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25435263 No.25435263 [Reply] [Original]

I've gotten myself into some trouble with sugar mommy scammers online.

I'm talking to 2 sugar mommies online that wanted my bank username and password. I gladly gave it to them because I only have 10 dollars in there and it's just a college checking account. One of them promised me a weekly 300 dollar allowance and the other promised me a daily allowance of 300 dollars.

Enter sugar mommy 1:
>wants to peg me
>two restaurants

Enter Sugar mommy 2:
>'big in the gold trade'
>lives in texas
>wants me to dance with her to blues and oldies
>60 years old

They each deposited around 4k into my account. mommy 1 said her restaurant had a disaster and she needs me to transfer 1700 to her. Asked me to go to a BTC atm or 4 normal atms to withdraw the money for her. This is obviously an attempt at money laundering.

Mommy 2 told me she's investing 2000 into btc for me and told me to buy 2000 dollars worth of btc for her using cash app and keep another 300 as my weekly allowance.

So far i've called out mommy 1, it's threatened to come to my parents house and get my money by any means, call the FBI on me and shit too. I've straight up ignored mommy 2 and it won't stop texting me saying how I showed my true colors and betrayed it.

I called the bank and told them my accounts been compromised and I didn't cash those checks, they said they'd fix it and get back to me but they never did, the operator put someone else on the line but then the line got busy and they cut me out.

what do? I'm just sitting on 2-4k. I honestly wanna give the scammers their shit back so they'd leave me alone but I read some forms that the money could bounce at any moment since they could've easily deposited fake checks into my account. I don't know anything about banks or crypto any advice?

>> No.25435397

Has mommy 1 pegged you yet tho??

>> No.25435445

Don't worry son, mommy 3 will take care of it <3

>> No.25435465
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Asking the important questions.

>> No.25435479

>buy BTC
>say it was the scammer

>> No.25435483

Don't really see a way out of this. Best potential is that the bank reverts and they get their money back. I think you're going to have to lie through your teeth and even though it'll be extremely obvious with all of the evidence that they have against you, you just have to keep lying and deny it until you die, or suffer extreme embarrassment.

>> No.25435497

You can be dancing with granny to the blues and giving her dusty cooze a mix but you're here instead.

>> No.25435573

This is too autistic to be a leap....

>> No.25435581

Nice work kid. Once you tell your bank its out of your hands. You cant be held accountable for anything because you didnt do anything.

>> No.25435597

based autistic anon

>> No.25435610

If some one has logged into your account, put cash in and then complained they have broken the law and not you.
My advice would be to simply send the money to based CZ on Binance or use local bitcoins and do a bank transfer.

>> No.25435780

The real story is, how do you get sugar mums anon?

>> No.25435785

this, OP this

>> No.25435816


You dont. They were scammers

>> No.25435823

>So far i've called out mommy 1, it's threatened to come to my parents house and get my money by any means, call the FBI on me and shit too. I've straight up ignored mommy 2 and it won't stop texting me saying how I showed my true colors and betrayed it.
tell them to cope, they're not going to do shit since they're obviously scammers.

>> No.25435866

funds will be safe indeed

>> No.25435885

A lot of fuck around. Waste of time and possible criminal issues or at least police contact for a few k. Are people really taking chances like this for so little? Pro tip you may not get charged by the police, but if you fuckup again for real they’ll remember your name and notes and you’ll get charged. Kek

>> No.25435908

You scammed the scammers KEEP THE MONEY

>> No.25436146

They're both threatening to call the FBI and turn me into the feds. The bank is changing my account info shortly. I have 2300 in my account as of yet

>> No.25436181

prob gonna use it to buy a gun and kms desu
how do I do any of that?

>> No.25436214

It’s a bluff. The first sugar momma might be a scammer, not sure about the second. They could sue you but you did nothing criminal - if anything you have leverage because you gave them your acc info, they didn’t just wire it to you. I’d put the money in crypto and just block both of them. I’m serious.

>> No.25436237

You didn't break any American laws though, they deposited money and its yours.

>> No.25436243
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you scammed a scammer

>> No.25436249

>They're both threatening to call the FBI and turn me into the feds
They're going to snitch on themselves? You "did the right thing" by refusing to assist them in money laundering. Being a sugar-baby is not illegal, money laundering is illegal. If you're actually worried just sit on the money and don't do anything with it for awhile, it could look bad if you spent it.

To scammers like this, losing this money is the cost of doing business.

>> No.25436255

what kind of scammer deposits 4k into your account
even if they were planning to blackmail him later on it's like, this kid is a poorfag lmao

>> No.25436297

Stopped reading halfway through. How I have sex with sugar mommy

>> No.25436323

this thread is fucking weird

>> No.25436329

how do i do that? idk jack shit about crypto

>> No.25436340

>wut do
shag them all anon
let God sort em out

>> No.25436354
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you're all fucking retarded if you think OP actually has 4k right now
that money is gonna disappear as soon as the bank catches up to the fact that it's funny money and you'll be on the line for anything you withdrew
there's not actually 4k in your account, they just list it there as a convenience since 99% of all transactions are not fraudulent. The actual consolidation of the money on the bank balance sheet has 100% not happened yet
>scamming the scammers
ah yeah, who do you think is better at this game, you or scammers? You think some fat brazillian larping as a sugar mommy would put 2000 actual dollars on the line?

