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23807707 No.23807707 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else loading up on BAT?

19c is cheap as fuck. This shit is going to be worth $40 in a few years.

>> No.23807729
File: 79 KB, 800x598, wap-weaponized-assault-penguins-meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. I'm loading up on Penguin Party Fish, this shit is about to fucking moon bro.

The Penguin Party is about to move to expand their governance power to Compound.finance and issue a wrapped-delegated COMP token as well as a wrapped-delegated Uni [where they already control over $500k in voting power].

This Penguin Party Fish token seems SUPER fucking bullish, bizanons, are you going to miss this train? They have their own channel in official uniswap discord and their own interface for uniswap:


>> No.23807767

Unlike club penguin, BAT has 20 million monthly users and a working product. If Warren Buffet was into crypto, he'd buy this.

>> No.23807827

>Buy 10k
>Forget about it

Literally all you need to do. Brave is going to be the new Apple, but it takes time to build an empire.

>> No.23807834

going to keep posting this so everyone realizes: BAT is mostly owned and controlled by Link whales after the worst ico in crypto history allowed them to eat up most of the supply. BAT will moon when they want it to moon. go to etherscan and check the big Link whales wallets for proof.

>> No.23807842
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>> No.23807852

brave/bat is shitty and useless but it does have some potential because its simple and easy for normies
This isnt a long term hold but more of a medium term pnd

>> No.23807925
File: 260 KB, 333x1388, 125C4521-2461-4C76-B5C2-AF7F609B967C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which one is the psyop?

>> No.23807940

This. Textbook value investing.

21m users, and they are getting closer and closer to profitability. They are releasing "brave today" this morning which is a curated newsfeed. Brave is going to bootstrap user growth with actual revenue soon. Theres a reason Eich wont sell any private equity. IYKYK. FUD is picking up considerably because their ground is being lost. Load up.

>> No.23807953

Why buy this shit coin when you can get it for free

>> No.23807976

Of course there's lots of FUD for BAT, most of the people on this thread have little or no understanding of basic finance. I doubt that 1 in 10 has read a book on investment.

>> No.23808014

You get like 1 coin a month. I'm buying 1000 at a time. With an argument like that I'm just impressed that you can read.

>> No.23808024

I posted first, other guy is a confirmed psyop

>> No.23808072
File: 7 KB, 236x236, E8BF2839-E15F-49CF-BBC2-02B097718037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mfw That other threads article is getting to me boys

>> No.23808167

BAT is literally a useless coin and still 6x above ICO price. It's over.

VALUE can save you. Simply put in Vault 2 and wait a year.

>> No.23808327
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>> No.23808345

This, but unironically.

They are throwing thousands of dollars at tokens with whitepapers they dont understand who have "partnerships" that are just POC's that finance centers like deloitte are exploring. Most of them won't make the cut, fewer of them will become actual products, even fewer will be successful implementations. Unless you are sitting in at these meeting its an enormous punt. There are not any real fundamental metrics like braves user growth or growing ad campaigns or github modules.

This is the closest thing you will get to an undervalued freebie in crypto. Meanwhile people are shitting all over one of the easiest concepts to understand and championing gigahard mode cryptos that require insider information that comes from circles they will never be apart of.

>> No.23808379

Don't worry brah.

The main thing they talked about is how hard it is to advertise.

That is because Brave is in beta. When you have a company with 20m+ users, you can't just launch a service outright, you need to dial it in by testing it with a smaller amount of customers first. Brave is going to allow anyone to advertise pretty soon.

Focus on the quality and growth of the product, not the low IQ FUD.

>> No.23808401

The hardest part is ignoring people who want the coin to go up tomorrow for no good reason. This is the skill that separates investors from gamblers.

>> No.23808551
File: 12 KB, 250x246, BATCUBE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> you need to dial it in by testing it with a smaller amount of customers first
This, look into how facebook grew its users so rapidly early on, they did it exactly like this.

>> No.23808852

The person that wrote the article was obviously not a first worlder either. That article was nothing more than clickbait with improper use of phrases and words. Lots of easily disputable points also. At this point im starting to think its a pysop more than anything because I have seen it floating around in numerous places.

Also you are completely right. A lot of people here are forgetting it took facebook and google about 7 years to hit their first billion in revenue. Brave is barely 5. I think it took twitter nearly 12 or longer. Crypto "investors" are getting cold feet, but they dont realize these things take time. I can understand where its coming from. they have been disillusioned by all of these tokens that spring up out of nowhere with insane valuations. The problem is that they fade to obscurity just as quick as they came into popularity. "Crypto investing" has basically become gambling at this point and people are staying at the casino too long and the house is going to win everytime. There are good tokens out there worth investing in, but you are foing to have to do some real good due diligence and analysis. I have done my analysis on Brave/BAT. They are absolutely crushing it, and it could take some time, but when it pays off it will be worth it. You wont find a lower risk 400x like this and you can comfortably through 5,10,15k at it and go to sleep knowing that you wont wake up to a company that dissapeared overnight for some unknown reason.

>> No.23808962
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Every time I see a BAT thread the price is 20 cents, kek.

>> No.23809166

i've been following brave for a while hoping they would make some positive changes to their team, but it seems like its not happening anytime soon. im really dissapointed in brave and brendan desu.

>> No.23809229

woof lay off the drugs kid

>> No.23810280

Ya self ads cant come soon enough thanks for the reply bro

>> No.23810787

No and by the way Boof, you are a fucking retard even without weed