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23555125 No.23555125 [Reply] [Original]

>I wasted my free time playing vidya during the 2017 GBR
Video games have had a more negative impact on my life than a drug addiction

>> No.23556402

have a bump you moron
the 2021 GBR is right around the corner though, hope you're ready

>> No.23556440

He probably isn’t. He probably loaded up on pajeet scams instead of anything substantial even though the golden bullrun just started. He will never make it and you’re a moron for necrobumping his blogpost

>> No.23556482

true but this but even a weeb's blogpost is better content than 90% of this board

>> No.23556527

>Spent the first 23 years of my life playing video games

I really wish they never existed. I didn't have a proper childhood

>> No.23557003

>get off work in 2 hours
>get to apt, feed my dog
>get on my pc
>play video games mostly alone
>people I meet usually go quick
>must be me
>go to bed at 1
>wake up at 8
>feed & walk dog, get to work by 9
>get off at 5
>get home, feed my dog
if not for my dog Id kms.

>> No.23557164

It's okay , you still got anime, and that's all that matters

>> No.23557199

You are supposed to accumulate first AND THEN play vidya. Dumby

>> No.23557219

there will be no 2021 gbr you fucking twit

>> No.23557274
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>> No.23557297

that's what you all are gonna be saying when you realize you're financially ruined from buying a bunch of btc at 13k right before it goes back to 3k

>> No.23557307

who the fuck is buying BTC at 13k lmao
did you drop here last week?

>> No.23557436

no ive been here 6 years. that's why i know morons on this board are fomoing into a false bullrun.

>> No.23557462

>falling for the meme that playing a video game for FUN is "waste of time"

>> No.23557592
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>6 years
no yo-

it's actually been this long
what the fuck

>> No.23557754

ok and when is the real deal then what signs you looking for to know its real?

>> No.23557805

imagine being OP
>make a thread
>nobody replies for an hour
>close tab (sell)

OP is unironically ngmi

>> No.23557812
File: 94 KB, 734x734, 72796DC5-9C73-4B1A-A8CD-E544DF508E0A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw over the last two years, vidya has been less and less entertaining
It’s like nothing is fun anymore.
All I do now is read Wikipedia articles, watch educational YouTube, practice bass, and browse /biz/.
Life is fucking boring.

>> No.23557827

26 for me. At one point they were my only reason for living, I had a massive collection. Now I hate them with a passion. what a mistake

>> No.23557864

Sure you can blame video games, but you could've bought and held AND played your video games faggot.

would've could've should've

>> No.23557870

so vidya saved your life and now you shit on it?
don't pretend like you wouldn't have been a loser if vidya didn't exist, you'd be a loser with a different hobby

>> No.23557871

Money printers and collapse of governments.

>> No.23557909
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>Forever socially stunted thanks to internet/vidya addiction
Wish I could go back and never touch an MMO. Didn't have a real friendship until I was 22. Crypto is the only good thing the internet has ever done for my life.

>> No.23557939
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> crying about 2017
nigga I literally dismissed BTC as " a scam with no future" back in 09

>> No.23557999

that hurts. i got 0.005 btc from a 'bitcoin faucet' in 2011 and then promptly forgot about it for 6 years

>> No.23558203

already happened tho so a bull run?

>> No.23558321 [DELETED] 

VR might be interesting over the coming years

>> No.23558380

what hurt the most is that back then, 2009 /early - mid 2010 you could have bought over 1000 btc with 1 dollar
so it was not even a large investment it was literally like buying a lottery ticket with the same payout today

>> No.23558459

Same but with porn

>> No.23559093

and now you're wasting your time here.

>> No.23559327

this but I also bought a fat stack of link in 18'. Now I play while waiting for the singularity feels good.