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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25442381 No.25442381 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /biz/tards
I studied fucking Event Planing
Worked in the club/rave scene since I was 17.
All my work is cancelled, cant even exit my house without a reason while the wuhan flu is here.
I live in a post commie country, not a single job offer in 6 months.
No support from the government.
Pc is all I have left.
What do? i have literally 0 ideas apart from selling crack, i have fucking 20 eur in my pocket and the lockdown was prolonged till mid February.
What you would do?

>> No.25442437

>What you would do?
bust a couple of normies heads for car repairs. i charged this stripper whore 1000$ to install pads and rotors on her porshce cayene.

>> No.25442645

>I studied fucking Event Planing
What the fuck? How is that a thing?

>> No.25442717

Kek, learn to code or study to be a plumber.

>> No.25442757

As a society we need to put an end to bullshit jobs. Go be a doctor, learn to build houses, start a farm...fuck off with this shit.

>> No.25442790

>selling crack
try it nigger flip rock nigger

>> No.25442837

>What you would do?
Rob a bank in minecraft
Everybody is wearing a mask anyway, so they wouldn't even notice you.
And after all, the government and the banks are the ones who are destroying you anyway for literally no reason. So why continue to obey? And the economy will stay closed through out the whole year. You can bet on that.

>> No.25442954

>got a bunch of cloud certs from amazon/google/azure after studying for 3-4 months while daytrading shitcoins in 2017-2018
>now working for 165k a year with barely 20 hours a week of actual work because nobody else at my company knows how to use AWS/azure
>i basically change people's passwords for a living but can ask for 20% raises every year because nobody knows wtf i actually do
>use all my free money to buy btc and am ironically buying a tesla roadster because dont know what else to spend money on

get into tech you moron

>> No.25443014

Where should I start?

>> No.25443099


I dont know what the certs look like now but i think AWS has an entry level cloud practicioner certification that just about anyoen can study for and pass with minimal technical knowledge going into it

you'll need to learn some very basic concepts like networking, security policies, etc but i figure that certification can get your foot in the door as an internal systems guy at some shitty regional company

use that experience to get into better roles every year or two, and go for other certs in the meantime. a few coursera courses and you'll have a resume that can fool any boomer

>> No.25443131

Do tech support for cheap. Build up a clientele. I fix phones and laptops for a living. The reasons for their stuff being broken is always mundane and trivial. it's so much cash and it's so easy. I don't even have any certifications yet

>> No.25443224


this shit works too, but i would add in advertise 'cleaning' their machine of 'viruses' and just run malwarebytes or some shit and upsell them for an extra hour of work

boomers think their machines have literal coronavirus and need regular doctor visits and that's where you come in. just tell them you'll speed up their computers. ive had people pay me $50/hr back in the day for this

>> No.25443292

I'm sorry, it's terrible what the governments are doing with this depopulation plan.

>> No.25443342
File: 25 KB, 473x449, vitalikki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

break into the house of a rich jew and just take whats yours
cut off noses from their faces and make a necklace you will feel better

>> No.25443368

Kek normalfags

>> No.25443369

No unusual excess mortality anywhere in the world
Lockdown stringency no relation ship with mortality
97% of positive pcr tests that cycle over 35 are false positives
Who changed its recommendations in 2019
No cost benefit analysis
Vaccinating people not at risk is madness

Fuck the wef
Fuck the ccp
Fuck the rockefeller foundation

>> No.25443484

Use ur network of ravers to find an “in” on the drug game and start selling whatever they like molly ketamine etc

>> No.25443539

What is your role/title? 165k is dev salary tier. Curious what jobs one can apply to once getting the certs

>> No.25443602


Learn a trade that's actually useful. Wtf is an event planner? Are you a woman?

>> No.25443616


I was hired as a solutions architect, but my work involves almost no solutioning and is strictly system admin type shit at this point

I did at one point have to help with a database migration to cloud servers, but that is the only thing I ever did that required real solutioning. for the past 1.5 yrs i've just been monitoring systems and handling permissions access/credentials for new employees

>> No.25443727

Very nice. I migrate on-prem database environments to RackSpace servers on the regular and only make half of your salary. Gotta step up my game

>> No.25443819

>I dont know what the certs look like now but i think AWS has an entry level cloud practicioner certification that just about anyoen can study for and pass with minimal technical knowledge going into it
>you'll need to learn some very basic concepts like networking, security policies, etc but i figure that certification can get your foot in the door as an internal systems guy at some shitty regional company

Nope those ones are bullshit sales pitches disguised as "learning". Same as O365 / Teams / Azure ones. Terms and such and a mile high view but nothing solid.

The old A+ of how many pins on RDRAM and what frequency / how many pins on a 486 Processor would even be 100x were more useful.

>> No.25443841


Dude if you have any experience in anything technical i would just get the AWS/azure certs and rebrand yourself as a cloud solutions architect/devops/database guy. the industry is crazy with buzzwords right now and if you have any certs you get massive clout with recruiters and hiring managers

I havent worked with google cloud outside of getting the certs, but AWS and Azure are extremely intuitive and self explanatory platforms and at this point are retard proof. you can easily double your salary by doing what you're already doing (migrating on-prem dbs) but slapping cloud on it

hell in aws you can pretty much automatically migrate most on-prem dbs with like 3-4 button clicks

>> No.25443867

>I did at one point have to help with a database migration to cloud servers,

>only make half of your salary. Gotta step up my game

Christ I know, a DB migration to cloud servers wouldn't even make me blink / take a day of my time. It really is about getting lucky sometimes in the job market

>> No.25444359

Thanks for the advice. I'm currently in an ETL / data analyst role. What work experience did you have prior to your SA gig? I'm guessing you're in a HCOL area? I'll definitely look into those certs, just leery that the certs alone will allow me to command such a big pay bump

>> No.25444664

Throw a dope ass online rave and charge mad money. Problem solved.

>> No.25444719
File: 2.69 MB, 640x480, 1608936628834.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not automatically coming up ways to duck people over who are in your exact situation

>> No.25444826


Sell jerk off vids.

>> No.25444861

What if I don't have a degree anon?Does it also work then if I just get the certs? I was studying Computer Science a few years ago, but dropped out half way through, because I was sick of jumping though 100 loops, learning a bunch of bullshit I would never use just to get a piece of paper. Didn't do anything related since then