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24587871 No.24587871 [Reply] [Original]

Why are institutions buying bitcoin at 19,000?

>> No.24587889
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Because they know it's going to $250,000.

>> No.24587965


>> No.24587979


>> No.24587989


Below 40k is pretty good entry

>> No.24587990

Maybe but there’s gonna be a million dumps before then

>> No.24588006

because they usualy are in it for the long term, so the price now is irrelevante, they aren't traders, they want it now, they buy it now.

>> No.24588036

You’ll never be a woman

>> No.24588179

it’s a bait tactic. They’ll take profit at $20k and crash it down to $3.5k. Trust me, I’m a professional trader

>> No.24588234

They aren't. It's Tether trying another weekend pump.

>> No.24588256

They are not, retard

>> No.24588260

trust me, I'm a pro..

>> No.24588265

Makes absolutely no sense since they are accumulating bags that are enormous. Whales are holding more BTC than the retail traders so if they crash the price to those levels they will lose way more money than they could gain from it. They will sell all their BTC below what they bought them for when they dump it and retail traders can easily get off the wild ride during the dumps whereas they are stuck holding billion $ bags.

>> No.24588282

Retard boomer stockholders are piloting the ship

>> No.24588360

t. priced out zitfaced loser

>> No.24588384

Imagine thinking institutions got in top of monthly candle over a 3 year period and a double top. You bullfags are crearly retarded. Institutions bought your bags at 3k.

>> No.24588433

good thing that their wallets are public and you can actually see that they aquired MASSIVE amounts of bitcoin the past months

>> No.24588441

That’s not how investors work and they could own twice as much when it drops

>> No.24588452

Btc isn’t going that low again I dont think. 6-10k

>> No.24588564
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boomers are retarded that's why
they are going to get dumped on

>> No.24588571

they are obviously laddering in they will buy over time and will buy every dip

>> No.24588578


>> No.24588588

you don't understand only a fraction of money that will ride the next hyperwave entered yet

>> No.24588590

Fuck outta here poorfag

>> No.24588608

They won't be selling. They are accumulating to sell on to their clients at a markup. It's win win for them and btc eth demand is growing from losers on wall street and tradish fossils who like precious metals

>> No.24588630

kill yourself bobo, you are sub100 iq

>> No.24588650
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>> No.24588681
File: 510 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_2020-12-01-23-59-54-606_com.android.chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still have this one saved

>> No.24588699

Because they want to dump it, and shake all little people out

That is... if it survives the reset ... in which case, if not, they could screw themselves

>> No.24588708

It’s too big to not sustain value

>> No.24588714

Larp. Bobo is bullish now? HAHAHAHAAHAH

>> No.24588725

Always has been.

>> No.24588738


Only one, with a completely retarded CEO

>> No.24588790
File: 86 KB, 355x461, 1266613060137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be private fund manager
>be 2011
>ignore crypto
>btc becomes best performing asset
>clients ask wtf is going on and why they don't have a small portion of their portfolio in crypto
>be 2013
>ignore crypto
>btc becomes best performing asset
>clients ask wtf is going on and why they don't have a small portion of their portfolio in crypto
>be 2017
>ignore crypto
>btc becomes best performing asset
>clients ask wtf is going on and why they don't have a small portion of their portfolio in crypto

IDK anon, you tell me why they started buying this year

>> No.24588914
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Some of them are just as dumb as retail investors. The others work with the cartel from behind the scenes.

>> No.24588925

I'm just waiting on the crash so I can buy in

>> No.24589019

How many people like you do you think there are?
It's only a matter of time until old bagholders are replaced with new buyers and they'll never sell below 20k again. Once 20k is accepted that's it. It'll shoot straight up. I dunno why people would risk missing that just to get in at 10% cheaper.

