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24953554 No.24953554 [Reply] [Original]

DeFi partnership next week + new product launch, confirmed by a white member of the white all male team.

>> No.24953562
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>> No.24953585

Parsiq kicking ass and taking names. Best project there is.

>> No.24953591
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She’s still barely under $0.25 anon (stanberry’s recommended entry point)

>> No.24953730

best project the graph can suck dick

>> No.24953766

The graph and PRQ are simpatico. Cut back on the hostility. Both tribes will make it

>> No.24953808

What a dumb shit thing to say, both are great.

>> No.24953829

Parsiq is superior and more important. its the real google of blockchain

>> No.24953866

Stop desecrating the Stanberry gods with this tripe

>> No.24953932

Why haven't they got proper usage like Graph has? graph is being used by basically everything

>> No.24953979

Parsiq is way better and innovative

There's 0 competition to that vs The Graph has lots of competitors

>> No.24954030

>why hasn't [thing that basically just came out] more usage than [thing that has been out for years]

>> No.24954060

+ 2x'd in the past 2 weeks & already 25x'd off the bottom since august. not that compelling after such a massive move.

>> No.24954062

See: https://www.parsiq.net/apps

And remember this is a $20M mcap coin right now

>> No.24954075
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whoever writes those things is such a retard, imagine not knowing about cm
to add to that, cm promoted this since it was 0.0085ct
ANYONE who doesn't know about cm unironically doesn't deserve to make it

>> No.24954082

Does $10 sound compelling enough for you because that is where we are going?

>> No.24954127

what makes you think it's gonna go up 40x after a 25x move? do you realise that would be a 1000x rally from where it was at $0.01 in august?

>> No.24954139

thanks to GRT I upped my stack to 20k
Thank you GRT. Very cool!

>> No.24954145

Parsiq > Graph bruh

>> No.24954161

Its arguably more valuable than oracles (link) so it wouldn't even be that far fetched
BUT i don't see 10 happening soon, 5 is more realistic

>> No.24954173

6k babby stack
am I gonna make it? I have 5k in RARI but I think that's going to moon faster because of staking coming EOY

>> No.24954184

Stansberry research just wrote a detailed cover on Parsiq, it costs $5000 a year and they have called many projects well. They put PRQ at a $1bn market cap. So do I. What they are doing is very, very clever.

>> No.24954214
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they are shit compared to bizberry research

>> No.24954220

It's going to be on Binance soon which will easily pump it 10x at least

>> No.24954264

People should be analyzing what price movement the graph is doing these last 2 days. Once you see what the projects provide along with the power of hype (coinbase, binance, partnerships, etc.) you will realize PRQ is set to explode into a new fucking dimension.

Not even a shill. We're witnessing it with the graph which has essentially been in operation for a few years already. PRQ is still relatively new and has no other project's doing what it does for crypto and real-world integration.

I own 0 graph yet this ride has made me see why I will be very happy soon.

>> No.24954275

Let’s not get carried away man. Let’s not be a shit coin. Binance listings cause volatility for the initial pump or dump but over time increase the price of coins.

>> No.24954303

with normal coins, prq however just keeps pumping on news like that
with other coins a link partnership would result in a sell the news type of event, however prq pumped 120%

>> No.24954379

Did the part about the team not disclosing what the remaining tokens will be used for not bother anyone? That's like shitcoin 101, breakdown the tokenomics

>> No.24954384
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>> No.24954434

They are locked for 4 years, the team would like to burn them but Estonian securities regulation prevent that. Nothing will happen for at least 4 years and they have designed a brilliant new tokenomiks platform inplementing in q1 2021 after listening to the community.

>> No.24954446

Um actually Parsiq is the NSA of blockchain.

>> No.24954476


>> No.24954511
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>new tokenomiks platform inplementing in q1 2021 after listening to the community.
I remember there was one anon who tried to fud by saying the tokenomics where made by a random youtuber kek
turns out prq just asked a bunch of people and the youtuber just happened to be one of those, his input probably got disregarded too

sometimes i still think about that anon.. god what a retard

>> No.24954578
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>white member of the white all male team.

