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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 129 KB, 1579x888, chainlink-vs-xrp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24190664 No.24190664 [Reply] [Original]

Link or XRP? Which should I literally put my balls on the line for?

>> No.24190692

XLM if you want to make it.

>> No.24190704

Don’t put your balls on the line. That said, buy some xrp.

>> No.24190731

XRP for sure my man

>> No.24190741

XRP is unironically the best way to transact in cryptocurrencies with right now
If we're ever going to take cryptocurrencies seriously and start transact in it, XRP and the banks backing is really going to be the standard

LINK on the other hand can revolutionize shit with their oracle shit but is this just a meme?

Help me anons

>> No.24190757

Why would you go with XLM over XRP? Honest question. I don't understand, it's basically just XRP but with none of institutional links. To me it feels like a fake competitor / duopoly, so Ripple can dominate the space

>> No.24190778


>> No.24190784
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>> No.24190793

my schizo brain is telling me 50/50 because both divide into two different timelines

>one is great reset
>one is XRP jew timeline maybe idk

either way im going to one of them

>> No.24190812
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Don't buy the flower buy the garden

>> No.24190837

I don’t think you can wrong with either

But you can get xrp cheaper right now

>> No.24190850
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>> No.24190863

buy 90% XRP then 10% on more XRP then sell your shitty car buy XRP then buy a lambo dont lose this opportunity

>> No.24190866

LINK for if the globalists win
XRP for it the patriots win

>> No.24190880
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>> No.24190892

cheaper is relevant to the use in either timeline

maybe xrp is 2k EOY maybe link is 81k idk

>> No.24190907

XRP is like 50 cents, you get 30 xrp for each link, what do you think.

>> No.24190911

shills want you to trade link for xrp

>> No.24190918

XRP is at 25B market cap, third biggest how is it cheaper?
I can unironically see it surpass Bitcoin though if it really becomes the medium of exchange in the crypto space
If we're ever going to start transact in cryptos it's going to have to be in something fast and pretty institutionally backed, i can see it be xrp, it won't be bitcoin

>> No.24190950

911 GET

>> No.24190956

xrp has way higher mc retard

>> No.24190971

neither moron, you will always be desperate

>> No.24190988

This threads amaze me. I literally can’t even fathom not having both.

>> No.24190997

Easily XRP. It is .60 cents compared to LINK's $15. Has a lot of room to catch up.

>> No.24191008

>thinking normies care about market cap

>> No.24191014

and 100x more supply lmao. this fucking board.

>> No.24191038

>4th IR
>a fifth of the mc of xrp
>great reset

>muh banks
>schizos trying to shill it like marines

>> No.24191049

Post portfolios so i know you guys arent pajeets

>> No.24191061

This. If you’re new, buy xrp. Listen to us oldfags. Get 2k xrp and be set for like 2025

>> No.24191094
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>> No.24191097

How is xrp any less globalist? It could even be considered more so

>> No.24191108

With jews you lose.

>> No.24191129

Bought ripple

>> No.24191172

Imagine diversifying like a retard

What if XRP moons and LINK stagnates and you'll sit there wasted 50% of your opportunity baka

>> No.24191179

See you at 2k end of year my fren.

>> No.24191185

Doesn't matter. You will be shilled either way

>> No.24191198
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>you just booked a ticket to elitehood

>> No.24191221

Im up 100% already this is pretty based

>> No.24191236

watched a few few interviews with Admiral Rogers earlier today, made my choice. Swapped all cl for xrp. #feelsgood

>> No.24191261
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>> No.24191276

Lmao these are the retards pumping xrp right now. Cause it’s “cheap”

>> No.24191305

LINK vs XRP is the Intercontinental Belt match-up on the undercard.

>> No.24191320

Link. No question.

>> No.24191408

>patriots = central banks
Is this bait?

>> No.24191419

I have both. you never know how shit is going to play out.

>> No.24191505

the central banks all have loans from the fed, the us treasury tells the fed what to do now, via Mnuchin.

