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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24171751 No.24171751 [Reply] [Original]

First of all that I'm a greedy retard.
okay let's start now.
1 - be reasonable, no nothing is going to moon 5min after you bought
2 - either go btc maxie (safest bet) or do something like a cycle BTC->eth->alts
3 - don't put too much of your portfolio into an alt
4 - don't diversify too much before you reach 10k
5 - when you diversify, take the profits from one alt and put them on an alt you lost from
6 - selling at +10% is actually a good choice in times of uncertainty (I always waited for more and ended up making more losses than gains)
7 - Don't invest in alts you don't trust? Why would you buy dips on a shitcoin you don't trust, that's a stupid gamble even if it's a dip.
8 - whenever eth or dot moons some alt tied to the mooned coin will follow soon
9 - LTC correlates with btc and stays healthy during btc movements
10 - mind your decisions, don't do too many of them and reap profits when you see some, it's a grind not a astronaut mission.
11 - hodling probably beats all of the above

>> No.24171826

Always nice reading tips from olderfags. Have a bump.

>> No.24171846

idk if I can be considered an oldfag I joined biz in 2017 we are just older newfags

>> No.24171892

Fucking retarded advice. What is happening right now is fundamentally different than normie fomo.

If you aren't 90% in established crypto you will be annihilated.

>> No.24171921

>3 - don't put too much of your portfolio into an alt
looks like someone wasn't all in link over the past years

>> No.24171955

Great advice OP. We’re gonna make it

>> No.24171976

>established crypto
That's 80% of my £15,300 portfolio atm.

>> No.24171986

That's I said olderfag
I think to be a oldfag you gotta put in a decade of service

>> No.24172021

>just came back
Holy shit biz is retarded where have you been since the summer I 7x my portfolio since then and 4x since my 2017 high and all your blog points are shit especially number

>> No.24172030

what do you mean established crypto?

>> No.24172078

I been in since 2013.
Here's what I learned - it's simple:
>BTC goes fast enough, stop trying to outpace it. BTC is an elevator to wealth.
>Depending on your age, take more or less risk.
>I'm 40 - I'm 75% BTC, 20% ETH and 5% XRP
>If you put in $100k now you will be a millionaire at the peak. Appreciate that - you are doing fuck all and becoming a millionaire.
>Don't take risks because you want to be a millionaire 'faster'. Calm the fuck down and appreciate.

>> No.24172118

>11 - hodling probably beats all of the above
Wise words anon

>> No.24172152
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>11 - hodling probably beats all of the above
this is the way

>> No.24172242
File: 50 KB, 750x1035, 02DC2B3F-C008-4E84-ABC9-9C93EBC91C1D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is way better advice than OP. You’re going to get absolutely destroyed if you take OP’s advice, by flipping from coin to coin you’re going to eventually make one wrong move and your entire net worth will evaporate before the bull market even takes off, adding insult to injury.

Just buy blue chip crypto and hold it (BTC ETH LINK) and stop getting overly greedy. If you find yourself being unsatisfied with 10x to 20x gains and think you need more, you’re going to end up crashing and burning somewhere along the way.

>> No.24172262

i feel you i joined biz in 2017 and feel like a newfag.
but secured 85k link though

>> No.24172385

Not to mention as well that you’re gonna be on the hook for paying capital gains taxes on all your coin to coin trades (at least if you’re a burger) and even if you lose all your money on some exit scam or black swan event that crashes the coin or coins you hold, you still are on the hook for paying that big ass tax bill

>> No.24172419

I never said to flip I said if you ned to flip do it safe with btc and eth before going into degen alts.
And it's also the way money flows in this market, frst btc then ETH and maybe DOT and LINK and then promising alts.

>> No.24172468

Basically complete garbage advice, OP. How much are you up from your 2017/18 high?

>5 - when you diversify, take the profits from one alt and put them on an alt you lost from

yea bro, sell the winners to buy more losers! Great plan.

