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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24149883 No.24149883 [Reply] [Original]

I make 10,000 € a month using adsense and affiliate links. For someone that lives in a 2rd tier eastern european country, I can preety much say I made it bros

>> No.24149917
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pretty based

>> No.24149933

we are all gonna make it bro

>> No.24149949

nice, dude

>> No.24149950

enjoy! well done
how are you wasting youe time now? new hobbys?

>> No.24149970

Teach me your ways eurorich

>> No.24149971

€10k is prob 0.01% income level in EE
how long did it take you to get there?

>> No.24150014

Based czech anon
I've done something similar before but not nearly with the same results as you.

>> No.24150032
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how u do it

>> No.24150144

appreciate it bros. finally moved out, bought myself a house, bought a car. probably gonna buy some second hand cars and rent them to uber drivers

find a niche, register a domain, build the site, make it fast and clean, start writing articles for the next 4-5 months by youself, then pay pajeets 5€ per article. I usually order 3 articles per week.
A site like that can bring you between 200€ to 1,000€ per month.
Now imagine if you have 10 or 15 sites. Ad revenue. Target anglo countries as it pays better.

>> No.24150160

Wow I can’t even get one ref noob using my links :/ congrats budy

>> No.24150188

first money start coming in month 3, 2 years passed since then

>> No.24150248

What type of content? What type of products? How to find a niche? Appreciate.

>> No.24150310

can you give an example of what an article might look like anon? even if it's not yours? i just want to get an idea of it. I've been trying to get started.

>> No.24150450

no one in his right mind who does this will stay his niche.
but, i'll give you an exemple and you can take it for there

-football, there are over 3,5 billion football fans in this world

then google
-armenian football, there are over 1,5 million armenians living in the us. i don't think there is a site about the armenian football for the english speaking armenians, so there is your niche. ofc this will be hard as you have to extract info from armenian sites, but this is a solid exemple

think among those lines and i'm sure you will find something.

>> No.24150482

have you ever heard of a guy called lazy ass stoner? if so, is what you do similar to him?

>> No.24150495

nono i would never ask about your niche. I just want to see what kind of article you could right about. don't post yours. i just want to see how the grammar looks. or how people cover the subject. and how many words you should write.

>> No.24150555

any good wordpress/squarespace themes?
i am looking for a blog theme with support for youtube video posts.

>> No.24150582

thanks for answering question fren
can you post an example of a good site (not yours)?

>> No.24150654

yes it is, when I got started, watched his channel. also for info there is blackhatworld

it depends on what you build your site for. Right now, I'm preety lazy so as you see my english isn't that great. But you would need to know how to write a good article. Without many grammatical mistakes and be somewhat coherent. It's also important to gather as much information and not bs people. As probably they'll never return to your site. Create quality.

ahh it's so fucking annoying, good that pajets do it now. if you choose to go in news, write news. if you choose history go in history and so on

>> No.24150701

choose a niche and find the best site that is your competition, then copy what they do

>> No.24150706

well thank you anon. can you recommend a youtube channel for making a quick website?

i understand somewhat. you use wordpress right?

>> No.24150757

don't pay the wordpress theme jews, i gell all my shit from festinger vault. research him and come up with your conclusion, i'd say it's worth it

>> No.24150821

i'd recommand elementor + astra
just watch 4-5 site building tutorials on wordpress until you get the idea and choose what website builder + themes you wanna work with, then go with festinger vault

>> No.24150885

thank you so much euro anon!!! ill be watching this after dinner and get started

>> No.24150932

is it really that feasible? I watched his videos like years ago and never really got into it because everyone told me it was too saturated

>> No.24150967

no worries, there are some anons out there that, when I didn't had a bread on my table, set me up and gave me the good info
probably is time to give back

>> No.24151032

as i said, it depends on the nieche, if you find something good, you will recive good traffic and money from ads.
you make a site about best american burgers, it's likely there are 1000 just like that and won't get any traffic

>> No.24151041

Are you from the Czech Republic? I used to do pretty black hat SEO and was making good money from it for a couple of years ($15k+ per month). Unfortunately it didn't last. Now I'm trying to build a completely whitehat site but it takes so much longer compared to the blackhat stuff I used to do.

If you're really making $10k a month why are you still using adsense and not a premium ad network like Mediavine or Adthrive, you could more than double your earnings if you use those.

Blackhatworld has decent info but there's also a lot of garbage posts that you have to wade through & many of the link building services are trash.

