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25031016 No.25031016 [Reply] [Original]

Is college a meme or not?

>> No.25031070

Western imperialism likes to keep the people stupid.
Try to get into college for as free as possible though

>> No.25031104

>you dont need college
>all tesla jobs ask for a relevant degree in the first requirement

>> No.25031112

You aren't as smart as Elon but he is right. Its more about motivation to learn. I mean most of my college classes I learned half the material from youtube vids online anyways lmfao

>> No.25031146

Its just a stamp that says "I can be a good little bitch for you" when you get a degree. That's why you can get other jobs outside your degree with a degree.

>> No.25031148

mostly a meme, especially if you have to pay for it. even going for free is like a meme. it's like restricted learning at 10% pace because everything is moduled and there is very little incentive to explore outside curriculum as it takes time away from muh chasing grades

>> No.25031155
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Great insight musk

>> No.25031156

i go to college and i study comp sci. this is what i think.

if you wanna just work and be a developer or a worker in your field it's really really unnecessary, in a lot of well paid and respected professions you can get to pretty much the very top without college. if you start working in your field at 18, by the time your peers graduate, you will have 5 years of work experience and you are more valuable for most work. most of my colleagues who will graduate with me will also work as developers. but, for the very best jobs, where there is scientific research done and very 'serious' work is being done on advancing technology and everyone you meet is an expert, those people all went to college, exceptions are unicorns.

tho college is free in my country so i would go anyways lol

>> No.25031207
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>You aren't as smart as Elon

>> No.25031223


>> No.25031225

If you have a half decent portfolio of relevant work, they would be more willing to give you a chance. But nobody is looking for an uneducated "ideas man" without any skills or abilities

>> No.25031243

Just go to vocational school.

>> No.25031275

This is true as well, but I would say Uni gives you the best environment to learn and find like minded people, especially if you are a scholarship chad and dont have to wagecuck on the side like some retard.

>> No.25031363 [DELETED] 

College is for networking and internships. If you come out of school without a strong network and an internship that lead to a full time offer then you wasted your time. "Skills" and "knowledge" don't mean shit in the real world.

>> No.25031844

You can basically learn anything on the internet nowadays. I'd be hard pressed to believe an accounting firm would hire you out the gate simply because you learned on line how to do advanced accounting work with modern software, even if you could prove and show them. However if you learned accounting, reached out to a dozen small businesses in your local area and helped them all manage their finances and accounting, you would have an established portfolio that a firm would hire. Essentially side stepping the entire $100,000 college cost.

>> No.25032127

>chasing grades
is that a typeo? is grades suppose to be girls?

>> No.25032166

God, I fucking hate Elon Musk. He's a midwit but everyone will see past it due to the fact that he's a billionaire.

>> No.25032378

Not a typo. If you have some competitive instinct and study something worthwhile (STEM) there arent much girls to chase, just grades

>> No.25032405

Do not study college for computer science. Complete and total waste of time that you can spend building a career.

>t. 23 years old, self-taught, no degree and on $250k a year in Europe

>> No.25032479

250k in software in Europe?

>> No.25032708

stem is a meme

>> No.25032748
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Welcome to the secret of wealth anon. It's a TEAM EFFORT. This is why it's important to have strong familial support why so many poor people stay poor; they don't support their own.

>> No.25032879

Yes, fully remote too. Combination of luck and niche I suppose.

>> No.25032970

Kek so White privilege is actually a thing

>> No.25033014

Yeah, no degree will get me hired by Tesla and spaceX ? Fuck outta here you boomer fuck. Learn to code

>> No.25033083

I agree with him mostly. I'm all for college but he's not wrong

>> No.25033373

Anon, what kind of niche and languages ? Pls respond

>> No.25033446

College is a meme and so is hight school, and middle school as well. Everything beside learning to read, write and count is bullshit made up to justify the salary of overpaid teachers.

>> No.25033448

>parents use resources to help the kids that they love get ahead in life
AWWWWW that must be white supremacy

>> No.25033509

If you want to do what Elon Musk does, you don't need to go to college. If you want to develop useful technology, you do.

>> No.25033688

>I can't get laid because I'm competitive!!!!

>> No.25033930

Yes ALL white peoples have THIS much money.
Ye , so black dictators in Africa with their kids being born in wealth should be considered black privilege.
And so since those privileged blacks exist, then ALL black people have black privilege as well.

>> No.25034069

He's absolutely right. But proving you can do your chores is a far more important qualification for doing most jobs today than any amount of learning. If you go to college thinking you're going to learn lots of shit, you'll be disappointed. But that's not the reason to go.
So if you think you can be a business owner, don't bother with college. But if you want to wage for a living (even as a stop-gap), you need that piece of paper.
Just remember that not everyone can be a successful business owner, so you'd better be pretty certain that you have it in you before you go that route.

>> No.25034123
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>You aren't as smart as Elon
I'm smarter

>> No.25034917

Biggest meme of them all.
Just learn the stuff needed for free online and in worst case scenario fake your CV with a degree.
At least 1 employer wont check

>> No.25035272

its a meme
the moment i stopped pursueing a graduates degree is the moment i started to win

>> No.25035404

None of the arguments listed imply that they aren't self made. They were moderately wealthy, not even comparable to the point those people are now. Seems like ultra poorfag mentality along with a dash of cope

>> No.25035443

As usual, it depends. If you have a clear vision of what you want in life, and a specific degree is necessary to attain it, then college is absolutely worth it. If you want to be in a middle class profession such as law, medicine, or engineering you don't really have a choice.
However, most people aren't cut out for academics, and would probably be much happier working vocational trades.
The biggest scam modern society has pulled is convincing everyone that college is the only way to success.

>> No.25035450

Depends on what you want to do.

>> No.25035468
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>turning one million dollars into one billion is a thousand times easier than turning one dollar into one million dollars
Problem goy?

>> No.25035489

Some jobs require accreditation so you literally need college. But if you're planning on programming your own project or learning how to trade then you don't need college.

>> No.25035570

If you don't have a degree, I automatically assume you're a retard.

>> No.25035610
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>> No.25035618

>If you don't have a degree, I automatically assume you're a retard.
This mentality means your job is getting automated in 5-10 years.

>> No.25035643

if you come from wealth and are some sort of outlier genius then no. otherwise its a retardedly harsh gatekeeping mechanism that is near impossible to get through unless the boss' daughter is in love with you.

>> No.25035645

you don't need college if you have bitcoin

>> No.25035867

You don't measure how hard it is to acquire money based on how far 1 dollar is from 1 million vs 1 million to 1 billion.

Any sucker can get 1 or 2 million by simply waging for a long time, try that with 1 billion. 1 billion needs a lot of creativity beyond going to work.

>> No.25036121
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post em job descriptions

>> No.25036341

Yeah a Ukrainian born to alcoholics who makes $150/month is set for life because of his white skin

>> No.25036464

China has more billionaires. And likely the Jews do too. So Asian Jew privilege?

>> No.25036522

Not a meme if you have the smarts for it. Otherwise it's a waste of your time.

>> No.25036538


>> No.25036545

You're super dumb.
You get billions because its easier to spend millions in resources to make that billion. Than it is to wage cuck and make a million over 40 years. Holy shit you don't know anything about business.
Things said when you have millions in backing or loans available
>I can take this $2 million machine and make $50 million in 5 years
Things never said with a regular job
>I can take this $700 paycheck and buy this $700 machine and make millions in 5 years.

>> No.25036718

Well information is free from the most part aint it?
But personally i couldnt get past the first chapter of calculus on khan academy.