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24889249 No.24889249 [Reply] [Original]

>found part time work
>do the job well, better than all the new guys
>get on well with everyone, female colleagues attracted to me (too long to explain?)

Recently I was told there was "no more hours" and they'd let me know if anything came up. I spoke to the staff there, they had a few job vacancies and today they posted job ads online.

Why do bosses do this? Are they afraid of charismatic/popular people?

>> No.24889279

yes, normalfags are petty and will slit your throat for any perceived benefit

He probably was sniffing on one of those females when you walked in

>> No.24889289

I spoke to the perm staff there and they told me that I was one of the better workers there and the new people they hired (we all started at same time) weren't up to scratch. They were slow, lethargic, not active, not helpful, didn't understand the product etc.

>> No.24889348

Some people like being big fish in little ponds. It may be the only control the boss has in their life.

>> No.24889406

Lil biz advice for you, no one will ever give a shit how good of a job you do. People hire people they want as friends or people they want to fuck.

>> No.24889462

welcome to life in a third world communist shithole. Why would your boss give a shit if you were conpetent wt the job? It makes no difference to the amount of money he takes in from the government at this point, and the economy is destroyed anyway. Better for him to hire slow but non thinking retards than a competent worker who is intelligent and will ask questions.

>> No.24889523

What race is your boss, anon? If he’s from shitistan, he may be mad cuz you didn’t share your food with him. If he’s American, offer to buy coffee or suck his dick. Bosses never fire someone who buy coffee for them and/or suck their dick.

>> No.24889528

yeah managers will do this especially if your state has at will employment

years ago when i was waiting tables i trialed at a restaurant my friend worked at. did a good job and wasnt offered the job because i was taller than the manager (he was short as fuck, but still who cares).

>> No.24889703

Maybe this. Interesting look on the matter
He was training me for the full time role and then all of a sudden fell out of favour. As my confidence grew he stopped viewing me favourably.

>> No.24890624

Final bump

>> No.24890695

>imagine bragging about being a good wagie in a neet anonymous forum
I spent 2 years as a software engineer in a unversity not ever doing shit but playing wow all day, I stayed until midnight one night raiding before going home, I might have worked 10 or 20 hours total since I got there, then when I saw they weren't going to fire me (I have 55k linkies), and link mooned in august, I quit.
Now neeting it parents' house.
The thing that surprised me the most is that they legit thought I worked a lot when I quit, they all had good things to say, sure it's just a uni and no one does shit there it's not banking or a tech company, buy I didn't do shit as in didn't ever do shit.
Normies are fascinating

>> No.24890796
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my wageplace travels to the city by shortbus every year to give (literal) retarded niggers Christmas gifts

>> No.24891310
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>work at a local cafe
>run by two fags
>do the job well
>customers like me, get tips etc.
>go from working 45 hours a week to just
>turns out they hired more people and in turn got my hours reduced
>other guys get more hours
>eventually pack it in as I have college now
Honestly it's there fucking loss. Some of the retards they ended up hiring always fucked up the orders or were completely brain dead.

>> No.24891335

I'm not even doing it for the money desu. Im doing it for the routine and socialising. Keep me away from the computer and busy.

I've made it from crypto

>> No.24891450

Imagine living in a country where you can get fired for arbitrary reasons lmao.

>> No.24891828

part timers can be fired anytime

>> No.24892000

It really depends. I'm an employer and I will hire and keep people who make me the most amount of money. If youre a bigger company and you allow some sjw to do the hiring, they will hire people based on their personalities.
I wouldn't hire complete assholes even if they made me a lot of money. I'd also not hire people that seem flakey. It's not fun to hire someone and then have them leave shortly after being trained.

>> No.24892209

Because there is no loyalty in business.
Rightfully or wrongfully, they own you nothing and you owe them nothing.
I know people who worked somewhere for 30 years just to get shit canned for unknown reasons, but like I say the employee owes the business nothing either so the guy should have gone elsewhere far sooner for more money as he didn't have a pay rise for 9 years or something.

>> No.24892223

The women were attracted to you, your simp manager got jealous and took it out on you. If you're going to shit where you eat anon, always do it outside of the office. No affection, attention, anything to women you work with or suffer the consequences.

>> No.24892321

im gonna let you in on a secret. that female that was attracted to you was being nice and you took it for something else and she went to HR.

>> No.24892365

Yeah I don't even see work colleagues as friend as as soon as I'm off the clock they can fuck off.

I'm also not pathetic enough to hire people in the off chance I get to fuck them and then have when there's literally billions of other people around.

I want my colleagues to do their fucking job so I don't have to do it or clean up their fuck ups. That's literally the only thing I want out of them.

>> No.24892422


Boss here, there is usually a reason to fire people and the 'no more hours but we'll call you' is just an excuse to get out of a difficult conversation.

