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File: 140 KB, 780x900, feel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23325220 No.23325220 [Reply] [Original]

my gf just broke up with me biz, what do?

>> No.23325234


>> No.23325237

idk dude never had that happen to me

>> No.23325252

Check DMM


>> No.23325258

all in on puffcore

>> No.23325268

Realize every single woman on Earth without exception is a worthless braindead piece of shit whore. And your feelings of sadness are just the remnants of your retarded monkey brain, which should always be ignored.

>> No.23325270

Bury the pain deep inside and let it out on anonymous faggots on a Chinese finger trap forum

>> No.23325271

If you havent already try telling her you need her

>> No.23325275

You are permitted to mope within a designated 30 minute period each day. If you start feeling sorry for yourself outside this period, tell yourself to wait and mope when you get your 30 minutes.
Other than that, go to the gym and work on your hobbies/skills.

>> No.23325278

give us the story. Why did she do it how long have you been together etc. Chances are theres already another guy

>> No.23325279

Find some random tinder bitch to hate fuck

>> No.23325308

Really? I couldn't tell >>23325271

>> No.23325318

Buy xrp get rich make her regret it

>> No.23325326
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op now is permitted via a smart contract to be sad for 3 months
but after that he needs to start getting shredded breh
this, op share story
please tell me no cheating

>> No.23325333

Fuck bitches get money

>> No.23325355
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>> No.23325357
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Now if you'll excuse me, i need to return some trips

>> No.23325374

we were together for a year, met at a fast food place. we both worked there. She was my first gf, my first everything and i love here very much. sadly i fucked up. Well before I had these kinds of issues but they caused problems and is the reason we broke up. basically I had this cycle of obession with women i liked and a porn addiction. So when we got together I basically had to end the cycle but i couldnt so I began obessing about another woman. Kept it a secret from her, while I did my best to deal with it. But she went through my discord and saw things i had written to myself in an attempt to vent and deal it. By the time she had found out it was already something in the past for me. It still very much bothered here. We couldve worked things out but shes just very bitter and judgemental, she hates me now. But ill always love her regardless. I know its diffuclut for her to deal with as she has other issues so i dont blame her for ending it but i stil wish it hadnt come to that. excuse any grammatical issues

>> No.23325387

In all seriousness OP you have til late 30s to get your shit together. Don't stress it, think how many years you are from there. Then think back that same amount of time and where you were at, how much you have changed.
You may need to do some introspection and figure why she left you.
It isn't over, hoe's are irrational bitches. Don't crawl back, but facilitate the possibility of her changing her mind. Most my exes turn into fuck buddies which honestly is always better than the actual relationship.

>> No.23325450

Bro you still have a chance, give her a few days but try to get her back. Dont act like a bitch, dont act like you are desperate, act like a man surprise her with something nice like flowers and be honest. Say you are sorry and that you admit you fucked up but do not mop like a bitch cause women dont like that. Make her feel special, tell her she helped you become a better person, and that you want to win her back. Be persistent and get her back, but if after a while she doesnt want you then keep your dignity and move on never act like a desperate fag.

Now if she really is "very bitter and judgemental" and is a huge crazy bitch messes with your things tries to ruin your life or get revenge etc this then all this does not apply just let her go.

>> No.23325456

that's fine, first relationships are just learning experiences
so stop thinking you have feelings for her, get over her
she will soon figure out that it's probably unreasonable to be mad about that for long and stop caring too or maybe try to come back
but fuck her, you don't need that
get shredded and find another

also don't use fucking discord for private notes, encryption my niggie

>> No.23325484

Did you tell her you had a porn addiction you didn't want, and wanted to get better?

>> No.23325491
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disregard this faggot
don't TRY to get her back, disregard her
start lifting and make money with your new found time
don't run after a woman

>> No.23325492

Get a new one

>> No.23325508
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>> No.23325535

>she went through my discord
What the fuck, better off without her bro.

>> No.23325539

So you kept a discord like a diary? Wtf is wrong with you?
And she visited it? Wtf is wrong with her?

>> No.23325561


>> No.23325569

I did tell her, when she found out I explained everything to her. She just has issues being understanding.
I didnt mean that shes a crazy bitch rather she isnt forgiving

>> No.23325591

she saw that i would message myself and ask to see, after i vehemently declined she got suspicious.

>> No.23325669

Should have asked to go through her phone.
No offence mate but she didn't respect you if she didn't accept your no. She was out of line. Sounds like you need to red pill yourself on women.

