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23716743 No.23716743 [Reply] [Original]

Now that Trump has lost, does it mean that kek is dead and Chainlink will fail too?

>> No.23716775

Chainlink will do good under Biden because of the world economic forum great reset plan.

I don't like joe, think he is bad for the country but at least linkies will be comfy

>> No.23716914

whichever old demented boomer fart wins LINK will do good in the long term, the difference is only in the short term

>> No.23716978

Chainlink will do well. Biden is a globalist. Too bad you’ll be stripped of owning things and be happier for it

>> No.23717419

he hasn't lost yet. Link, YFI, CVP will survive - insider info lol

>> No.23717471

What is bad for USA is good for the world.

>> No.23717824

What do you mean?

>> No.23717835

no it means avalanche will succeed, fill ur bags while its cheap

>> No.23717861

Kek this

>> No.23717880

t. burger

>> No.23717907

He hasn't lost, the libs are just being too cocky.

>> No.23717956
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>> No.23717961

>he hasn’t sold at $19
ngmi, $20 was the top it’s all over. hop in the BAND wagon with the rest of the OG marines.

>> No.23717962

Quite the contrary, chainlink is backed by the WEF, whose candidate is Biden.
Biden will die right after he takes the seat, and Kamala will rule as a proxy to China, WEF and WHO. You will take mandatory vaccines with a quantum dot chip, built by Microsoft, which is also supporting chainlink.

>> No.23717990

Learn what over means, there's still more votes to be counted, and they'll all be for Trump. I'm still secured with my 30k bet.

>> No.23718023
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everyone told me it was alt season

>> No.23718059
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most of the outstanding votes are in the cities. imagine a world where detroit decides the american president

>> No.23718133

>my 30k bet.
ohhhh no no no

>> No.23718140

yes, he has. nevada, michigan, and wisconsin, only have pro-biden areas left to count. and biden is already up in all three. with those 3 states, biden has 270 electorals, so pennsylvania/georgia/north carolina no longer matter.

>> No.23718221

Kek has always been dead. Trump was a false prophet. He loves Jews and as Jewish grand children. Him losing doesn’t mean anything, just that you trumptards who still believe in the red side vs blue side false dichotomy will be seething and I will be laughing