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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23919999 No.23919999 [Reply] [Original]

You had your chance.

>> No.23920092
File: 23 KB, 1184x511, e6d50a7e6842db900b8c99f8a6d386e3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bye retards

>> No.23920171
File: 19 KB, 400x400, 1602136850234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked and corepilled
absorbing 4 shitcoins

>> No.23920257

ull make it frend.
they added arb today as well with 50 strategies.

>> No.23920507

unironically the best defi project. shame it takes so long for them to develop

>> No.23920529

getting dumped for spice next week, don't fuck this up OP

>> No.23920770
File: 84 KB, 700x525, core.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quads confirm it. Just absorbed unicore. Encore next, then tens. Arbitrage is up, bounties for code bugs been going out. Literally zero reason to fud core left.

>> No.23920792

It seems for the best, since they avoid rushing to release a buggy project and consequently failing, like every core fork has done.

>> No.23920820

I'm just waiting for when the LPs start rolling in money.

>> No.23920844

actually I dumped at $9k and never looked back

>> No.23920855

Better get back in while you have the chance, before core moons hard.

>> No.23920870

Pretty much. I've had to really test my iron hands on this one though, got in at 600$ and watching it slowly bleed is pretty tough.
But I honestly believe in the fundamentals, and promised myself i'd wait until vaults got released before making any decisions.

>> No.23920914

Is 1 core enough?

>> No.23920962

I’ve heard this 20 times, yet each time it’s a dead cat bounce. No thanks

Their deciding not to pursue bigger exchanges like Binance killed the hype of this project. Shit apy, literally no good reason for this token to exist.

Btw these gay core shill threads are usually made by the core devs

>> No.23921012

Christ, this fud was retarded a month ago. By now it's more stale than my underwear crust.

Binance costs 1 mil to list, breaks up liquidity, and prevents LP holders from earning fees.

Considering Core has 1/3 the supply of YFI, but offers more products in the end, derivatives, 1 could make you 6 figs eventually.

>> No.23921078

>we don't want CZ wash trading our project

>> No.23921237

>he thinks lp holders are actually making huge returns
>he thinks most crypto traders actually care about this project any longer. was a passing fad and the decs moved too slowly

thanks for outing yourself core dev

>> No.23921374

I think this is the 3rd time you've called me a dev. I mean, I enjoy good fud, but yours is just predictable. At least come up with something new.
And I've averaged about 46% APY from LP over 40 days. Not looking for miracles from core, but it's been consistent and better than any stock.

>> No.23921390

When will we go up?
I will not lock my eth into this. But when the eventual moon mission comes and everyone dumps. The stakers will be left holding the bag.

>> No.23921433

You’re retarded. They built arbitrage in like 3 weeks. RSR cucks talk about it for a year and don’t do shit

>> No.23921445

sanjeev.. u need to go back

>> No.23921608

Hard to say, the devs aren't letting anyone know when they're using eth from Encore, Tens, etc., to buy more Core/Dai LP, so as to avoid a run-up in price beforehand.

>> No.23921644

But when the release their options market in the future, that'll be a big boost. Since you can long or short-sell whatever tokens they have LP pools for.

>> No.23922119

kek, as if there isnt a brigade of ppl ready to dump on every shitcoin absorbtion. its literal free money, buy now sell after the 4k eth insta buy from encore absorb.
shit will retrace right back since bunch of bag holders

>> No.23922256

already retracing. face it core fags, it’s over