>> No.25436373

Its a classic scam, deposit fake money/check in someones acc, tell them to send some back, initial transaction gets reversed after a few days and the retard is stuck owing the bank the money they sent back to the scammer.

>> No.25436383

I was honestly really affection starved because my gf dumped me ik they were scammers but I just wanted to some validation for my ugly ass. I honestly dont want their money.

>> No.25436442

Give back their money and have sex with mommy 1

>> No.25436451

Bro you wanted affection from two nigerian/indian men pretending to be old women? What the fuck lol

>> No.25436475

>wants to peg me

>> No.25436484

he could introduce them to each other now
keep them occupied

>> No.25436650
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Quarantine hasn’t been easy on me. More pics to follow.

>> No.25436682
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Mommy 2

>> No.25436697

Just change your account info and block their shit, how the fuck they gonna call the feds on you lmao
chances are you're right and it's a scam, or two it's real and >My sugarbaby didn't let me peg him

won't hold up in court lmao

>> No.25436703
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Mommy 1

>> No.25436737
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“>this thread”
God bless you OP

>> No.25436738

Okay but what do I do with the money?

>> No.25436781

Kek at the New Years message

>> No.25436790
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you should get yourself adopted by this one OP

>> No.25436801
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If thats not yours they scammed some idiots benefits using their social

>> No.25436920

kek, just ghost them OP and don't touch the money for a month or two. Stop replying to them, there's no point, you can only possibly incriminate yourself.

>> No.25436927

holey shit thats shady can i return it to this retard and tell him his ss has been compromised? I cant imagine what he's going through

>> No.25436943


>> No.25436955

If I were you I'd try to get a lawyer's advice, try to find one from your friends and family, pay for one at the worst case scenario. If you can't do this keep contacting your bank.

>> No.25436966

classic fake check scam, if you really want to have your ass covered report them to the FTC assuming American

>> No.25437008

Answer him OP

>> No.25437015

You don't return it to the "person", that person never claimed it, the scammer did, in your name. You did the right thing reporting your bank account as hacked. I'd be cautious about taking it further because if you report it to the FBI they're gonna dig into you. It's not your responsibility to know what the fuck "PUA FEDERAL" is.

>> No.25437032

There is no way you’ll be able to track him down. Just leave the money untouched, you told the bank already. Don’t give the scammers shit.

>> No.25437052

kek bless you OP

>> No.25437119

Wait, how do I get scammers to send me money?

>> No.25437179

>>It's not your responsibility to know what the fuck "PUA FEDERAL" is
>strange men make large deposits my student checking with 'FEDERAL' writ large
>'its, like, not my responsibility, bro..'

>> No.25437186

basically this is how the scam work
>scammer gets rando's SSN and personal info
>scammer gets op's direct deposit info
>scammer applies for gibs using the info
>gibs arrive at OP's bank account
>scammer asks OP to transfer the gibs
>now OP is the one scamming fed for gibs, at least in fed's eyes

>> No.25437218

how to make money from fuck mommy?

>> No.25437262

>bank account gets hacked
>report hack
>feds show up
>tell them your account got hacked and reported it, haven't touched the unknown transfer
>feds check with the bank and get the money back
simple as, assuming the government is competent enough and not overloaded with higher priority work (low chance). The government would end up spending more money investigating this than recouping the stimulus. In reality you have illegals and people double, tripling, quadruple applying for this shit.

>> No.25437273

this sounds like a job for XMR (THE KING)

>> No.25437281

gd dude just go give her your ass and live a life most people will only ever dream of

why did you not buy the btc?

just play it off w/ mommy 1 like you're being a brat and let her fuck you in the ass hard

>> No.25437414

okay im scared now

what sort of deep shit is mommy 1 in?

>> No.25437465

>posted the number

alright boys rev up those pajeet scammers who "sell" solar panels

>> No.25437478

Pretty much. OP needs to report it all to the Bank. The Feds will burn them all, they don't care, unless OP goes the extra length to demonstrate he's not part of it.

>> No.25437514

okay how do i not get murdered by the feds?

>> No.25437542

Mommy 1 and mommy 2 are likely not even American and probably behind 7 proxies. Probably involved a larger scamming ring, you're one of many money mules. The risk to them is low, that's why they need you, to absorb the risk. Don't threaten them or argue with them, you're only incriminating yourself.

I wouldn't recommend this, because it only incriminates yourself further, but if you wanted to counter-scam them you could try to dox them and blackmail them. When scammers try to contact me I sometimes setup phishing websites, just for fun though. I've never been rused like you have, you're the one who needs to shed the risk, not dig yourself deeper.

>> No.25437547


>> No.25437620

Report it to the bank you mongoloid nigger brain. Tell them you think you received federal funds fraudulently and explain it all to the bank. After consulting an attorney kek. Assuming OP is not a nigger larper.

>> No.25438012

I gotta consult an attorney too now? shit this is fucking complicated

>> No.25438039

>Where is my money
>Happy new year