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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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23988755 No.23988755 [Reply] [Original]

Serious answers only
Where is the bottom this time ?
I lost so much money trading this and I now have a short going swell. Need to know when to stop cause I was liquidated last time when it jumped from 1.7$ to 2.4

>> No.23988815

Why are you shorting during a bull trend?

>> No.23988825

How do you lose money on something that was given to you?

>> No.23988880

Because UNI don’t follow the bull trend, and let’s face it, bitcoin is gonna dump soon too

Because there was a lot more to make than just a PS5 ans I got greedy

>> No.23988913

buy bancor retard. 4000% apr on USDT pool

>> No.23988935

>Serious answers only
nigger tongue my anus

>> No.23988940

No I’m shorting UNI and I’m out, crypto is in a 2017 style bubble rn

>> No.23988953

you're a retard that has no idea what they are talking about and you're absolutely getting liquidated again faggot

>> No.23989014

What I mean is BTC will have a correction retard ofc you’ll get your 100k BTC eventually

>> No.23989030
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>he's right.
bancor liquidity mining on bancor.network is where its at right now. 1st reward pools are ETH WBTC USDT USDC DAI LINK OCEAN and renBTC. Bancor is the only AMM with reward multipliers for long term LPs, impermanent loss protection and single asset staking. way more lucrative and safer than uniswap and sushiswap. full liquidity mining program is going to be 72 weeks long. everything u need to know is here --> https://twitter.com/Bancor/status/1328439884168761344?s=20

>> No.23989246

UNI blessed me with unexpected free money at the moment when I needed something to cheer me up. I'm with UNI 100%

>> No.23989252

>crypto is in a bubble
ok cool, you're right crypto is all a big bubble, FIAT money is real!! go buy gold and fuck off

>> No.23989783


Price is going down now because UNI liquidity mining ended yesterday. People are claiming their rewards and selling more than there is a demand for so price goes down. Will likely continue into the weekend because not everyone has time to claim and sell instantly.

In a couple of weeks max price will start going up again, so if you want in buy anywhere between 7-14 days from now


>> No.23989964

I literally picked up my free 400 uni and did not sell. I wont sell next time it goes past $8 and I won't sell if it dips to $1. It's the biggest DEX, people will be losing their minds in two years when they are told at one point people got dropped 400 uni. Still, impatient little faggots like you manage to lose money, it's unbelievable. Make sure you set your leverage higher so you go homeless quicker.

>> No.23990115

I can see it now-
>You were given 400 uni, for free, just for using it in 2020?!?

>> No.23990206

>I lost so much money trading this and I now have a short going swell
Thanks for the buy signal.

>> No.23990296


>> No.23990358

I'll increase my bag to 1000 UNI, thanks for the heads up

>> No.23990952


It just pumps

>> No.23991007
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You know that you are on /biz/ right?

>> No.23991087

Not a single serious answer thanks

>> No.23991255

just look at the chart, $3.50 has been holding pretty strong

>> No.23991629

Fuck yeah need to stop being greedy, got you

>> No.23991789

Closed the short. Still not enough. I guess I’ll stay in the race a bit longer