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24695441 No.24695441 [Reply] [Original]

refute this

protip: you cant

>> No.24695457
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Even if this weren't a problem for domestic trade (it is), the existence of other countries makes devaluing your own currency a non-good thing. I'm not even an economist and I understand that at a basic level. You don't exactly have to be David Ricardo to put 2 and 2 together...

>> No.24695469

Except usd (for now)

>> No.24695484

> be world reserve currency
> other countries buy your treasury bonds
> devalue your own currency by printing all the money you need
> devalue other countries' investment in your bonds
Genius plan. Can't see anything going wrong.

>> No.24695507
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Thankfully if TSLA is any indication, traded value of the US's currency will exceed its apparent ability to pay for a few more decades, so we can move our value into something else, like swiss francs.

It's still really scary. I miss the days when I didn't think about the markets and monetary policy, but 2020 forced me to take it seriously or end up in the poorhouse.

>> No.24695528

People like this dont understand basic supply and demand.

>> No.24695533

False. We are the reserve currency so we can withstand debasement because assets are held in USD or are valued by USD. If more countries start to move into assets that are denominated by a rising currency (Yuan), the effects of debasement will kick in. I believe the Yuan’s price is suppressed. Once the US prints itself out of the hearts and minds of other countries only to be replaced with the Yuan. I suspect that the CCP will halt price suppression and enjoy a meteoric increase in their wealth. It’s the perfect plan. We are fucked.

>> No.24695546

Not money, but we could soon have enough energy.

>> No.24695547

Doesn't understand the difference between currency and money

>> No.24695587
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Got it, buying Yuan right now.

Hello Rich Street!

>> No.24695590


>> No.24695596


If it's for war or corporate bailouts ->limitless money available

If it's for education, healthcare for poor ppl -> How do we pay for it?!

The Oligarchic States of America

>> No.24695625


>> No.24695657


But also this.

>> No.24695671

Could you imagine?
a "mindfulness bank"
by just sitting there in some designated spot
if you can meditate for a year.
through existential exchange you actually get
.0017% of your time back.
your awareness appreciates 2.05%
if you dont keep regular deposits you suffer a -1.5% karmic penalty

>> No.24695687

They want money to work.
you know the rules about wealth.

>> No.24695705
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>> No.24695711

People like this can vote. That's why I'm anti democracy. There should be mandatory iq and political knowledge tests. The more ignorant they are, the more arrogant. Giving cattle internet was a mistake.

>> No.24695743
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Also you should be able to sell your vote on the market.

>> No.24695770

fiat money:
>backed by debt

this guy's printed money:
>backed by feels and social justice

>> No.24695834
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Countries don't issue their own money. You shouldnt be here if you don't know that.

>> No.24695849

>countries that print money can never run out of money
imagine being this retarded

>> No.24695856

That’s a disastrous idea.

>> No.24695860

This should be a permanent global ban:
>post by this id
>sreenshot from Twitter
Refute this

Protip you can't

>> No.24695879

The guy in the op is probably in debt up to his eyeballs and is high IQ and elite enough to know inflation will massively benefit him.

>> No.24695888

This is how you get an one nazi party political system.

>> No.24695943
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For society, maybe. But as a libertarian it's great for me because I have the option to let the Democraps and Republicunts fight over my vote.

Meanwhile ideologues won't sell their votes because they are already known to the parties.

It's free money.

Furthermore, consider a scenario where 49% of the country like candidate A and thinks candidate B is literally Hitler. Meanwhile, the other 51% of the country thinks candidate B is only slightly preferable to candidate A.

Candidate A voters can pay candidate B voters a small sum to vote for A. It's a voluntary contract where the whole country is left happier.

Sounds pretty based to me.

>> No.24695979


>> No.24696000

How do people like this even manage to live so long

>> No.24696011

This is honestly a million dollar idea.
>move to swingstate if not already in one
>every election cycle sell your vote to the highest bidder.
Imagine how much some dumb partycuck will pay you for your stupid vote thinking it'll change anything.

>> No.24696035

I mean, the partyfags are shooting both themselves and us in the foot in one way or another by voting for corrupt candidates. At least we should be able to cash in on their religious fervor.

>> No.24696061
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Unironically going to do this come two years. It'll be funny. I already bet every 2 years on elections but this will be free money.
t. NC

>> No.24696072
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>> No.24696097

Okay what is your countries monopoly money backed by first? you're printing the paper and its backed by a precious metal? man power? debt?
Why do you think me acting as country A should accept your monopoly money at the exchange of 1:1 or what ever denomination you choose?

>> No.24696124

China keeps their currency weak so other countries buy their cheap shitty products

>> No.24696522

Marxists don't even understand MMT

>just print infinite money bro!
Genuinely retarded

>> No.24696530

It worked so well for 1930s Germany

>> No.24696604
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>> No.24696717

He's right, but the only reason he's right is because the Fed is acting like tether right now and just absorbing the inflation
If the Fed's balance sheet becomes basically uncreditworthy, then the dollar is fuct

Marxists don't understand economics
They don't even understand Marx

>> No.24696771

I have just made myself into a nation and authorize the production of my own national currency ad infinitum. You must accept my simp bucks for any and all of my every want and need to include tendies and boi pussy. That's what that turns into money can be infinite, but the things people make money to buy are scarce and always will be so it is pragmatic to not destroy any incentive for people to want your currency.

>> No.24696805

for some reason the world never has a shortage of kids who think they can change the world with new theories that have never been done before. history literally repeats itself

>> No.24696856

Well he isn't wrong, but the money they would hold would lose value, but they would't lose the money nonetheless! Genius if you ask me, maybe we should nominate this dude as the moneyman of USA

>> No.24696892

>he thinks the USA print their own money
>he doesn't know all American money implies the creation of public debt to private anonymous jewish citizens, to be paid with interest through cross generational taxes, in addition to inflation
point at him and laugh

>> No.24697007

No understanding of money, check
Firstly the Fed is a private bank and the dollars it issues create debt so the more they print the richer they get and the poorer the USA becomes

>> No.24697197

>If it's for war or corporate bailouts ->limitless money available
you don't have the money for that, either

>> No.24697275

If you spent less taxes on Isreal you could give free healthcare, free education and shit load more of stuff

>> No.24697311

imagine if an algorithm with no human conviction relocated jobs in government like when all their spy programs conclusably fail they dont have 6000 members wasting away. then again the hallmark to any state is not putting in the resources where capital is needed

>> No.24697327

Except they can only build so many over-elaborate bridges in bum fuck no where to absorb that inflation. As of right now they are stockpiling oil, copper, and silver and using dollar reserves to buy it.

>> No.24697341

This, but replace yuan by euro. Euro is actually becoming the world reserve currency, crazy times really

>> No.24697367

The actual price is a $25 amazon gift card cause this very thing happened this election cycle.