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File: 32 KB, 383x364, A04D6826-6FBF-4B3B-A960-8D6B8D071306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23806610 No.23806610 [Reply] [Original]

My normie friends are getting interested in crypto now. They all signed up to coinbase and have been debating what to buy. The general consensus is that “bitcoin is too expensive buy something cheaper”. The hottest pick currently is XRP because “its only $0.25 imagine it goes to $10,000 like bitcoin!!?”. No discussion of tech, marketcap, volume - nothing. Just “buy whats cheapest”. I’m not sure what to do with this information so I thought I’d share it for your thoughts.

>> No.23806647

lol these giganormies will unironically make it due to xrp being the standard. annoying.

>> No.23806652

are they really your friends if you're coming to us to shit talk about how stupid you think they are?

>> No.23806658

They failed the IQ test.

>> No.23806678
File: 93 KB, 750x669, Crypto IQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>XRP because “its only $0.25 imagine it goes to $10,000 like bitcoin!!?”
I can't believe a bunch of normie retards are going to be filthy rig with me

>> No.23806707

You're failing friends by not stepping in to give them solid advice as this is clearly a domain you're familiar with. XRP is not a bad first hold at current prices, and if they stake it they can get daily compounding interest which is more than they'd get with any bank account. You should be happy they're smartening up rather than coming on here to talk down on them like a little bitch.

>> No.23806711

Eh. More like acquaintances.

>> No.23806723
File: 53 KB, 1117x1009, linkvsSHIT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

25 cent stable coin LMAO

>> No.23806733

they'll fomo into btc when they see it pumping while their shitcoins dump, then they'll fomo back into their shitcoins as btc consolidates and shitcoins start pumping, but they'll get dumped on and will sell at a loss. Then they'll exit the market and become one of the people that has a weird negative obsession with cryptocurrency as btc runs to $1million over the next decade or so.

>> No.23806735


>> No.23806793
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>its only $0.25 imagine it goes to $10,000 like bitcoin!!?

>> No.23806798

I wouldn't interfere too, let they say and hear what they want to.
Obviously they know they can lose everything too.. Rightttt?????

>> No.23806808

just tell them to all in ETH and they will be fine.

>> No.23806834

just nod and agree with them
if you want to correct them
>they will hate you for contradict their opinions
if you manage to convince them and for some reason xrp moons
>they will hate you

>> No.23806847

Already happened with me and
If I told this to my friends, they would probably laugh at me like I was dumb.
I have to protect myself first, and can't save everybody.
They obviously know they can lose everything.

>> No.23806853
File: 48 KB, 480x480, 20D7DA35-D406-4618-B140-8AA54D841486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice larp faggot. No one is as retarded as you to think of something and not question themselves as to why it costs what it does.

>> No.23806871

>bitcoin is too expensive
what even are fractions

>> No.23806884

let them get burnt.
how did you learn? that's how they should learn too.

>> No.23806898
File: 1.73 MB, 856x7899, 1604351092174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the elites leaked information on an online rabbit painting board just to help us all out
>it definitely wasn't all just made up
>elites would totally give us all their information so a bunch of autistic neets can make it under a brutal kike regime.
You're a very smart man, I can tell

>> No.23806959
File: 34 KB, 699x485, 8c4d211e70e96a233384ec6b6d285fa25af878276a03ec23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw invested in bitcoin even though I am poor
>have 0.07 btc now after three months investing

>> No.23807019

Get them on zee FUSE train. Bullish for us all either way. We want them. Be nice.

>> No.23807023

This but for chainlink

>> No.23807042
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Well, on the bright side, at least they won't get completely rekt buying a stablecoin. It makes me wonder how many 60 year old boomers buy tether because it's one of the top coins and they think it's cheap. There has to be at least one person who's done that.

>> No.23807158
File: 748 KB, 1242x1271, 1597262455036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm incredibly smart. I bought well over $1k worth of a shitty stable coin because someone on a website that hasn't been updated in a decade got cool repeating numbers on their post number.

>> No.23807174

It's the same shit every bull run. XRP is always a newfag buy.

>> No.23807198

based XRPchad

>> No.23807218

Where does one stake xrp

>> No.23807230

They'll be laughing when it goes to $1, then calling it all a massive scam and a ponzi when it dumps back to $0.25.
Then years later they'll see the citadel and go "I should've bought BTC when it was $10k. Maybe they'll make a citadel for (lowest priced top 10) just like BTC's!"

>> No.23808267

>this is your brain on dangerous levels of hopium and delusion. Scary.

>> No.23808480

Exactly this. Checked and very based

>> No.23808486
File: 167 KB, 794x684, 379ED09E-0E26-4FE2-96B0-1228E8F7E9B7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tell them to buy Freedom Reserve

>> No.23808853

>repeat every 4 years

>> No.23808872

reminder that LINK is the second "cheapest" option to normie which is unironically gonna meme it to $1000 EOY

>> No.23808898

It's really good for you. Do not taint their thoughts with education. Having a straight from the source view into the normie mind is a money maker. I would own some xrp not because it's worth something (it isn't), but because retards may pile in.

>> No.23808913

They will unironically make it and it will be hilarious to see you post here again seething.

>> No.23808986

kek. one of my friends is just like this. he bought 1.0 eth for like 1k and then sold for a massive loss when it dumped from ath

>> No.23809016

it's ok because you set them straight. right, anon?

>> No.23809111
File: 83 KB, 788x685, 1604089799298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you sent them referrals to sign up, also replace the following with your links and send it to them, they will appreciate it and who knows maybe they will make out of pure stupidity. If you don't have coinbase use my links and tell them you want half. Just profit from them while earning favors.



XLM Answers:
1. A decentralized protocol that unites the worlds financial infrastructure
2. Facilitating low-cost, universal payments.
3. Transactions are fast, inexpensive, and global
4. To issue, exchange, and transfer tokens quickly and efficiently
5. It relies on the cooperation of trusted nodes to confirm transactions.




EOS Answers:
1. A blockchain protocol for fast, scalable applications
2. Delegated proof of stake
3. Fast, free transfers
4. Stake EOS tokens
5. Upgradable smart contracts




COMP Answers:
1. Earning interest
2. Supply a crypto asset as collateral
3. COMP token holders

>> No.23809478

>normie friends keep coming to me about xrp
>jewish acquaintances will only ever discuss bitcoin with me

not going to lie, jews are the chosen people

>> No.23809638
