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2468974 No.2468974 [Reply] [Original]

I'm not gonna lie. I panicked sold half my swt when everyone else did. Is this over or is it going up again? Everyone hated the relsease video and he app but I feel like I was the only one who thought it was cool. Am I the only one who likes it and swarm city's vision? Plz help. I was all in on it but had weak hands.

>> No.2468985

It's not over my friend, it's just the beginning.

>> No.2468998

I warned you guys an hour ago that it was going up. No you shouldn't of sold. It will be back at 190k sat by the end of the night.

>> No.2469012


>> No.2469025

It was just sell the news, but it's going up. The wise decision should've been to wait, buy a few hours ago and enjoy the rise.

>> No.2469033
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It's gonna be great, just wait and see.

>> No.2469181
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I'm in for about 3000+ SWT
I've got no plans on selling any time soon, I think we've lost most of the weakhanded panic sellers

My only regret was buying in around the ATH because it makes this morning look worse than it actually has been

>> No.2469193


How did you buy those hashtags?

>> No.2469391

Hang in there man, wait a few days. This could be an actual product normies would use. Meanwhile ppl shilling DGB and Bitbean

>> No.2469436

Who is "everyone"? People were expecting a little more with the livestream but everything went well. The launch was actually pretty smooth. Devs are charismatic and professional.

A new vid was just released: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t0yKy77wqmM

Anyone who listens to the fudders is a fool. This is the first real world peer to peer commerce app. No middleman. It's crypto realized at its most basic level.

Theres a bunch of fudders on here probably because Swarm threatens them in some way. I know theres a few guys who hate one of the youtube panelists that went on there (Crypt0)

Just buy and hold, after the sell off dip it is going to rise. The tech works.

>> No.2469476

Lost way too much on this shit today i wish i read who was involved before buying. The guy that can not come to the usa is as dodgy as fuck. And the live stream was 2 guys pushing a fucking button no wounder it fell.

>> No.2469549

More fud, people actually spend the time to make a doctored photo. Sad. I dont get the aggressive fudding. Only means one thing - the platform has potential. Seems like Swarm has some people really pissed off.

thats a good thing, kek

they dont realize by posting something like that they are insulting the crypto community

>> No.2469581
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>Lost way too much on this shit today i wish i read who was involved before buying. The guy that can not come to the usa is as dodgy as fuck. And the live stream was 2 guys pushing a fucking button no wounder it fell.

I agree but I think a lot of the losses are panic sellers who were expecting a rocketship launch. It's got a way to go at least and I don't think any actual losses we're seeing vs the dollar are going to last the week at the most.
I wish I'd sold before the dip obviously but I think selling now would be even worse of a mistake to be honest. Have you sold? My brother sold about 5000SWT at the bottom of the dip and lost about ten thousand dollars or something like that.

>> No.2469623

Normies will never use this. Maybe some would use it for criminal shit but that's it.

>> No.2469632

who says its aiming for normie adoption?

>> No.2469642


You can't be serious. The guy is a co-founder of Pirate bay...

>> No.2469673

The video implies as much. Good luck building a "city" if you want this to be for a niche of crypto-enthusiasts

>> No.2469689

With new innovation, adoption always occurs with visionaries first, then come early adopters, etc. Normies come way later.

You cant expect normies to jump on board when the thing just released their MVP. There is alot of work to be done.

>> No.2469757

Normies will NEVER use this or the majority of these projects. They don't want to deal with confusing crypto that is subject to unstable speculation. More importantly, this shit isn't safe. Uber performs background checks on potential drivers. This has no way of doing that because muh aversion to a 3rd party. Sorry but decentralization for its own sake is retarded and sometimes its better to have a trusted central authority that can maintain safety, quality, and properly adjudicate. Besides being too convoluted, this shit isn't safe or practical. It will never catch on and if it does, it will be a hotbed for gangs, pedos and other criminal shit. No thanks, I'd rather me and my loved ones stay safe and grab a Lyft

>> No.2469803

>Normies will never use this

Says who? Do you have a crystal ball? All that needs to happen is for the community to come together.

>Muh background checks
This was gone over before in a previous thread, the community can do its own background checks. There can be 3rd party apps where you voluntarily identify yourself, let alone a rep system. It can be just as safe, if not more safe then Uber/Lyft



We live in the age of public identification.This argument is a JOKE.

>Implying that the crypto community is a hotbed of criminals and pedos

>Implying that normies would never use it, even though crypto gets more streamlined and easy to use with every passing day

Seriously, whats with the fud? This is RIDICULOUS.

>> No.2469853
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Can't you smell it? Can't you smell the fear? The desperation? The wagekeks and CEOs know the end is near and are going all out.

