that just means experiment a little you fat lazy fuck. now get out there and eat some butter, i want to see your 'i finally hit 600 pounds' post on here and recommend you a brand of fucking rope.

>> No.22857799

I do know how to cook and but it takes too much time, id rather spend it on biz

>> No.22857839

Usually you're not ordering food because it tastes good, but because it's convenient and you don't want to have to cook. If you're like me, anyway.

I started cooking only one or two nights a week, but making way more than I can eat in one sitting. Put the extra in little containers, and then later in the week when you're feeling lazy just grab one and heat it up.

Zoomer Elites sometimes call this "food prep," but that's just a trendy name for eating leftovers. Still a good strategy.

>> No.22857889

That's just a lazy excuse and it doesn't sound like you are interested in improving. It takes a half-hour tops to make loads of simple, decent food and you don't even need to be in the kitchen the whole time. You can even just put on double and microwave leftovers the next day even faster, like >>22857839 says.

>> No.22857925

My weakness is the Popeyes spicy chicken sandwich. If I can replicate that economically and easily at home I will never need to buy fast food again.
The problem I think is that it's not worth it if you're alone. Frying chicken and keeping all the ingredients on hand for a single sandwich once a week or so is probably more expensive in money and time than getting it delivered.

>> No.22857951
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Some people track their calories. I track my spending. I aim to have as close to 0 money spent as possible. After getting rugpulled many times it is now a requirement to avoid losing any more money than I already have.

>> No.22858055

I've been the same boat I've wasted 5000 bucks in 1 month ordering shitty food but honestly it's really not that addictive, just uninstall the app and eat instant ramen whenever you feel like eating and you'll just forget about the urge

>> No.22858396

>5000 in a month

What? How? What did you buy

>> No.22858596

Even if you order day and night for a month at 25 dollars each you get to 1500 dollars a month. Maybe he meant 500

>> No.22858775

That sandwich is garbage tier.

>> No.22858863

To each his own anon but it beats Chik Fil A for me as far as chicken sandwiches go

>> No.22858866

you can make 6 neapolitan pizzas for few bucks and you can store dough in the freezer for a week

>> No.22858882

i meant fridge not a freezer kek

>> No.22858883

Yes the government already knows all the things that make your life easier. Thus prepared food is taxed

>> No.22858891

thats because you are a fat lazy american, go shopping, watch youtube and do some fucking home cooking you fucking catastrophe

>> No.22859250

He meant 5000 Rupees.

>> No.22859657

He said bucks though

>> No.22860474

Start doing a meal prep day for the whole week. Like on sunday cook several things you can heat up and eat through the week. It's fast and you can still skip a fay to eat out if you want to.

>> No.22860518


I make 4 portions of chicken and rice in 8 min. Cost is 12 dollars.

>> No.22861463


You could browse part of it while cooking. Either way, it's a better investment of your time to cook compared to browsing biz.

>> No.22861486


I also approve of this strategy.

>> No.22861502

you have it in you man, you have quit smoking

>> No.22861506


Ameriburgers, ladies and gents.