>> No.24191581

Do you really think Central Banks will accept your filthy 4chan scam coin or XRP? like are you really this stupid? bro just go get chuck ee chease coins bro the FED might accept them too. BUY XRP YOU IDIOT

>> No.24191855

LINK=Schwab/Cabal/Great Reset
XRP=Kikes/Trump/Finance 2.0

>> No.24191867

why would something that has a high normie usage also have a high price? i do not understand this logic. wouldn't be the opposite? that it would stabilize quickly and give gains? you have a reddit mindset if you think any of these shitcoins will see wide usage as actual currencies
pinigt. ta livet av dig.

>> No.24191921

Implying the great reset isn't the joo timeline

>> No.24191929

Do it the kike way. Play both sides.

>> No.24191958

top 5 coin under a dollar coincidentally moons at the same time Bitcoin is doing well. Totally because of insider trading on big news to be revealed and not normies just FOMO buying a cheap, high ranking crypto.

>> No.24192027
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>> No.24192051
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The greatest trick /biz/ every pulled was convincing newfags for the past 3 years that link is a meme.

"link is a meme" *is* a meme.

>> No.24192090
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xrp you idiot, thank us later, that goes to all you newfags too

>> No.24192183

wow nice! when u gonna sell? I'm waiting for xrp to hit $25 before I sell 10% personally

>> No.24192206

Just go into something and hold nigger. We are on the verge of the next golden bullrun.

>> No.24192247


>> No.24192287
File: 185 KB, 450x1208, Lord_of_the_LINK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 for the oldfags with stacks to protect,
7 for the chink lords with their shills and schemes,
9 for the redditors, doomed to be rekt,
1 for the Big Mac and his marines,
In the land of /biz/rael where the dubs are chekd.

One coin to link them all, One coin to reign them,
One coin to see them all, and with oracles chain them,
In the land of /biz/rael where the dubs are chekd.

Much that once was is lost. For few now lurk who remember it. It began with the great minting of the cryptocurrencies. Three were accumulated by the oldfags, autistic and lowest time preference of all HODLers. Seven to the Chink lords, great preminers and scammers behind their great firewall. And nine, nine coins were shilled by the soibois of reddit -- who above all else, desire upvotes. For within these coins was bound the tech, hype, and will to /make it/

But they were all of them deceived, for another token was made... By a fat philosophy major, in a small bathroom stall at Sibos, the Big Mac Sirgay made in obscurity a master coin, to link all others. And into his LINK he poured his autism, his hunger for Big Macs, and his will to flush all middlemen down the toilet. One coin to rule them all. One by one, the shill threads of /biz/rael fell to the power of the LINK and its marines. But there were some who resisted. A last alliance was formed of maximalists, redditors, and pajeets and in the threads of /biz/ a great campaign of FUD was waged against Sergey and the link marines. Liquidation was near, but the power of the LINK could not be undone.

It was at this moment, when the price had almost flushed to triple digit sats, that /biz/ildur, pinkest of wojaks, followed the breadcrumbs, dumped his 2017 altcoin bags, and market bought his suicide stack. And from that point, LINK dumped no more. The NoLinkers, enemies of all things green and gainful, were destined to eternal cope and the swingies of little faith would forever get the rope.

>> No.24192310

Link was good for what it's worth, but XRP is like original BTC bullrun.

>> No.24192329
File: 339 KB, 2048x1362, 1605646489137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For kek wills and the digits confirm that at the end of the golden bull run, when 1k EOY is FUD, every node is linked and staking, and the nocoiners in their ignorant hubris are reduced to pods and bugs, that Big Serg will lead the OG's, the marines, and even a few lucky newfrens on white yachts across a sea of salty normie tears to the citadel of the NEET's, where the Big Mac sauce will flow like water and tendies will be served on platters of silver and gold by endless waifus of each linky's choosing. Each and every linky forever and eternally stinky...

>> No.24192346

is it though?

>> No.24192374

Retard poorfag here, bought $300 of XRP last week. Keep hold? And until when? Going for long term, get paid Friday night invest more.

>> No.24192552

it didn't moon yet, wait before it reaches $20 at last (even if it would be stupid to sell even then)

>> No.24192676

So Mnuchin's a good guy? You realize he's from Goldman Sachs right?