>> No.2469914

>Background checks
That "Central authority" is simply a group of people using a service to check to see if the person has ever went to jail or got any criminal charges. Its not a central authority, it simply appears that way.

Arguably, a community-driven system of background checks would actually be way better than any background-check a company does. Considering that we have Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, people can voluntarily use their social media profiles to vouch for their identity.

Hell, if I have someone's name I can go ahead and look up their criminal records myself online! This is such a ridiculous argument.

There is also a built in reputation system within SWT.

If SWT ever catches on, you bet that the community will eventually have a vetting system in place for something like drivers.

>Normies will never use it

People used to say that normies would never use a computer. It's the same deal with any new technology. Slap a pretty user interface, make it easier for peopleto use, and you might just see adoption.

You're purely judging this on the MVP when this is not nearly the case at all. This is just the beginning. The SWT platform is open source and the community will be encouraged to develop Apps that are going to sit on top of the SWT platform. The possibilities are nearly limitless.

Every crypto enthusiast should have their eye on SWT.

>> No.2469915

>This was gone over before in a previous thread, the community can do its own background checks. There can be 3rd party apps where you voluntarily identify yourself, let alone a rep system. It can be just as safe, if not more safe then Uber/Lyft
Kekity this is lolbertarian/an apple-tier wishful thinking. So you're saying normies will use another separate app for a rep system? Why ? When they can simply have that all done on the background through uber or airbnb? Furthermore, a "rep system" would be easily cheated anyway. What you need is a criminal background check and a check on your driving record to ensure safety and quality control. Not merely some rating system which by the way, apps today already have as well.. Oh no, guess that requires the big bad gubbamemt !

>we live in a age of public identification
So what? Are you saying this invalidates the need for criminal background checks?

>implying that normies will never use it even though crypto gets more streamlined and easy to use with every passing day
Normies will never use crypto ubiquitously. THis entire bubble is being propped up by speculation and very little else

>> No.2469920
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>> No.2469931

but thats how society worked for fucking HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF YEARS you retard

>> No.2469977

>Arguably, a community-driven system of background checks would actually be way better than any background-check a company does. Considering that we have Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, people can voluntarily use their social media profiles to vouch for their identity.
Lol no. Lurking someone's Facebook isn't the same as a criminal background check. And even if it were, people don't have time to do that with every person. God Damn they just want a ride. That's why it's safer to utilize a trusted 3rd party to do it for us.

>Hell, if I have someone's name, I can go ahead and look up their criminal records myself online!
Kek no thanks. Chad here; look dude. I just want a safe ride. I don't have time to look up every potential driver myself. What is this swarm token shit? Why can't we just call an uber again? Fuck this dude....alright just got an uber, done. I don't know why you were going through that swarm or whatever shit bro ;)

>> No.2470005

Do you actually think that's what hes saying? He's saying that the community could make another hashtag where people band together to vet the drivers of the #needaride #. If you're so deluded that you think the normie would have to do that when the community could just volunteer to do so and just implement a feature in the #needaride storefront that shows the reputation level and the vetting the other # did, then you really need to start thinking like an entrepreneur.

>> No.2470012

>So you're saying normies will use another separate app for a rep system?
No, you clearly have not used the SWT platform. Go on the website and use it. With every transaction you gain rep points.

>Furthermore, a "rep system" would be easily cheated anyway.
impossible, it costs money to gain rep points.

And this is just the beginning, this is the MVP. No doubt the community will probably ask for more measures to be put in place for reputation.

>So what? Are you saying this invalidates the need for criminal background checks?

Lol, all you need is someone's name and their Facebook/Social profile and you can practically google their name for a background check.

The methods of doing a background check by the community versus a private company is laughable. There is nothing stopping the community from doing a background check on people, and people willingly identifying themselves.

You're making it sound as if it would be impossible on the platform when its the exact opposite. It's totally possible. A background check is not that hard to do buddy.

I mean really. This is THE AGE for public identification. This is such a moot point. Give it up already.

>Normies will never use crypto ubiquitously. THis entire bubble is being propped up by speculation and very little else

Really? Never? LMAO. Come back to this thread 10 years from now and apologize when crypto is mainstream.

This does not need immediate normie adoption you simpleton. All it needs is a community to start using the supporting the platform. The rest will fall into place.

>> No.2470052

>It's just safer to use Uber
The community can easily come together and vet the drivers. You could even break it down by area, if someone knows someone they can vet for them, or google their names, and yes Facebooks, Instagrams al are things we would call SOCIAL PROOF. Meaning its proof that you have social standing within the community, a reputation as a GOOD PERSON.

It's really not that hard for the community, especially if they are local in the area, to vet someone.

>kek no thanks. Chad here; look dude.

