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22911223 No.22911223 [Reply] [Original]

Trustless cross chain atomic swaps oh man

>> No.22912292

been looking for a way to buy, good news

>> No.22912496
File: 233 KB, 1242x729, 3C2AAC73-D2E0-40EE-9C93-834AF513BF9B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where were you when XSN was kill?

>> No.22912556

im sorry, but this aint happening.

Not layer 2. You ll pay large fees and wait!!

XSN will be the first cross-chain layer 2 dex.

>> No.22912607

So I can use this to trade ETH for AVAX?

>> No.22912725

Fees are like 50 cents

>> No.22912750

>He's still invested in shitstake

>> No.22912768

>literally 10 different exchanges to buy AVAX including binance, bitfinex, OKex.
>"been looking for a way to buy"

fuck you. not buying your bags.

>> No.22912784

whatever brainlet.

>> No.22912815

gonna support clover 42?

>> No.22913228
File: 115 KB, 1200x627, IMG_20200925_052854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

@riodefiofficial Rio Chain also uses the GRANDPA consensus algorithm basically to verify the finality of the blockchain in other for the blockchain to have a greater degree of flexibility

>> No.22913235

calm down baka he's just anti CEX

>> No.22913263

Oh look, another shitty on chain 'dex'.

>> No.22913303

dumbest post Ive seen all day

>> No.22913342 [DELETED] 

It’s live! https://mobile.twitter.com/dastardlydaniel/status/1310859946230198273

>> No.22913364

Fuck wrong link https://mobile.twitter.com/jelly_swap/status/1310965296849727489?s=21

>> No.22913688


how can you read these two words and still think there's another chain involved? you must be a pajeet.

>> No.22913724


>> No.22913759

Atomic swaps are on chain you gay nigger.

>> No.22913867
File: 82 KB, 626x617, D74C43C0-51E0-4AEE-A293-E46BAAF90FA2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

”on-chain bad, off-chain good”

>> No.22914020

nailed it. I wasn't until kucoin recently

>> No.22914283

Food coin retards. Onchain suffers from congestion and high fees.

>> No.22914349

Not on Avalanche

>> No.22914351

this is, if anything, bullish for xsn
it's had the right approach all this time. people fud it a lot but whenever some competitor pops up and copypastes its ideas, it gets high praise

>> No.22914364

Holy shit they're already pumping out swaps a week in?

>not layer 2
This is on Avalanche anon, not Ethereum
it literally doesn't matter because AVAX L1 is fast enough in itself

>> No.22914643

this aint Ether boy

>> No.22914657


>> No.22914812

>needed an ICO to do layer 1 atomic swaps + VMs
>immediately comes out fudding XSN like it brought anything remotely new to the table
again, bullish

>> No.22914883

>L1 is fast enough
until it isn’t
4500tps is dogshit

>> No.22915790

Visa does on average 1,700 tps and at peak 4,000 tps.

So no, 4500 tps isn't dogshit you retarded nigger, especially for a decentralized system that scales to tens and thousands of validators and has < 3 seconds finality.

Also with further optimization it can reach 20,000 tps. The current bottleneck is the internal database system they are using, not the consensus algorithm.

Before you mention muh gazillion tps blockchain look up how many validators are allowd to participate in the consensus SIMULTOUSLY.

>> No.22916065


>> No.22916280

I'll be trying this when it goes live just to see how quick it is

>> No.22916405

XSN is not needed, all talk and no action

>guys just buy a master node, moon soon

>> No.22916425

How the fuck do you swap to another chain someone explain this. IGNORE THE FUDDING NIGGERS AND BAGHOLDERS OF OTHER PROJECTS ITT

On uniswap, it's all erc20 so eth is taken out of your wallet and SHITCOIN is deposited. What about this, do you have to make an avax address and input it as the deposit address?

How does this shit work

>> No.22916546
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hash time lock

>> No.22916870


>> No.22917134

You make an account on Jellyswap, deposit your crypto in one of their mini-wallets and swap from it to AVAX (It gets put in a mini-wallet) then you withdraw from it to your own personal AVAX wallet

>> No.22917747

I no longer trust solutions named after foodstuffs. It's infantile. Truly diaper baby tier. Your move faggot.

>> No.22917787

Then use a CEX you big baby

>> No.22918648

They aren't selling you a token.The process is 100% trustless.

>> No.22919007

how in the fuck are they doing btc swaps