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23873492 No.23873492 [Reply] [Original]

OTC trader insider here. AMA.

Here for the next 30 min and glad to answer anything regarding the BTC and crypto markets.

>> No.23873531

What are your top picks for coins in regards to price by the end of 2021?

>> No.23873533

wen altseason?

>> No.23873544

BTC 16k by tomorrow?

>> No.23873554

Gold/gold miners vs bitcoin for short term investment

>> No.23873561

BTC and ETH (institutions are mostly sticking to these two from what I have seen via OTC purchases)

LINK is a wild card and I have been holding since 2017. But there is potential for it to be in triple digits by the end of the next market cycle.

>> No.23873563

How a nocoin rookie can invest in coins without getting raped by shitty brokers and gay ass shitcoins here on /biz/?

>> No.23873567

why are institutions such cuckholds that got outperformed by a bunch of neets that only leave their room once a week?

>> No.23873568

What are your target prices for selling and when?

>> No.23873589

BTC is uncorrelated to the traditional markets right now (this includes precious metals and equities). this has caught the interest of many. You'll see more headlines about corporate treasuries getting into the space within the next 3 months.

I would stick with BTC over XAU at this point. Miners are super risky and high beta. Depends on cash flow and financials of the mining companies. You would need a precious metals explosion for them to be really profitable.

>> No.23873600

price predictions for btc/eth?

>> No.23873622

So we're falling back to 6k

>> No.23873630

just stick to proven crypto assets like BTC and ETH. Do not buy illiquid tokens that are shilled here ad nauseum.

they actually are late to the game compared to the early adopter nerds. the problem with institutional buyers is something called career risk. unless you have a big name like Druckenmiller and Miller Value get into the space, you usually stay away, unless you are a family office and like the idea of alternative investments in your portfolio.

thats been the case for the past 2 years. the other issue is that none of these buyers wanted to have their holdings stuck on exchange hot wallets. they need to have proper custodians regulated by the right government bodies.

>> No.23873653

Half my ependable assets are tethered because I'm concerned about a not-as-bad as March dip but still bad. Covid cases/hospitalizations are surging, and a shutdown by Biden without full assistance from the Repub senate seems like it could create those market conditions again. What are your thoughts on it? If you think we'll see a major dip, when? Before or after Trump is out?

>> No.23873665

New to the game. I know having BTC and ETH is good, but is XRP worth holding? Anything top 10 I should have?

>> No.23873670

hard to say. one thing for sure is that you don't want to be opening any long term short positions here. if you have noticed and paid close attention, the recent dips have been bought up substantially the past several weeks. the dip to 14.5 lasted not even a day. these are buyers that will be holding for the next several years.

>> No.23873697

are institutions more interested in btc or eth?

>> No.23873700
File: 456 KB, 1800x1200, Screen-Shot-2020-07-15-at-11.24.37-AM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Predicting the future price of a highly volatile and speculative asset 5 years from now

wew lad...

>> No.23873731

you have your old school hedge funds sticking with BTC, but I have to admit, some firms have been moving into large spot positions of ETH as well. I am talking about lots of 40k+ obviously not all at once, but over the course of a few weeks, they are buying slowly.

>> No.23873734

Is now a good entry point? do you forsee a substantial correction before years end?

>> No.23873747

look out for banks seeking white label type of solutions for storing their crypto in the next year and remember this thread when you do see it. like always, biz early to the game.

>> No.23873772

buy dips on the way up. we're clearly up trending and if there's any type of shakeout, just know there are large buyers will to take it cheaper off your hands.

>> No.23873776

is 100 eth enough to make it?

>> No.23873839

Can you tongue my anus?

>> No.23873864

If BTC is uptrending, what are price targets? Within the next few months, then the yearly prediction please

>> No.23873882

you'll still get mini alt rallies here and there, but expect the real fireworks to occur after we breach ath and BTC settles in a completely new price level. expect media attention. also anticipate exchanges to up their game when it comes to maintaining record trading volume along with new products they will offer to be competitive to DeFi in 2021

>> No.23873885

Do you work for a miner? Or an early whale? Are you connected to the recent headlines about large old wallets suddenly splitting into smaller amounts?

>> No.23873918

70k BTC eoy nice. Thanks for answering some questions.

>> No.23873929

are institutions worried of the tether fud

>> No.23873942

there will be a precious metals explosion

supply is about to plummet

>> No.23873953

what do you mean by exchanges upping their game?

>> No.23873963

What should we expect for LINK short term?

>> No.23873964
File: 56 KB, 1882x159, oldmoneylongterm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

np. have to bounce, but have fun anons. here's a gem of advice I found intriguing and will leave you with it. stay the course.

>> No.23873965

white label solution with what as the backend technology?

>> No.23873967

What aside from BTC/ETH and even LINK has long term potential?

>> No.23873993

and why is it statera?

>> No.23874048

This describes Chainlink to a tee.

>> No.23874070
File: 20 KB, 378x378, underground.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23874144

kek I remember reading that pic in an old link thread, OP is legit

>> No.23874315

any chance for xmr? or the institutions stay away from this pedo coin?

>> No.23874488

all in btc/eth/link and nothing else

>> No.23875605

this chart is wrong and outdate, why do you post this?

>> No.23875612

learn to read. 6k fall back was 2019.
fucking 10iq anons.

>> No.23875754

>LINK is a wild card
imagine typing this

>> No.23875799

No institution will buy xmr.

>> No.23875803

thats literally chainlink. lmfao
>thread number 3832723 of a btc maxi talking shit about link
ive seen hundreds of these now

>> No.23875847

This chart was made back in the midst of the bear. Only anons from that time will recognize it

>> No.23875874


>> No.23875898

>wall st bonuses
>chinese new year
nice meme larp thread

>> No.23875923
File: 7 KB, 360x360, 54EC301A-FADC-446F-9031-0CAB5A917ECF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23875939

Is it ok to be sexually attracted to frogs?

>> No.23875940

They will buy ZEC, tho.

>> No.23875996

Actually it describes HEX

>> No.23876162

you OTC'ing Nectar before the beehive? i can't even fit 5% of my stack in a day.

>> No.23876294

God now 2018 counts as oldfag. If you don't know who made this chart you're too dumb to be here.