>Chad here. Look dude, all I want to do is write copy. What's this computer shit? Windows?
Micro what soft? Fuck this dude...I'm just gonna get on my typewriter and write copy. Look, done. Don't know what you were going through with that computer or whatever shit bro :)

>> No.2470080

That seems extremely inefficient. Why would Chad and Stacy do that kind of legwork when Lyft does that automatically? People are busy with life, they don't have time or energy on a voluntary vetting system that still isn't as effective as having an existing app do it. Also, im pretty sure that thorough criminal background checks cost money and aren't easily attainable on google

>> No.2470090

im a crypto rich chad that uses tech to improve my life

fuck off with the fud. Just because you're a basement dweller doesn't mean everyone else is in crypto.

>> No.2470091

are you retarded buddy? can you not think? obviously they would be compensated by the vetting requester. Do you not understand how a marketplace platform works? Also, you do know that quite a bit of information about you is public, and if your state has sunshine laws, then vetting becomes ez

>> No.2470122

because fuck Lyft.

>> No.2470123

Sigh, ok so you want specifics....eye roll

The community can create an app where people voluntarily ID themselves and connect their social media profiles to their ID's. The community then does a group background check and gives them the greenlight when they looked through their criminal record and vetted them as a real human being with a good reputation within their neighborhood.

The app generates a special key tag that would be integrated into their SWT profile, so no one can create duplicates.

Since SWT already has a profile photo option, people can (and already have) put their faces on there.

Boom. Done. Problem solved.

>> No.2470131

It costs money to obtain a thorough background check. You also need a person's full name, address and SSN. That invalidates swarm right off the bat

>> No.2470143
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>Why would Chad and Stacy do that kind of legwork when Lyft does that automatically?
People always vote with their wallet.
If they think Über and Lyft justify a 40% higher price than so be it.
But maybe there are some people who want to spend less.
This has been the economic system that transformed our society over the past century or more.

>> No.2470145
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>you need their address and ssn to know if someone is trustworthy

>> No.2470151

Lol, nope. You can google someone's name and if you get their age, location, you can look up their background.

But even that's necessary. All you really need are essentially references. If you are known as a good person with a reputation within your community, people can vouch for you. Simple and easy. You dont need their full address and SSN, all you need is a social media profile

Its gonna happen whether you like it or not ;)

>> No.2470152

False analogy. Computers made the user experience easier. With this, you're requiring more effort from users.

>The community then does a group background check and gives them the greenlight when they looked through their criminal record and vetted them as a real human being with a good reputation within their neighborhood.
Which requires money and a person's private information like their address and SSN. Who would handle this sensitive information?

>> No.2470173
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Swarm city is just bringing the same type of competition to Uber and Lyft that these companies originally brought to the regular Taxi companies.
Obviously, cautious people might use Uber, or even call a normal cab, but why would some bodybuilder do that? Who is going to rape him? He is going to get an easy 40% off.

>> No.2470178

>False analogy. Computers made the user experience easier. With this, you're requiring more effort from users.

The analogy is perfectly fine. When computers came out they were slow, required to be powered on, you were required to go through DOS and make commands that seemed alien to people.

Typewriters were wholly more efficient than computers at the time.

Just like crypto now. The technology is in its early stages.

>Which requires money and a person's private information like their address and SSN. Who would handle this sensitive information?

Nope, not required at all. All you need is google, people who live in the area, and social media profiles. People can vouch if they know him/her within the community.

Social media profiles are social proof of reputation.

A criminal background check via the government is wholly unnecessary. It's called "references" and, you know, doing what humans did - asking if they know him/her and if they are a good person. Those kind of human interactions still occur, you know.

>> No.2470192

What will happen is a development team will come in and build a legit Uber and Lyft competitor, built on the Swarm City platform. It will be 100% legal, a better deal for drivers, offer more flexibility for passengers, and it will be a user friendly app you can download on to your phone.

>> No.2470195

If blackmarket alphabay shit can operate on a reputation model, then i dont see why this couldnt.

Not to say it will catch on, but i dont see it as impossible

>> No.2470197

>Lol, nope. You can google someone's name and if you get their age, location, you can look up their background.
You can find things on google but a real formal background check requires full name, address and SSN depending on the state.

>But even that's necessary. All you really need are essentially references. If you are known as a good person with a reputation within your community, people can vouch for you. Simple and easy. You dont need their full address and SSN, all you need is a social media profile
so you believe people vouching for you and social media can replace the need for criminal background checks. Got it lol. I just hope you're young enough to outgrow this phase . Once you live in real life as an adult for years, you tend to see how this theoretical lolbertarian logic falls apart.

>> No.2470203

the free market always wins

>> No.2470227

>You can find things on google but a real formal background check requires full name, address and SSN depending on the state.

A "formal" background check is unnecessary in today's environment. People post photos of their dinners on instagram.