>> No.24192770
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>this thread

Holy shit this board is retarded now. I'm assuming some are joking but still. Where did all of these people come from? How can you be using this board and not even understand market cap..

>> No.24192784

the people who made the most off btc are the ones who forgot they owned any. lock them away and don't even think about selling them for a while. trust me, you don't want to sell at like $3 and see it pump to the hundreds or even thousands.

>> No.24192885

I'm wondering the same thing. I read those posts several times and I still can't decide if they're bait or if there are people actually this retarded on here

>> No.24192943
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kek, the flippening is soon

>> No.24192967

holy based

>> No.24193008

He isn't in control, he does what he's told.

>> No.24193314

Yeah? And who's in control? Trump? What if Trump doesn't win his legal battles to retain the presidency? Was he even really in control in the first place? Even Trump was bankrolled by billionaires like Mercer.
It just seems like we're headed for a neo-feudalism and the elites are jostling over who will win the right to rule us.

>> No.24193472

Hopefully the west--constitutionalists
maintaining a stranglehold on the finance system seems logical through xrp, the fed isn't a headless institution anymore, direct treasury control. I'll pass on the social credit system being set up.

>> No.24193487

Based schizo

>> No.24193501

sirghey is unironically helping the communists.

>> No.24193556

There both globalist but xrp is way more so

>> No.24193581

They're the same technology

>> No.24193627

Another faggot who doesn't understand supply and market cap. Too many newfags in here gambling

>> No.24193663

2k equal a 90 trillion dollar mc. Someone doesn't understand basic finance

>> No.24193688
File: 6 KB, 200x193, 0758 - ONhLzZi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how many pajeets are in here

>> No.24193725

I have xrp and I’m about to buy link , just get both , it’s a hard decision , also get at least 500 rlc

>> No.24193774

XRP. Link has already gone 100x in a couple years. Its done for a long time.

>> No.24193785

The Biden administration appears to be ready to push for an accelerated destruction of the west. Just look at this Kamala Harris tweet from right before the election:

>> No.24193814


>> No.24193855

im expecting dead to rights military tribunals to begin soon. Imagine thinking the dems won, lol.

>> No.24193929

he doesn’t have both

>> No.24194051

It is cheap. XRP is super undervalued right now. Anything below $1 (which we will reach by end of this week) is a bargain. You had 3 years, soon most will be priced out of a decent stack

>> No.24194109

Then you're more optimistic than I am. I sure hope you're right though.

>> No.24194154


>> No.24194864

your two shits wont 100x, but Geeq will (partnered with Link) why cant u understand

>> No.24194892


>> No.24194905

you should swing trade back and forth between both

>> No.24195111


I stack both

>> No.24195156
File: 72 KB, 499x603, 1548197740964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 XRP, 1k XLM, 100 linkies

will I make it?

>> No.24195177

XRP if you want to make a little money
Link if you want to post your losses in a few months as a meme

>> No.24195207

are you gonna infest every xrp thread with your autistic screeching today?

>> No.24195216

Half of 1 XRP and you'll make it, fren.

2trillion eoy

>> No.24195838
File: 12 KB, 273x185, 059EFD94-2332-4FA9-AEEE-667C04BF617A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XRP will need Chainlink.

>> No.24195867

The flippening is upon us, gentlemen.

>> No.24195990

How has this board been infested with XRP retards. I honestly can't tell if they're sarcastic or spastic.

XRP pumping is funny, but whoever doesn't jump out in time is going to have heavy bags.

Buy LINK idiots

>> No.24196161


>> No.24196253
File: 431 KB, 945x745, 1568399993523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4ir brought about by a fatass russian who owns all the supply and dumps all the time and is unarticulated and stupid.

linkers (or rather paid indian shills) actually think this. fuck off to mumbai faggot, i hope link crashses

no it won't, lies

LOL, never buying links, never peddaling links, always going to spread truth around the scam that is russo-vaporware link

fuck your sirgay

>> No.24196306

Is this bait? If you’re investing then all that matters is the % difference between when you buy and when you sell the specific price doesn’t matter you absolute retard

>> No.24196345

I've just come back to trading crypto after like a year and a half. I've got 500 in btc just to use as a start to begin trading and what not.