>4 - don't diversify too much before you reach 10k

I think you meant "at all" and "5mil"

>> No.24172539

Yeah if you know what you’re doing, but most newfags don’t, they’ll end up fomoing at the top of one token before the one they are already holding starts to pump. The message I’m trying to say is that a 10x is a beautiful thing and most people who jump from coin to coin get buttfucked in the end. Why take such a huge risk in the first place? Would you rather take a 10x with a 95% shot, or a 100x with a 5% shot?

>> No.24172586
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>I think you meant "at all" and "5mil"
OK mate, calm down

>> No.24172652

>Would you rather take a 10x with a 95% shot, or a 100x with a 5% shot?

The red pill is that the highest x gainers are also the highest % of success, kek.

People come into this game vaguely aware of "risk vs. reward" concepts and so think that taking more risk ---> potentially more reward. i.e. finding the absolute fucking worst shitcoin imaginable and thinking that means it "might" produce higher gains.

The opposite is true. There is a smallish sub-set of coins which are both the highest gainers and the safest/most likely gainers. The rest have low returns, and low chance of even that.

People split off 1% or their portfolio here or 2% there, into utter garbage that WILL die, because it feels like those are the ones that "might" run 1000x or whatever. But actually they're the ones that, if they do pump at all, will pump the least. Because they're shit and no one wants them.

>> No.24172774

You made great use of the black swan but how did you 4x after that?

>> No.24173279

200x but thats unfair since I rode btc from 250$ to 20k and then went all in into ICX making another 5x. And then I lost some and took profits. Now I reinvested 6k and lost around 20% already kek.

>> No.24173302

before you all lose your shit my initial investment was unironically 25 swiss francs into btc at 250$ so I had around 0.1 btc when btc was at 20k.

>> No.24173423

I've been on 4chan on and off since 2009 but most of that time was spent on /b/, then /r9k/, then /pol/. I only started going on /biz/ in April, but I'm glad I even got on that early when stinkies were $4 and efferiums were $200.

>> No.24173688

yeah, it's not normie fomo.... yet! but once it becomes normie fomo the advice might be mostly sound.

>> No.24173729

2011 for me and it was /b/ and /sci/
since I rejoined biz 2 weeks ago I lost 25% of my pf from doing too many moves, I really have to stop, I'm breathin crypto right now.

>> No.24173761

They explain why retarded alts are mooning by 50-30% in a day

>> No.24173765

>it's a grind not a astronaut mission.
it will look that if retail fomo starts though. even ultra-shit-tier coins would do several X in a day.

>> No.24173774
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100% LINK since 2017, no fucks given.

>> No.24173780

absolutely THIS!

>> No.24173856

>130iq post
added to what you've said.
Its amazing that retards dont understand that billions in capital can *only* be put into an asset where that injected capital doesn't destroy the price. a retard buying $50m marketcap shitcoin because "it might moon" doesn't get that a giga-whale cannot physically buy in because $500k buy in would destroy the order book and hence remove his profit
hence the bigger get bigger.
Buy and hold btc is all one needs to do.

>> No.24173912

All else is luck, thats it.
The only mechanical thing i would say is when eth hits .1 sats, this is probably an exit signal for eth, probably.
Me, i am never selling but another anon made a good argument for this as a rule.

>> No.24174123
File: 194 KB, 960x882, 6B8F37D9-CA69-48A4-9D87-6CC8B25A2448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eventually they ALL moon. If you discover a coin in the top 100 that hasn’t mooned (not stablecoins obv) BUY IT. And sell the pump, don’t get greedy.

Back in 17 there were threads like “WTF why is DOGE mooning it’s a shitty unfunny meme coin,” and the answer is they are ALL mooning.

>> No.24174179

I went all-in into ETH at $40 and it was far from established.

>> No.24174298

12 - coffee is good for you
13 - the biggest waste of time is to compare yourself to others
14 - being kind costs nothing
15 - don't believe the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon
16 - you're not shy: you are undiscovered
17 - a live well lived will contain pain - the alternative is not to live at all
18 - your mother will die in her sleep unless you reply to this post