This argument just completely falls apart brah.

>so you believe people vouching for you and social media can replace the need for criminal background checks

So you believe a background check done by the wholly inefficient, corrupt government thats 20 trillion in debt is more efficient than vetting by your local community of people who actually knows the person....



>> No.2470267

>Libertarian logic
You sound like an alien. It's not "libertarian logic" its common sense. It's called being human.

Really, a background check is not that hard to do. Identifying someone online is not that hard to do at all, 4chan knows this best with all the doxxing they do.

This is why this is so laughable. You're talking about the need of a background check on 4chan which is well known for doxxing people.

You're so full of shit buddy. "The only way of doing a background check is through the government." you gotta be kidding me. It's so fucking retarded.

The free market is going to win. A developer is going to come out with an a rideshare app for SWT. It's going to happen bro. It's going to be way cheaper than Lyft and Uber.

>> No.2470271

Debunk this. Protip, you can't

>> No.2470279

>Nope, not required at all. All you need is google, people who live in the area, and social media profiles. People can vouch if they know him/her within the community.

>A criminal background check via the government is wholly unnecessary. It's called "references" and, you know, doing what humans did - asking if they know him/her and if they are a good person. Those kind of human interactions still occur, you know.

Aw man this feels like I'm talking to my naive younger self. Ok kid, tell me this. Why would people be bothered to have to rep for people themselves? Uber is successful because these are things that people don't want to handle or even think about themselves. Normies would rather have uber and airbnb perform background checks. All they want is a ride; nothing else. That's what made Steve jobs understood; simplify the user experience first and foremost. You're working backwards from your solution and superimposing it on normal users who won't care

>> No.2470288

>normies dont like tier lists
explain review sections on amazon

>> No.2470307

You realize how retarded this makes you look.
If you cannot raise above petty namecalling, no one will respect whatever opinion you hold

>> No.2470311

>Why would people be bothered to have to rep for people themselves?
Why would people be bothered to build any kind of community? Why do communities exist on the internet? Why do they exist at all? Why do volunteers exist?

This question is irrelevant when we already see communities form all the time online.

Like what was said, what's probably going to happen is that there is going to be either an app or some kind of add-on for SWT that vet's the drivers. And guess what? Most drivers are going to self identify. Voluntarily. There is going to be a passionate group of volunteers for SWT that will assist in the vetting process. It's simple and easy.

>You're working backwards from your solution and superimposing it on normal users who won't care

Normal users are certainly going to care once the SWT ecosystem expands. It will be cheaper and integrated within the SWT open commerce platform.

This argument is pointless. You got nothing kiddo.

>> No.2470315


>> No.2470316

>muh free market
Ya I expected as much lol.

>call ride through swarm in a hurry
>end up robbed at gunpoint by driver
>swarm community: well he seemed like a good guy based on his Facebook and his neighbors vouched for him

>week later
>pay for state background check
>guy had been to prison for armed robbery a few years ago but couldn't tell from Facebook and community didn't know about it
>this all could have been avoided if I just went through a real app

>> No.2470326

What makes you think people wont pay for their own background checks to verify themselves?
That shit would be tight- pay 200 for gov paper saying you a good boy, make 20k more on SWT

>> No.2470330

Holy shit. Literally:
You say we're young, but do you not even know what sunshine laws are? You've been sidestepping me this entire time, so if you respond to this positively I know all you did is google it, then you cant even argue against it because I'm right and you know it.

>> No.2470345

Reviews are fine. Uber and Lyft have reviews. They don't in any way replace the need for real background checks.

>> No.2470348

Lol idk dude. Dont believe, then leave. You obviously dont want any and wont use it so stop wasting your time not getting rich here and invest elsewhere fuddy duddy

>> No.2470356

>Call ride through Uber
>End up raped by driver
>Uber: Well he seemed like a good guy his background was clean

>week later
>Authorities investigate and find that Uber driver lied about his Identity
>Faked papers
>Company overlooked it
>This all could have been avoided if they just went through SWT's group vetting process

>> No.2470363
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>> No.2470367

>What makes you think people wont pay for their own background checks to verify themselves?

You know what. I didnt even think about this.

Lmao. Even better

SWT to the moon

>> No.2470370

>Why would people be bothered to have to rep for people themselves?
Why do people bother writing reviews on amazon that give people accurate information about the product?
You still have no argument for this:

>> No.2470376

People can pay for their own background checks and ask higher fees for that.

Its not like only companies have the magical ability to background check.

This is literally the entire core of your FUD argument

>> No.2470397

Or they could just make it without swarm.