Wtf is up with xrp? thats ripple right? last i checked it was 28 cents

>> No.24196357

now THAT’s what I call bait

>> No.24196422

Why the fuck is /biz so all or nothing?

Get Btc eth link, some xrp incase the schizos are on to something. Don’t go all in on anything unless its btc for a safe 3-10x

>> No.24196528

XRP for patriots?!?!?!?


No. Get in the oven.

>> No.24196535

Biz is no longer the place to ask questions, do your own research and buy both for now. The amount of newfag completely green XRP and CHainlinkers is actually scaring me, unless it’s fud that goes over my head(but wtf are these blockfolios with 300 or less link)

>> No.24196542

6k XRP
120 LINK

Poorfag holding out until I make it

>> No.24196563

When I make it this is the video I will show all the normies around me.

>> No.24196852

There’s 40 billion total supply of xrp vs. 1 billion for link

>> No.24196872

Link is $15 and XRP is still sub $1. XRP has way more moon potential.

>> No.24196980

if you still cant tell if link is a meme, you are literally never going to make it. fucking retard.

>> No.24197051

Based retarded twitter normie.

>> No.24197069

so is that what this is? jews raiding biz try to get their cRIppled coin in?

the only thing against the jews is decentralisation. Link at least claims to aspire that. Ripple sold out on the concept long ago.

>> No.24197404

look at chainlink chart and click 'all'
look at xrp chart and click 'all'

>> No.24197468

LINK = eastern europeans, russians and chinks

XRP = western people, USA, EU,Japan,UK

choose your side

>> No.24197717
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>> No.24197801


>> No.24197819

LINK is a meme it will never go past $1
XRP is a meme it will never go past $1

>> No.24198067

i remember when you could get 30 link for 1 xrp...

>> No.24198254

People forget that the price you pay matters. Why would you buy something that you're already priced out of (BTC) when you can eclipse those potential returns with XLM, XRP, LINK, etc. and then convert some of it over to BTC later. If BTC rises, altcoins (with institutional interest; solidly backed) will (should) offer rewarding returns. They haven't been decoupled. Buy both.

>> No.24198877

Someone doesn't understand market cap

>> No.24198973

I remember when you could buy you're mum for 1 xrp oh wait thats now

>> No.24198989

all in on xrp and xlm
link will never break 20 again

>> No.24199898

>unironically the best way
evidence needed to back up that statement.

A fool and his money are easily parted. This board is filled with bot posts. I've never met anyone that's a huge fan of XRP.

>Central Banks
Can you tell us one reason why we'd want to give our money to a bank when real cryptocurrency and Defi let you control it yourself?

So many Pajeets. Very confident.

>> No.24200161

Niggers, if of course /biz/ is gonna shill you link. This board at its peak probably held anywhere from 5-15% of total supply. XRP on the other hand is not something we actually have a material vested interest in. It’s fair game and free for all. Anyway what’s a few dollarinos for a 1k suicide stack at the minimum?

>> No.24200198


>> No.24200214

This is a sell signal for XRP if I’ve ever seen one.

>> No.24200414

100k stack is to 10k stacklets what 10k stack is to 1k stacklets what 1k stack is to 100 stacklets what 100 stack is to 10 stacklets. When LINK is $100 a 100 LINK stack will be a thousand fucking dollars, I remember when 100 LINK was dirt fucking cheap. Crazy

>> No.24200512

XRP imo has already mooned enough, esp considering BTC will likely be surpassing 20k in Q1 2021. LINK hasn't budged. It's LINK's turn sooner than XRP's turn, speaking in as-current-as-possible terms.

>> No.24200584

You might be retarded

>> No.24201474

Discord trannies are out in force tonight

>> No.24202678

XRP is centralized garbage. who cares, it finally 2x'd after years where so many others have done that and more (LINK has more than 10x'd since 2017).

>> No.24202778


>> No.24203497

they have a foothold in SA

>> No.24203648

Do you understand scarcity?

>> No.24203750
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>> No.24204459

In the time it took for you to make this decision, XRP increased by 20%