>> No.24954582
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Yep, I remember that. Worse than Comical Ali when the Americans were rolling into Baghdad behind him and he's doing an interview saying they were winning.

>> No.24954625
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>> No.24954687

this or GRT?

>> No.24954737

for profit? both
for maximum profit? PRQ 100%

>> No.24954786

can you not look at the mcap yourself..

>> No.24954872

Best exchange to buy PRQ?

>> No.24954885

>The Graph has lots of competitors
Like who?

>> No.24954895


>> No.24955004

>Owning 0 grt
>Not stacking get to flip it into PRQ gains
Am I gonna make it anons

>> No.24955021


>> No.24955040

So when exactly is this set to start taking off, I have a small share but would like to move more into it after accumulating as much as possible from grt

>> No.24955153

I went 2X on GRT do I just dump it all in PRQ?

>> No.24955206

As the investor article says, accurate up to $0.25 if you can. It’s at $0.25 now with a defi partnership + new product coming before year end so it’s your call whether you wait for a dip, and how long

>> No.24955243

>accurate up to $0.25
why, what happens when lets say i tell a buddy and he gets in at 0.3 kek

>> No.24956231

Was your buddy the 50 ETH buy?

>> No.24956293
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Imagine not owning 100k PRQ, NGMI. Parsiq has done 152% in 7 days, you are still early wait for the sell off on this pump and buy before 50p.

>> No.24956364

>not even one of the promised 3 announcements have been released
>already pumps to an ath

>> No.24956412
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>> No.24956414
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>Imagine not owning 10k PRQ

>> No.24956673


>> No.24956701

sold graph and bought this. comfy

>> No.24956703


>> No.24956753

This is what’s gonna happen in the next few days. We’re the first ones to pull this move

>> No.24956928


>> No.24956958
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Hope you guys got a bag before this.

>> No.24957031

what exchange did you use? having a hard time deciding where to buy.

>> No.24957042


>> No.24957310

Uniswap, coin metro

>> No.24957331

what about poloniex? is it bad?

>> No.24957362

maybe that they are a literal scam exchange, they also dumped on their clients and didn't halt trading when prq asked them too
they are toddlers on monitors over there

>> No.24957363

Just use MetaMask + uniswap and hold back 0.1 or 0.2 ETH. Also choose ‘fast’ gas fees

>> No.24957367

They acted the cunt when we hard forked and dumped their entire old contract on unsuspecting uniswap buyers. The Parsiq team ended up bailing out those who lost money. They have a bad rep with Parsiq holders.

>> No.24957387

Coingecko shows decent volume (bigger than coinmetro) so you should be good anon

>> No.24957393


Coinmetro has no volume at all, Uniswap for a large bag

>> No.24957429

I see, thanks fren

>> No.24957439

We are trending on dextools finally.

>> No.24957452

binance listing goo

>> No.24957523
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>> No.24957560

delayed transport of what?

>> No.24957671

Imagine if these PRQ retards have been right all along.

>> No.24957740

Facepalm. In the trigger response nigger.

>> No.24957901

Trash coin

>> No.24957979

Please expand on your very informative comment.

>> No.24957983

yeah fair point, im convinced.

>> No.24958065

They were supposed to announce partnership/integrations with a top defoi (we suspect AAVE) and a layer 1 protocol project but had to push the announcements back partly due to more triggers and partly because they gained another defi project they had to get up and running quick. That one is due to be abnnounced this week, the other two big ones have been pushed back until Jan and Feb. Next week we also get an announcement about their new seperate product which has customers waiting. It's exciting times for Parsiq.

>> No.24958178


>> No.24958273

>I’m not even a shill
t. a shill

>> No.24958304

The truth hurts, nigger

>> No.24959011

this is a scam ive done my DD

>> No.24959149

Now provide everyone with why it's a scam retard.

>> No.24959304

you just offended me so i wont share my analysis. learn to be more respectful next time.

>> No.24959689

1$ EOY