>> No.2470407

So we can have a reputable person go scam/rape IRL? No thanks. I'll take random drugs but not chance it IRL

>> No.2470408

or they could make it with swarm with an established community and code base

>> No.2470414

With the ETH blockchain all transactions are transparent. An inherent + to swarm, as everyone can verify that everything is running smoothly. As well as the being able to see which # gets more use than another.

>> No.2470456

>established community

What community?

>> No.2470468

notice how the coin only went down 1.50? thats cause baghodlers believe in the idea. the community at this point is a bunch of techies and libertarians. eventually the normies will join the community after the storefronts are released, then the real fun will start.

>> No.2470473

Im holding 50 swt. How long hodl till moon and how much will this shit be worth at most?

>> No.2470474

>What community?
The community that you're going to see form around SWT over the next months.

By the time someone thinks of making a crypto rideshare app or whatever, SWT will already have an established community

>> No.2470476

Except normies are lazy and don't want to do it themselves. More importantly, they dont have time . If Chad needs a ride in a hurry, he doesnt have the time to do that shit.

>Chad here. Like I said, I don't care about sunshine laws or your swarm community or tokens or whatever it is that you're talking about dude . I just want to get to stacy's house im too drunk for this bullshit, shit is confusing , I'm just gonna uber there bro, see ya around and wish me luck on getting in there ;)

>> No.2470490

Normies won't have to? They'll be greenlighted.

>Chad here, like I said I dont want to have to type in C drive or whatever on mos dooos or whatever. All I want to do is write copy. I'm just gonna use my typewriter, it should take 10 minutes. There we go. :)

>> No.2470500

Alright buddy since you're a reeeal special type of retarded I'll explain it for you. It means that government records have to be public. This includes public offenses of course.
>b-but muh ssn!
>b-but muh address!
no you dont need that shit, just look it up on your local database and you get all the info you need on that person. The fact that you cant even see how that could fit into an identification systen shows that you're simply a retard that wants this shit to fail so you can keep wagekeking because all your ideas are shit.

>> No.2470518

>only $1.50

We make money off satoshi bro.

So, a community of bagholders?

With amazon's leverage I don't think it's gonna work out. It could. I'd like it to break amazons monopoly but I don't know. I'm a FUDder I suppose. My friend told me to buy waves. I FUDded it. I bought it anyway. It went up.

I'll ask him. I don't know if this will work. Hope iT Does just for competition

>> No.2470533

this token shouldnt be counted in sats, because its going to be traded for usd eventually.

>> No.2470534

>this all could have been avoided if they just went through SWT's group vetting process
You think going on someone's Facebook and asking his neighbors is enough to catch someone with fake papers? What if his Facebook is set to private? Also, why would people give him up? Wait, so if I want to be a driver, you're saying that I cam expect the "Swarm community" to ask my community about me? Is that not also an invasion of privacy? I would rather have background check done by uber than local swarm faggots stalking me IRL and talking to my neighbors and friends. Are you actually thinking through this fully? Normies will NEVER use this. This is an autistic ancap fantasy

>> No.2470544

The indian rapist community formed around swt at least 4 months ago.

>> No.2470546

Why don't you refute any of my arguments buddy? Is it maybe because you can't?

>> No.2470556

Have you ever filled out a job application? Serious question

>> No.2470574

>implying the job application reviewers ACTUALLY check to make sure all the information is correct.
I'm not sure what to say tbqhfamalam

>> No.2470575

Kekity what haven't I addressed?

>> No.2470591

>You think going on someone's Facebook and asking his neighbors is enough to catch someone with fake papers?
You wont need fake papers if the people in their community vouch for them.

>What if his Facebook is set to private?
Then they aren't greenlighted?

>Also, why would people give him up?
Because they don't want to get mugged???

>Wait, so if I want to be a driver, you're saying that I cam expect the "Swarm community" to ask my community about me? Is that not also an invasion of privacy?

Then don't be a driver?

>I would rather have background check done by uber than local swarm faggots stalking me IRL and talking to my neighbors and friends.

That's perfectly fine. I don't think an antisocial autist like you would enjoy driving people around anyway.You clearly sound adverse to any kind of social interaction.

>Normies will NEVER use this.

They eventually will after the technology has time to mature, after crypto gains more mainstream exposure and growth. It's really that simple.

>> No.2470618

Alright, this is your last chance to prove you're not paid to post. Please prove that you are at least intelligent for your uber overlords.

>> No.2470653

>and talking to my neighbors and friends

1) You clearly don't have any friends

2) Wow, you sound like a real autistic, anti social, socially awkward little faggot.

>> No.2470678

Also, shit like this: https://nextdoor.com/

Between voluntary Identification, 3rd party ID app, social media, this, the whole Background check argument for rideshare is so fucking stupid.

It's just retarded fud

>> No.2470694

The funny thing is, ridesharing is literally only 1 hashtag, this dapp has so many other potentialities. The Uber shills are trying to pigeonhole it so people think it's shit.