>> No.24589156

I mean if you already have decent size bags it is really reasonable that way. If it dips down to my target zones I might open a 2x or even 5x leverage position because I think the market is still very much bullish right now. However I am not gonna buy more at 19-20k area as I think there is more downside than upside in the short-mid term. Personally I dont have FOMO in the regard that I think even if I dont get all my money I want into BTC before the rocket starts then I can still wait for the altcoin rally afterwards to get it involved. And if not then I will just wait until the inevitable bear market after all of this and invest big once it is starting to turn around again.

>> No.24589176

Don’t buy anywhere near these prices this guy is an idiot

>> No.24589292
File: 62 KB, 644x800, 147456453578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wow a rando on twatter wrote something, it will come true!!111!11

>> No.24589348

Tyler Winklevoss is hardly a rando

>> No.24589433

they aren't. 2 or 3 are. Stop watching youtube and listening to the <22 year old stoner video game players who watch porn anons on here

>> No.24589505

This anon gets it. Decreasing supply with even constant demand would push the price up. Decreasing supply with rising demand? Moon mission. Wallstreet faggots could only dream of a 2x in the stock market...this is a given in Bitcoin. And probably much more. They will flock when they see their buddies getting richer than them. And we will dump our bags on these faggots, and all make it. Screenshot this non believers.

>> No.24589529
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he liked a random tweet

>> No.24589652

Which shows his opinion on the matter. What's hard to get about that?

>> No.24589700

because they want to have it

>> No.24589872

because in crypto noithing but bitcoin matters and they recognize it

>> No.24590114


>> No.24590138

it is what it is i doubt this time the market will exercise self restraint and sanity.

>> No.24590474
File: 86 KB, 593x586, 35_percent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you really wondering why?

>> No.24591362

they are keeping it suppressed at 19k to buy more. look at tesla early days, same story, simular point in its development/adoption curve.

>> No.24591559

my fucking sides

>> No.24591565

your wasting your time anon anyone who cares knows this already and anyone who doesnt know doesnt care

>> No.24591592


because they see the true value now

>> No.24591598

What the tweet there says is very important but what kills it for me is how the Y-axis is manipulated to look worse than it is. Also dollars are not being printed but rather added in digital form where they stay inside a liquidity trap that feeds stocks and bonds. Eventually it'll hit the street in some future, but if those bills really were circulating around the inflation that people in the US currently experiences on a daily basis would look like a joke in comparison. I say this from experience, I live in a country where currency is printed very frequently and I am also familiar with many financial engineering tricks that the treasury along with the central bank does to mask it not just in the stats but to delay the impact on the prices.
You guys are doomed because the day the dollar falls you wont have where to run, unless you are buying precious metals or bitcoin that is.

>> No.24591655
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The Winklevoss twins own about 90,000 BTC. If stock to flow isn't a meme, then they will be wealthier than Mark Zuckerberg in 5 years. And all they have to do is sit on their asses and just wait. That's pretty awesome.

>> No.24591704

unreal cosmic justice

>> No.24591770

It's ok kid. Grown up people invest in the stock market. Maybe one day you realize how retarded would be bitcoins market cap with that price.

>> No.24591772

I hope they buy Facebook, and redirect Zucks page to lemon party

>> No.24591859


>> No.24591895

Virtual money isn't money. Good luck transforming your BTC into USD while Zucky has its wealth readily and legally available.

>> No.24591910

Bobo, you're allowed to be on this board if you're short term bearish, sure, crypto always has corrections all the time
But if you're long term bearish you have failed the IQ test and I'm afraid you'll have to leave or we'll have to track you down and cut your balls off

>> No.24591945
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I want this to happen, fuck making it myself

>> No.24591987

250k is fud

>> No.24591990
File: 10 KB, 251x201, aaaaabobo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy at 19k
>go on Bloomberg, CNBC, MSNBC, CNN, Fox Business, and all the other news outlets
>"it's going to $300k!!!!"
>price goes up
>they sell

>> No.24592055

Zuck got wealth stox, and if he sells to much he loses control of fb