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25487363 No.25487363 [Reply] [Original]

AVAX will moon once everyone realizes ETH takes 1h to transact and AVAX has sub 3 second finality, and ultimate decentralization.

>> No.25487747
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>> No.25487752

the ETH savior when ETH 2.0 fork will become a subnet under the AVAX platform.

Sharding is dead on arrival.

>> No.25487849

>ultimate decentralization
I cuckled. At least you pajeets have a sense of humor sometimes.

>> No.25487874

Turkish “ETH killer”

Into the trash it goes

>> No.25487931

>show me flashloans on avax
>show me DEXs on avax
>show me ARC30 tokens
>show me Liquidty Pooling on avax
>show me literally any DeFi on avax
>show me oracles on avax
>show me literally anything Eth already has that exists on avax

>> No.25487934
File: 981 KB, 342x239, rick.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the radix cuck cant even scale his shitty network to 100+ nodes
pathetic how hes trying to lecture EGS.

>> No.25488075
File: 24 KB, 471x345, homer phone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>show me DEXs on avax
Pangolin ($PNG) coming this month.
>show me oracles on avax
they are working very close with chainlink
EGS and Ari Juels are the top dogs of IC3!

>show me literally anything Eth already has that exists on avax
>show me literally any DeFi on avax
Everything from Ethereum can be pasted over to AVAX with very little effort and this is what will happen in the next months.
AVAX is also only 3 months old right now so its very early.

>> No.25488187

>can't even expand it to 100 nodes
>has not even gone mainnet yet
Yes because it is impossible to reach that level. Apart from the fact that even a ras pi can be a node and it is simple to become a node once it is released.

>> No.25488364
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>Yes because it is impossible to reach that level.
No its not, AVAX did it. they have over 665 Nodes and it can support up to millions of them
>Apart from the fact that even a ras pi can be a node
a raspi can run AVAX Nodes too
>once it is released.
AVAX mainnet is already out for 3 months, it works.

>> No.25488501
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Yes, EVM will live on AVAX
BTC, ETH both need AVAX

>> No.25488508

Sure sure

>> No.25488603

>EVM will live on AVAX

>> No.25488623

>Look at this meme irrelevant feature
>What your coin don't have it? Must be a shitcoin

Remind me of atomic swap meme, probably even worse than "written in python" meme.

I don't understand the cucks that fud avax, It's clearly superior and the fudders themselves know it (Unless they're uber brainlets and don't know a single thing about what they themselves talk about), The only conclusion is that those investors either have locked bags in their shilled shitcoins or that they're psychologically caged in bag holding until they're in profits.

>> No.25488826

>Dumped since inception

>> No.25488839

>eth killer
What is this? 2017?

>> No.25488905

do you use DeFi or are you n00b?

>> No.25488961
File: 267 KB, 400x400, 0BA180D2-91C7-491A-88A8-7A2DD3FB82DB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fook is this guy

>> No.25489019

so that means No?, you dont use any DeFi on Ethereum?

>> No.25489076
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blocks your path
(nothing personal, kid)

>> No.25489107
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Not so fast Pedophile

>> No.25489179

I use eth defi. Last transaction I did was paying back a loan on AAVE last week and the transaction cost 50 bucks.

>> No.25489363

Not an argument. Prove that Avalanche isn't the best platform on the market by a margin, I'll wait.

It's a slightly improved dpos shitcoin, I've deja vu from EOS, The only thing that give it relevancy is that they raised tons of money and can pump their own bags and "ecosystem".

>> No.25489384

>and the transaction cost 50 bucks.
meanwhile on AVAX:
>AVAX Time of transfer = ~1 second
>AVAX Cost of transfer = 0.001 AVAX (~ $0.0035 USD)

this is what the future looks like for DeFi, everything that works on Ethereum can work on AVAX, its like 2 clicks and the AVAX/ETH Bridge is coming this month.

>> No.25489406

I’m farming with $100k on sushi. Idgaf about txn costs. Poorfags like you do though which is why you are so hellbent on muh eth killers and will be BTFO harder than you already are.

>> No.25489484

Thanks, saved me.
Bought more DOT.

>> No.25489538

>Idgaf about txn costs
but you should because this limits adoption and it eats your profits.

>> No.25489570

Eth Killers are the time tested best way to have fun staying poor

>> No.25489600

what a futuristic future.

>> No.25489614

>limits adoption
Eth is at the highest it’s been for 2 years. If people cared about txn fees they would have switched to tron.

>> No.25489642

>Circulating Supply: 72 million
>Total Supply: 760 million

Enjoy getting dumped on to death LMAO. Also Eth 2.0 will take a huge dump on this turkroach shit

>> No.25489657

Yey another shit coin thta works fast with ten users but actually won't scale.

>> No.25489664

its almost here.
because all the "Eth Killers" were classical protocols that didnt invent anything new, they just tweaked existing shit and sold it to brainlets.
Avalanche is the real deal and a real breakthrough because of how it achieves Consensus. read the whitepaper.
>Eth is at the highest it’s been for 2 years.
The Potential is in the trillions but it can never go there because it cant scale, on AVAX it can.

>> No.25489864

Half of this will take 100 years to reach, At that point for example Polkadot will be valued at over 2T marketcap assuming current price and Ethereum at 300B+ assuming current price, In respect to their inflation rate (Which is uncapped in opposite to AVAX).

The real number is 360M and even that is borderline fud because 60% of this will be locked for the next 5 years.

>> No.25490280

Turkcoin gonna rape you little christcuck

>> No.25490566

>does not understand i was being ironic.
Sorry retard for got to put in /s for ya.
Im saying that radix scales INFINITELY with growth as the system, and is more profitable the more nodes are active.

Enjoy the next few months before people realize why your platform is so shit once it hits a limit.

>has mainet out
Omg guys they have mainnet, they are on coinbase/binance! This means it will mooooon! Lets not bring up the fact they put out an unfinsihed product that will bite them and investors in the ass in the future.

>> No.25490583

As the system gains more nodes*

>> No.25490684

>Im saying that radix scales INFINITELY
but it doesnt, whitepaper says only 100 nodes. I guarantee there will never be more.
>an unfinsihed product
the basics already work, these same basics will never work for radix.