>> No.2470749


>this token shouldnt be counted in sats, because its going to be traded for usd eventually.

Ok, it went from $5.50 to $4.40. Great performer.

Buy high, sell low. Perfect!

>> No.2470752

Why are you fudding so much and acting like a low T cunt?

>> No.2470754

>thinking this is going to be the actual value when storefronts are released
at least do some research before posting

>> No.2470781

Idc about the tech, when is the moon mission starting? I need to be a millionaire before the end of the year.

>> No.2470788

You are focusing on the ride sharing. That is just a facet of this.

Mowing lawns, dropshipping, food delivery, cleaning windows, house cleaning, selling art- this shit is trying to be ebay, craigslist, kelly's blue book, etsy, airbnb plus more all iin one

>> No.2470830

Dude read through my posts carefully. Every single point you've made has been addressed; if not to you then to other anons. I'm on my phone, I'm not going to greentext-reply to every individual post and I'm debating like 3 of you shills so Im not keeping track of who is who.

Bottom line is that yes you can find things on google but real, formal background checks cost money and time. Even if it is free to do in a few states, they don't want to have to do it. Having it done by a single 3rd party is more efficient . Furthermore, people aren't going to want their swarm people Facebook stalking and talking to their friends and community just for them to be a driver. And the fact that people are non-ironically saying that this invalidates the need for real checks tells me that there is a strong neet presence in this thread.

Chad, Stacy, Tyrone and Tiffany don't care about some autistic swarm city or confusing crypto-currencies that are inherently unstable due to speculation. They just want a ride, plain and simple.

Like Jobs said, simplify and streamline the user experience first and foremost. Then mold the tech to fit that vision. Not the other way around. When this ends up crashing , you'll learn this lesson. I hope you'll have cashed out by then.

>> No.2470840

Thank you for proving your mental disability. Have a wonderful day crashing your car into a tree because you didn't trust #needaride.

>> No.2470867

If there is anything else I haven't addressed, you can post it again. I'm not scrolling up and quoting again because phone

>> No.2470877

I JUST put all those arguments in one place so you could respond to them, but you cant even explain how anything I claimed was wrong, just "lol chad stacy tyrone xxddd" literally kys

>> No.2470893 [DELETED] 

>he compares the transition from typewriters to computers comparable to this shitty idea
You can literally pull that card with anything.

>> No.2470907

It's still a bother to greentext them one by one. Type whatever I haven't replied to again though like I said, most of that has been addressed if you read carefully. Again, you seem to be completely oblivious to what users want just like the swarm team ;)

>> No.2470924

All through this thread, you've had ample opportunities to respond to my posts. I KNOW this because you've posted right below my posts MULTIPLE TIMES while ignoring my arguments. I will not re-post all my arguments here because you don't have a response to them, otherwise you would've responded when NOBODY ELSE WAS POSTING. Now pls kys.

>> No.2470929

You've been ignoring all refutations to your obsolete points.

>Bottom line is that yes you can find things on google but real, formal background checks cost money and time.
This is not 1981. The internet exists. People have social media profiles. People post pictures of themselves snowboarding, doing activities, they are actually willingly creating profiles online.

>Furthermore, people aren't going to want their swarm people Facebook stalking and talking to their friends and community just for them to be a driver.

Then they may also have the option of submitting their own background check. Or, they won't drive. Simple.

>And the fact that people are non-ironically saying that this invalidates the need for real checks tells me that there is a strong neet presence in this thread.

Are you fucking retarded or what. this is 2017. Theres Facebook, Istagram, Twitter, Snapchat, everyone is carrying around a phone, there are records like Radaris, Whitepages online, the list goes on and on. Your obsession over background checks is so fucking moot and over and done with.

Get over it man, you lost this argument. People can willingly submit to a background check and submit their own. They can willingly disclose their identity on a 3rd party platform, and best yet, this will not impede on Chad and Stacey's day. A simple verification badge can be put next to their profile so they will be safe to drive with.

>confusing crypto-currencies

Another moot point. We all know that crypto has not reached mainstream adoption yet. This argument is not unique to Swarm. Swarm's first adopters will be visionaries, and then early, early adopters and enthusiasts. The fact that you cant see this is really mind boggling to me.

>When this ends up crashing , you'll learn this lesson. I hope you'll have cashed out by then.

I can tell you havent even tried out the platform. It's not going to crash.

>> No.2470948

Dude you're paranoid. I'm literally juggling like 3 of you, not even keeping track of ids. The offer still stands. Repost your points here and I promise I'll reply

>> No.2470958

>3000+ SWT
oh my goodness, that was a bad investment my friend. very bad.