>> No.23325710

Well if she contacts you, tell her it's hard to be a Man in today's age when society shoves poison at boys everyday. She can either stand together and help each other and become better people, or throw it away and regret it later. If she won't accept that, then walk away anon. A girl that won't support you through the struggle, won't really love you once you've made it.

>> No.23325842


>> No.23325867

Thanks bros, i really think it might be for the best but i still cant help but regret. Gonna wake up early tomorrow ride my bike and get a pump on. cheers.

>> No.23325891

post her pics

>> No.23325915

I spent some time writing this, I hope it helps you.

Well, I don't know what to tell you anon, but I was a really promiscuous person in my undergrad days and then I meet a woman that I belied loved me, I married her, we stayed together for 5 years. She was my first true relationship and it really hurt me, I believed she was my true soulmate, and this sort of thing creates a lot of emotional dependency on other persons, this ruins relations ships, humans are fucked up, there must be a equal power balance for things to work out, no one should bend to the other, avoid believing in things like true soulmates etc.

Anyway, now I will be father from a child from my current girlfriend. I feel that no other relationship was like my first one. The true is that I was able to truly love someone only once in my life, and it hurt so much that I probably never will love some one the same way. I am unable to create emotional dependency and true trust in anyone I have a relationship, this is how I am now.

The end of my marriage was like a mourning of a person alive, what I can tell you is that in this world all things shall pass, the only thing permanent is impermanence (and tha apply to good and bad things). So just give time to time, things will heal and you see that you a better person in the end, please go to a psychologist to be sure you dont end up with too much scars, it really helped me to understand who I am and where I am, and how this world works.

If you have time please read the Tao Te Ching (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tao_Te_Ching)), it really helped me to accept the realities of this world we live. It isn't an objective book, it really helps you in finding your own true meaning for this world an to really complicated things. It isnt like cristian religion with rules etc, it is just a book with reflections. The book starts with "The Reason that can be reasoned is not the eternal Reason.The name that can be named is not the eternal Name."and goes on.

>> No.23325987

I can related to this. The Tao is a great philosophy. seconded

>> No.23326075

Btw what she did is unacceptable and childish, she violated you privacy, that is a crime also. You should have broke up with her just because of that. And if she is a person that makes you feel bad you should not be by her side just for sex, believe me work out and get a good body you will have sex regularly by doing that and learning how to talk as a normal person with girls. Learn to be confident and accept that things will go wrong even when you do your best, also accepts that you dont have control over the world, you can only control yourself, and it is impossible to do something better then your best. Behave like a marathonist, do your best and accept the out comes. What matter is the path no the destination.

Hope all this helps you Anon, enjoy your pain and sorrows this is how life is, just go on and see what happens.

>> No.23326130
File: 1.37 MB, 3002x4002, weep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres a pic of her in a dress she got recently
ill read into it bro, thanks
thanks anon, its really easy to forget that its not the end of the world

>> No.23326149

now that's a woman

>> No.23326188

I have one last advice, but this one is too personal and maybe it will not work for you. I listen to a lot of hardcore punk rock, it helps me to be self sufficient in this individualistic world. But I counter balance it with Tao Te Ching, that makes me more peaceful. I feel a lot of strong emotions, but I always try to balance them and only feel content in the end, I believe that is the "correct" way to feel to be productive.


>> No.23326198

Delete that bro and listen to this guy >>23325915

>> No.23326220

If you were obsessing over other women I don't think she's the one for you. You can feel 'love' for many people, but eventually you will find a woman that would literally sacrifice everything for. I have 'loved' many women, but never felt that I wanted to spend my life with them. First relationships are tricky because as others said, it's a learning experience, and (especially if you have low self esteem) It's easy to become trapped in an ultimately pointless relationship due to the pleasures of having a girlfriend and the fear of never finding a woman that you will want to marry.

>> No.23326288

Celebrate as now you can get ransom Pussy and you I’ll save tons of money. My gf drives me nuts and I fantasize about her braking up with me. One of her friends wants to be bang as she texts me pictures of herself constantly so I’d be into that.

>> No.23326319

buy gibs


>> No.23326383
File: 227 KB, 500x405, 846511161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a good man, YGMI

>> No.23326403

Fuck off stinky pajeet

>> No.23326417

haha so is your mom is a worthless braindead piece of shit whore? haha have sex incel

>> No.23326434

Find another one don’t cry over spilt milk

>> No.23326473
File: 21 KB, 600x800, 1602904454736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>haha have sex incel