Fuck ups are a pain in the ass because they need constant management/ Go getters who are constantly trying to fix things or change things are a pain in the ass because they need constant management as well. What people want in low status workers is someone who turns up on time, does their job without causing waves and goes home on time. That's it really.

>> No.24893131

That's what I was doing nigger. When I finished my task ahead of time, I would go and help someone else or start my next task ahead of time. Always showed up on time, always came in when the boss asked, even on one hours notice. I'm always helping the other colleagues too (most were useless)

>> No.24893167

>get on well with everyone, female colleagues attracted to me
>Recently I was told there was "no more hours" and they'd let me know if anything came up
>Why do bosses do this? Are they afraid of charismatic/popular people?
Not trying to gaslight you anon but I think your overestimating your own ability. Usually when someone's 'popular', gets on with the girls, thinks they're good at the job, they usually, well, not good.

>> No.24893229

were you a backchatting little cunt?

>> No.24893266

Not true, I have 2 staff that outperform everyone else by far in sales. They irritate the fucking hell out of me. I won't fire them because they make me too much money though. Of course there is a limit to what I'll put up with but they haven't reached that yet.

>> No.24893507

Yes in fact they don’t like better looking more talented people working under them. Where ever I work I refuse to participate in office politics and work circles around my managers/bosses and I have always had bad experiences with work. It’s all bullshit anyway, 60% of all jobs are just fluff no substance and nobody even does anything productive. It’s all bullshit. Managers and boses exist because they are the ones most willing to sell out for their corporate overlords and most willingly talk down other workers. You think it’s because they are the most talented? Wake the fuck up the modern world is structured upside down allowing manipulative, thieving, Jew like entities to raise up on the true Uber man. This is why you should always work for yourself or trade fake internet money to acquire your fortune. Fuck the system, fuck society, fuck social norms.

>> No.24893939

This is good advice. The part about go getters who constantly try to fix or change things irks me a lot, and I fired an employee over that myself.

>> No.24894299

this op. im good looking, smart, young,not balding, funny, interesting, just a good dude and a good worker. my work pulled a 2 year investigation on me to get me fired over some literal bs technicality.

hide your power levels as long as you can if you want to get ahead waging. though after some years youl get tired of pretending to be a loser, thats when theyl come after you. the types of people in mgmt are always bitter spiteful losers themselves, who have nothing but animosity for people like us.

>> No.24894349

>Why do bosses do this? Are they afraid of charismatic/popular people?
Lot of different possible reasons:
* your boss may have seen you as a threat
* your boss may have wanted to fuck one of the girls who liked you
* your boss may have expected you to suck his dick
* your boss may have wanted to hire a woman of color instead of your pasty white ass
* your boss may have discovered you were a Trump supporter and wanted to kill you
* your boss may have been some other form of seething asshole

For example, a friend of mine found a job in IT, was doing really well at it, but his boss was a much younger female. She was constantly raging at him over all sorts of stupid shit because (1) he was actually able to do the job, unlike her, and (2) he was a cis white hetero male patriarchy scum, and (3) he was not a leftarded piece of shit communist.

So, she made his life miserable at work and he finally quit in disgust. As far as she was concerned it was a win, since she got rid of someone she hated and the company will still survive despite being a little less efficient.

One place I worked, I started getting weird vibes about a month after I joined. Absolutely everyone in the place was one form or another of hardcore Christian. Turns out the owner was one. He dropped by my cubicle on Christmas Eve, asked me what my plans were, and when I told him I was going to have dinner with family friends, he announced "Well *I* am going to CHURCH!". When we came back from our break the next Tuesday, he told my boss to fire me.

So, who knows. I hope you find something even better and make a fortune and then run into your old manager while you're driving your Lamborghini around.

>> No.24894388
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>> No.24894841

damn truer words have never been spoken

>> No.24895853

>What people want in low status workers is someone who turns up on time, does their job without causing waves and goes home on time. That's it really.
Sad. Used to be you could start in the mailroom and work your way up to CEO. Now if you show initiative in the mailroom you get fired for being a "pain in the ass".

>> No.24895969

From reading all the posts, sounds like you should sue his ass. You have enough evidence from witnesses etc.

>> No.24897107

>trying to improve the company (more efficiency/more profit)

Bunch of faggots. Just quit my current job because fuck faggots like you. 2 more years of waging and I'll do my own thing.

>> No.24897143

On what grounds? At least in the U.S., you can be fired legally for almost any reason -- it's only a very few reasons that are illegal, like because of race or age.

I'm sure it's totally a coincidence that it becomes much harder to find a job after age 40, just because you can sue for age discrimination if you're fired after age 40. . . .

>> No.24897263

>part time
employers see you the way you see mexicans outside of home depot