>> No.2470989

Street shitting indians love rape just a wee bit more than they love street shitting. Swt is the perfect app to merge their love for raping and shitting on streets.

>> No.2471038

>social media profiles. People post pictures of themselves snowboarding, doing activities, they are actually willingly creating profiles online.
And I don't see what this has to do with checking a persons criminal and driving history.

>Then they may also have the option of submitting their own background check. Or, they won't drive. Simple.

Putting aside your implication that this laughable "vetting system" is somehow equivalent to formal background checks, people wouldn't want to go through the trouble of submitting their own checks. Jesus, this process sounds more convoluted than a job application now. Even employers perform their own checks.

People will say "No, I don't want swarm autists stalking my life and I don't feel like getting a background check". I'm just going to sign up for the regular app".

Not to mention that people submitting their own checks opens up a possibility of clever fraud.

>Are you fucking retarded or what. this is 2017. Theres Facebook, Istagram, Twitter, Snapchat, everyone is carrying around a phone, there are records like Radaris, Whitepages online, the list goes on and on. Your obsession over background checks is so fucking moot and over and done with.
Irrelevant. When we are talking about services that companies like airbnb and uber provide, you need checks.

>I can tell you havent even tried out the platform. It's not going to crash
By crash, I mean nobody will use it and it will fade away. Or it will be a hotbed of prostitution, drugs and pedos. Basically local Darknet like the other anon said.

>> No.2471048

>checking a persons criminal and driving history.
stop trolling.

>> No.2471080

It's not a troll. Uber checks that. Do you want someone with a history of at-fault accidents picking you up?

>> No.2471089

jesus fucking christ you literal add autist you can't even remember my posts that i linked to you like 5 times by now. you are trolling.

>> No.2471097

>And I don't see what this has to do with checking a persons criminal and driving history.

It has everything to do with it. They are staking their reputation. Other people vouching on their reputation. Its called references and networking.

>people wouldn't want to go through the trouble of submitting their own checks.

If its way more profitable than Uber? Hell yea they would.

>Not to mention that people submitting their own checks opens up a possibility of clever fraud.

No, it really doesn't. Besides, it could be vetted anyway.

>Irrelevant. When we are talking about services that companies like airbnb and uber provide, you need checks.

And there will be checks. That's part of the way to do it.

>By crash, I mean nobody will use it and it will fade away. Or it will be a hotbed of prostitution, drugs and pedos. Basically local Darknet like the other anon said.

Yeah, no.

>> No.2471104
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>> No.2471136

I already told you to post again because it's a bother to greentext your linked posts individually from this shity phone.

>> No.2471154

>you literal add autist you can't even remember my posts that i linked to you like 5 times by now
I'm done posting to you, hope the lurkers can understand who was correct here.

>> No.2471176

Rape city token.

>> No.2471237

Alright buddy and to be clear what I want is for you to write out your points in another post I can reply to. Not more links.

Anyway, we will see who is right when this projects fails

>> No.2471253

As soon as pajeet and friends start raping .

>> No.2471288

Oh yeah, I'm low T when my coins are mooning. Great logic there bag holder.

>> No.2471298

>basing your testosterone level on the number of internet monies you have
yeah you're low t

>> No.2471382
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Low T confirmed

>> No.2472017

Now that all the FUDding is over, it's time for GAINZ. Wish I sold before the crash but I still bought the dip.

>> No.2472154
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Tfw bought the 16k dip when I woke up this morning

Thanks for the cheap SWT weak handed fags LOL

>> No.2472328

I bought in so high
I hate the weak-handed so fuckin' much

>> No.2472663

actual team working on a product? inevitable moon mission.

>> No.2472819
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lol easy to tell when these fudders are fucking 15 isn't it.

A good few years back:
>WTF do you mean I have to physically swap this cable to get on this "internet" thing?
>I have to sit here listening to a fucking screechy dial tone for 5 minutes?
>Slow as fuck, who would use this? Nothing on it. Easier to just use my telephone and typewriter.
>So any time my phone rings, my connection cuts off? HAHAHA enjoy your "Internet" poorfags, this will never go mainstream.


As to the "zomfg what if a driver could be a rapist" question, there's the INBUILT reputation system, and also as mentioned there's nothing to stop someone running a secondary driver vetting business under another hashtag, or the #needaride hashtag owner doing the vetting himself.

Most bouncers have a standardised security license, they are NOT licensed by the venue they're guarding. Same with some taxi companies in some places too, they have standard checks and licenses done by an external body. Easy for whomever runs the hashtag to dissalow anyone who hasn't got the right licensing / checks beforehand.

Sure someone else could set up a #dodgyrides service with no vetting whatsoever, but of course that one would have shit reputation, whereas the better managed one would get most of the custom.