>> No.24151069

nice, congrats bro

i tried it this year and built two sites, but only got like 100 visitors in 6 months in the two sites, zero sales, feels bad

>> No.24151133

from Romania, on some i run adsense, on some I run affiliate, will look in your advice and see what I can work from there
what blackhat did you do? what went wrong?

>> No.24151145


>> No.24151157

I see I think I get it now, the niche is the most important thing and as long as its not something others are doing it shouldn't be saturated, thanks anon I'm going to try to find a niche and make a website now

>> No.24151161

thanks mate

>> No.24151223

Blackhat SEO in a very spammy niche (think game hacks but with a different twist). It was doomed to fail at some point but I was a naive kid when I started and assumed I would always be able to rebuild it once it got hit by an algo update. I managed to rebuild it a couple of times but eventually the method I was using didn't work any more.

Mediavine and Adthrive are really good but you do need 50k monthly visitors to apply for Mediavine and 100k monthly to apply for Adthrive. If you're monetizing many different sites it might be hard to get accepted if none of them meet those requirements.

>> No.24151247
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Do you use any new Defi now?
What is your opinion/view about DYMMAX: dymmax.com
Found this platform on Probit, they added a referral program there, looks good. They have super liquidity and pro crew

>> No.24151330

How many daily visits do you need to your website for a significant revenue?

>> No.24151363

so basically you were running bots that using proxies would click on your ads?
so 50k and 100k, that should work. have multiple sites that meet that bar, can apply with as many as I want right?

>> No.24151366

so fake and gay
every week those shill threads

>> No.24151403

Where do you build your websites? Wordpress?

>> No.24151425

>$10k a month
>writing bs articles in a niche
>having pajeets write 99% of the articles

kek. no way this is true. who the fuck would visit such a site?

>> No.24151457

Is Festinger from BHW legit? It looks like he is offeringba good service for a decent price. I'm afraid tho' there might be some malware in php files that the offers.

>> No.24151476

hey bro don't have any questions to ask, just have to say props for thinking of something smart and committing to it, you deserve the success m8

>> No.24151595

How often would you have to publish a new article on your site?

>> No.24151609

offering a good service

>> No.24151619

Where do you recruit pajeets to order articles for you?

>> No.24151665

No, it was all real people, no bots, and no ads. It was all income from affiliate networks. Mostly got paid when they completed a survey or downloaded an app.

Yeah you can apply with as many as you want I believe. How many sites are in your portfolio?

I've never personally used any of his stuff so I don't know. Only heard good things about it though.

>> No.24151693
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Op isn’t lying
I have a website that’s semi seasonal. It hit 3k this year in a high month but has settled down to 2k a month. Some tips if any of you want to do this, think long term and something value based.

Evergreen topics vs fads. Example “How to grow a tomato” is evergreen. Provide value and you blow a guy like OP out of the water. Not to 10k a month, I’m talking 50k. I know people like this, I plan to get there.

>> No.24151881

What affect networks are good nowadays? I was making bank in 2008 off CPAempire which later changed to affiliate.com

The Panda Algo update crashed my income from 8k a month to zero, so I've been a wage ever since.

>> No.24151992

have 12 atm who are doing alright. started 2 more this month who don't produce nothing yet, but fucking corona almost killed the sport and travel ones tho,'

blackhatworld and also fiverr

appreciate it man, thanks

he is good, you got everything right there lay'd out for you, most of the themes and plugins

you know bros, when i'll be in my 30's i'm thinking to buy a seat in the parliament wich goes for 60,000-70,000€

>> No.24152064

Yeah it's heartbreaking to have that happen. I know the feeling. Luckily, because I saved most of my income, I haven't had to go get a job yet.

Since most traffic is mobile now OGAds is pretty good because they offer incentive app installs. Adgatemedia & CPAGrip are also good. I've also used Maxbounty for a more whitehat project. If you're doing something whitehat I'd probably go with Maxbounty.

Nice man. Yeah I can imagine that those niches took a big hit. Maybe some other niches made up for it though by increasing in traffic, such as gaming?

>> No.24152303

How much traffic are you getting and what is your EPM?

>> No.24152342

as I see it, the gaming nieche it's kinda of saturated, was thinking about starting a site about esports news but there are 10 just like that and i can't see what i can bring extra to the table

>> No.24152381


Need some good SEO articles? 4cent/word is my rate. 3/wd for you fren.

>> No.24152434



“Stainless steel propane penis pumps”
Is much more lucrative than “penis pumps” for instance.

It only takes time and dedication

>> No.24152814

well done bro, congrats to your success. appreciate you are sharing your knowledge with us. we need more of you.