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23982276 No.23982276 [Reply] [Original]

I have like 3k usd and basically no expenses should i just throw it all at more bitcoin?

>> No.23982481

how would you react if it drops to 13-14K after you buy?

>> No.23982533

hahahahahahaha bitcoin

>> No.23983130

what then link?

>> No.23983433

Only the gov owns fiat ??

>> No.23983457

buy land lmao. Only thing they can't print more of.

>> No.23983474

Why would you want to own fiat when fiat has never been worth less and the government literally increases its supply by millions every day causing it to be worth even less than it was 24 hours ago? money has no value. you have to convert it to assets as soon as possible for it to retain any amount of value it currently has

>> No.23983562

with 3k?

>> No.23983713
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If you want to be safe, yeah you can go btc, but if you want real profit, get some TON and stake them....easiest short term money ever

>> No.23983774

Exactly. Investing in a house is always prudent, I'll be retired in my early 40s thanks to real estate. In your position go all in Bitcoin. If you have doubts listen to Michael Saylor or Raoul Pal, they'll set you straight. You have no other asset with a similar upside - not even remotely close. I strongly believe you could legitimately buy a house if you invest now and hold. But you have to hold even after the price goes way the fuck up.

>> No.23983880

thats the thing all these people here fud bitcoin but when i listen to legit financial people they all say 1 mil in 5-10 years

>> No.23983881


>> No.23983951

I have a couple hundred waiting on flare

>> No.23984009

It's a no brainer. The upside is ludicrous. Are you going to make a 2x on stocks anytime soon? Probably not. Gold? Probably not. Bitcoin? Easily. People think it's going to fizzle out at 600k as it supercedes gold as the de facto store of value? Why would it stop there if it's better than gold in every way? Paradigm shifts take time, but expect this to fucking murder over the next 10 years. Boomers were given cheap equities, real estate and bonds. We have none of that along with highly inflationary and unsustainable Keynesian monetary policy. Hello. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to get into the new store of value and frontrun institutions to boot. Anyone not investing just doesn't understand everything that's going on.

>> No.23984085

>all these people here fud bitcoin
Think about it like shitposting but instead of wasting time, it’s wasting money.... financially ruining newfags and brainlets

>> No.23984114
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Just bought $500 more, waiting for more NEETBUX

>> No.23984132

Arya Stark asked if she should long it and everybody went full schizo like normie money cooming in is a good thing

>> No.23985137

fiat is ded

>> No.23985160

Throw it all in RSR, it's going to moon.

>> No.23985288

XRP until 12th december or retarded

>> No.23985324

I know its so cheap i buy more everyday

>> No.23986375

you will always need emergency cash. so no. keep the 3k. you never know.

>> No.23986401

you should develop basic competency with all asset classes and dca into all of them to varying degrees while buying dips and relative values

>> No.23986544


> Are you going to make a 2x on stocks anytime soon? Probably not.

I made 2x on stocks by buying the dip in march

>> No.23986836

I'm going to put some winnings into USD in a Bank because that's one asset that hackers or malfunction or mistake won't destroy. Spread your assets out. Some in bitcoin, some in stablecoins, some into stocks and other cryptos, and some into USD.

>> No.23987000

If you dont need it
If you'll need it

>> No.23987200


I mean of coarse after the bullrun, before the bullrun having some 'emergency cash" I guess makes sense, too. Just a hedge against risk.