THIS HAPPENS IN REALITY ALREADY. People are already advised to not get in unmarked or unlicensed (NOT just by the company) taxis.

The way this whole system is set up, normal realities would transfer straight over to this system. Also chads don't need to understand crypto, they're already buying virtual currencies by the fucktonnes, starbucks credits, RiotPoints, fucking Pokémon Dust and the rest. Of course SWT will be bought with USD etc at some point.

This presentation they have explains a lot about how they envisage their model working "Swarm City Business Presentation": https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1DmrmXUZ-tv_1M2qGU6hrCPblOlB808eKw15hsNPdrrw/edit#slide=id.g1b9dd54841_0_1

>> No.2472851

Also same with the contractor service. When I call my gas / heating / plumbing engineer for my boiler's annual service, most of these are self employed dudes. But even if they're with an agency it doesn't matter, they'll all have the independent GasSafe qualification. If they don't, it's at my own risk whether I want to trust them.

Besides, Swarm will be SO much more than just a fucking ridesharing service, this can open commerce and business up to normies for fucking EVERYTHING.

Humans have been offering services and trading with eachother since the dawn of time. It's only recently we've had to go through all these central "authorities", with all the red tape, gibs and taxes.

>> No.2472866


I want more of this girl!

>> No.2472907
File: 33 KB, 555x558, Swarm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No idea mate sorry. Just found her when was looking around. This is the Marketing girl though.

>> No.2472947
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Here's a few slides from that presentation btw, that explains a bit more about their model.

Also I was one of those that sold the news last night, made a tidy profit, bought back in and I'm already up over £100. Idiot fudders have no idea what they're doing.

Also a few of these slides explain exactly what people are questioning, this is called research, and knowing where to put your money rather than throwing it on fucking bitbeans cause some idiot said so.

Btw at this moment in time, they've released only their MINIMUM Viable Product. This is a single #pioneer hashtag to test the underlying technology, obviously this is also why there's been bugger all marketing yet. This stage is purely for crypto enthusiasts, interested parties and testers.

Devs said the next stage will be UX and opening it up to a wider audience, at some stage soon-ish (they wouldn't commit to when, which is smart) they'll unlock the ability to create any hashtag.

>> No.2472973
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This one glosses over one of the reasons why they're not making their own app.

The possibilities and uses for this are SO wide ranging it would be idiotic to try and make an app that encompasses it all. Better to create the platform, and then let the business owners choose the GUI so it's relative to the service they're offering.

Some simple tools could help with this easily, with API and plugin support for experienced devs, (I imagine there will even be a hashtag offering those services..)

>> No.2473000
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Addresses the fud about licensing, vetting, regulations and legal shite. Again it's up to the hashtag (business) owner to deal with this, as they would if they were running a normal business.

Swarm simply provides the platform, the community, and the ability to easily get up and running.

Do your research next time fuckwits. Bear in mind this presentation is quite old, they'll have expanded upon and improved since. The devs are quite active in the slack chat. I've suggested some improvements to prevent abuse of the rep system.

>> No.2473007

Not just a product, but one that's an actual good idea that consumers (aka normies) can get on board with.
The main problem I foresee is the crypto aspect of it. They need to make it easy for the consumers to obtain SWT and transfer funds. I'm sure this is something they are thinking about, and it's something that will be easier to address as the service gets more popular (such as coinbase stocking SWT).

>> No.2473022
File: 90 KB, 1238x692, Advisory Board.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last one for now, look up the rest yourselves: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1DmrmXUZ-tv_1M2qGU6hrCPblOlB808eKw15hsNPdrrw/edit#slide=id.g2107bc524f_0_94

This is their Advisory Board. They have commerce, insurance, blockchain and legal support / advice, so they'll obviously know their shit and not just walking in blind with a begging bowl and a dream like most crypto-shit.

And yes, that is VITALIK'S FUCKING DAD on there. If you really think they're going to allow this to fail and damage Vitalik's family's rep (and therefore overall trust in this tech), you're an idiot.

>> No.2473055

Should be simple to set up a payment system where you simply by SWT with your Fiat.. Like I mentioned earlier people are already buying starbucks credits, Riot Points, fucking Pokémon Dust, Candy Crush Gold or whatever all the damn time, normies are no stranger to virtual currencies.

Some idiots were fudding that "normies will never arse around going on bittrex, waiting yonks for verification, buying bitcoins, converting those to swt, sending it to their wallet and then using them..". As if it's actually going to be like that when it's fully released lol, twonk.

User Experience and UI Design is coming in the next phase. This release was essentially a public alpha to test the underlying tech regarding hashtag use and the Smart Contracts.

>> No.2473159

thanks for the link desu

>> No.2473410
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DNM have things that users are willing to sacrifice usability and/or financial protections to acquire

DNM do not compete with ebay for a reason