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25350072 No.25350072 [Reply] [Original]

Before we get to business, if you’re in here to start screaming “rug pull” or “Nigerian scam” etc… read this article first -> https://gainsfarm.medium.com/true-defi-no-trust-required-ff77268fb3c2

Okay, now that that’s out of the way, let’s chat like big boys and girls.

WHAT. THE. EVER. LOVING. FUCK. Someone finally did it.. they developed a platform that creates actual utility for its farmable token. We’ve reached the next stage of what’s possible in this space.

Gains.farm is an exchange that allows you to execute trades on ETH with up to 250x leverage… WITHOUT KYC. Yes I’ll repeat that one more time. YOU CAN EXECUTE TRADES WITH 250x LEVERAGE WITHOUT ANY KYC. On top of that, you can also liquidate open trades and earn 10% of their loss just by pressing a button.

Now I know some of you retards are already thinking “token not needed” because you literally have the IQ of a cuckhold donkey bitch. But, yes… the token is actually needed.

Not only are the trades placed by using GFARM, but you need to obtain an NFT token to increase your leverage limit as well as to snipe liquidations. This NFT token can only be obtained by accruing NFT credits through providing a minimum amount to the LP pool (or you can buy one for a pretty penny). On top of that, when you snipe a liquidation it BURNS GFARM.

I could go on about how revolutionary this is, but this is day 4, it’s barely at $1m mcap. It’s the most innovative product I have come across in all my years. $500m cap is FUD. Read more here -> https://gainsfarm.medium.com/farm-2-0-yield-farming-with-a-new-concrete-use-case-defi-nfts-33be7bbfd9c7

>> No.25350109
File: 61 KB, 640x640, 1608726163775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit is so based, really looking forward to the huge potential on this.

>> No.25350124

Yup, this thing is a monster. DCA’d up from .30c to $3.00 and would buy more if I could. Almost have enough for the NFT card

>> No.25350161

How to buy token?

>> No.25350183


2021 comfy as fuck

>> No.25350190

This is one of the most promising projects ive seen recently. First time I've seen NFTs with utility in a defi project.

>> No.25350228


>> No.25350230

thx for sharing, $100 seems like a good target

perfect timing with Binance clamping down on lev trading from US regulation

been using gfarm for a day so far and all working very well

apparently some big accounts on CT are going to start talking about it soon

>> No.25350231


>> No.25350259
File: 1.50 MB, 2321x972, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nft token
aren't NFTs that worthless art shit?

>> No.25350310

fucking hell this is going to get sent

>> No.25350325

No. An NFT is a non fungible token which means they are one of a kind (or limited). Originally they were used for artwork but this expanded them into DeFi and gave them utility. There’s a limited amount of the NFT tokens and they’re what allow you to liquidate trades and trade on higher leverage as the OP literally just wrote.

>> No.25350329


>> No.25350365

You should read before you write.

>> No.25350373

these NFTs actually have utility, unlock higher leverage

you earn GFarm NFT credits by providing 1% liquidity to the pool, then you spend these credits on leverage NFTs

>> No.25350425

This is that new shit

>> No.25350426

website looks like shit desu

>> No.25350452

200+ trades on the decentralized platform so far - finally, a farm with legit utility

>> No.25350485

you sound like a pajeet shiller...

>> No.25350554

Were talking about it’s functionality not its colors you toddler lol, and don’t worry we’re not shilling the token price, that was done 3 days ago when it was x60 less you already missed it when you called it a scam then too.... now we’re just discussing how legit it actually is

>> No.25350599

Hahaha, yeah I mean in terms of best entry that’s long gone, biz always misses that... but the platform itself I’ll still buy in just to use it. Maybe that’s why it’s exploding

>> No.25350876 [DELETED] 
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Listen biz, I've had this idea, I'm obviously not the only one, so if anyone here doing it I'd like some advice.

And it's simple, how do I make 100 usd a day trading shitcoins? And I don't mean looking at meme lines all day and pretend to know what's going to happen. I've been thinking of something simpler like looking at hotpairs on dextools and swinging those, or maybe just browsing twitter like a maniac to find shills that haven't taken off yet.

Then I'd put 1000 USDT on said shitcoin and wait for it to go up only 10% and get out, not getting greedy and hoping for it to 10x.
I mean, Some lowcap shitcoin worth for example .10, waiting it for it to go to .11 and getting out. Happens millions of times a day.

That would allow me to have a great life in the 3rd world shithole I come from, but maybe it's easier said than done.

Advice biz?