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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25750803 No.25750803 [Reply] [Original]

>visit r/cryptocurrency to see how bad the ground situation actually is
its worse than i thought

>> No.25750841

I just sold everything

>> No.25750866
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>> No.25750886

Thanks just sold 100k

>> No.25751030

This is the strongest FUD I've seen so far

>> No.25751067

why do you think they waited with the tether rugpull this long?
because reddit and bixnoodtwitter wasnt throwing all their money into it yet

>> No.25751278

reddit lives rent free in the minds of everybody here

>> No.25751305

its interesting to observe animal behaviour

>> No.25751369

The funny thing is they probably can take out a second mortgage because they are middle age home owners posting spongebob memes, not NEETS like 4chan who will be millionaires with no crippling debt

>> No.25751673

we need more time, if it blows up on the 15th redditors will get cheapies. we need a solid 2 months of btc bullrun. rugpull at 100k

>> No.25751724

at the very most btc/eth pump to ~70k/1.8k but that immediately gets shut down by solvency/liquidity issues on every exchange

>> No.25751806

lmao oh no

>> No.25751839

but personally i believe the top is pretty much in and if it pumps more it will only get to 50k for BTC before the reddit party is over

>> No.25751846

either way, if tether blows on the 15th they wont be making it

>> No.25751973

>tether fud
deja vu

>> No.25751981

>4chan agressively defines itself on not being reddit
>reddit doesn't give a shit about 4chan
Its almost as pathetic as eightchan was

>> No.25752350

Get out redd*tor

>> No.25752430

you're right
rent free

>> No.25752554

i usually have diamond hands but m o n i q u e has me shaken

>> No.25752624

he's not wrong. reddit doesnt give a fuck about us, yet we tell them to leave at any sign someone is a redditor. we're weak.

>> No.25752657
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Post hand/face/body/jaw/penis/nose/foreskin.

>> No.25752705

Holy fuck go back too faggot, don't try speak for 'us' ever again

>> No.25752738
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>> No.25752809

You need to go back.

>> No.25752833


>> No.25752862

it's ogre

>> No.25752899
File: 23 KB, 500x375, smugJudau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been here for a majority of my life which is also longer than most people on this god forsaken website and that's not something anybody should feel any sense of pride for.

If only I had opened those threads for BTC on /g/ and read it. I would have made it by now.

>> No.25752907

he can't keep getting away with it

>> No.25752940

I- I'm feeling nauseous bros...

>> No.25753037

On the other hand this could be proof of the dimwit topwit bitcoin alliance

>> No.25753210
File: 287 KB, 500x585, 8D84FD4D-706E-4C15-9EE1-3EEBF6424617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have already exposed yourself, larping as an oldfag won´t change the fact that you need to go back.

>> No.25753257
File: 483 KB, 600x731, despair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's no larp i've been here since 2016

>> No.25753334

wtf is bitcoin stock?

>> No.25753422

They bought on Robin Hood

>> No.25753425

>i've been here since 2016
fuck off back to гeddit
either nigger queens think bitcoin is a stock or they bought into some pyramid that is called bitcoin stock

>> No.25753461


>> No.25753507

It's really more like a hazing.
If you are so weak it offends you then...

>> No.25753609

you're joking

>> No.25753620

>majority of your life
Are you 8?

>> No.25753678

>I've been here for a majority of my life
>it's no larp i've been here since 2016
You have to be 18 to post here.

>> No.25753687

9 in February

>> No.25753749


>> No.25753819


>> No.25753833

9 is too old for 4channel jannies

>> No.25754000

As I said get the fuck off my site

>> No.25754057

>fell for it

>> No.25754423


>> No.25754644

Yeah I strongly doubt these kids on r/faggot have mortgages to do a HELOC on and if they did and didn't do it when bitcoin was 4 figures they're a fucking tard

>> No.25754844

I made a joke post once about being that age and got banned. Jannies truly are trannies

>> No.25754879

oh no no no

>> No.25754907

Checked and thanks just sold 100k

>> No.25755113

>2016 considers themselves an oldfag

I have been here since 2006

I’m convinced this is hell and 4chan is my personal demon

>> No.25755200

nah, I'm just shitposting because i know 2016 is a year that really riles everyone up. I've been here since 2008 or 2009 i think. it's gotten a big foggy. I remember being in school having a fun time talking about 4chan with my buddies. Now I'm old and everyday it feels like my life would be much more pleasant if I never fucking found this place. No social skills, very little friends, severe autism, bummer

>> No.25755302

I bought bitcoin on robin hood too because coinbase and all the other exchanges want me to do a bunch of gay shit like take pictures of my ID and send them utility bills.

>> No.25755409

Eightchan pre Trump was a fucking wonderland filled with great discussions and information. You have no idea what you are talking about.

>> No.25755416


Been here since 2006 and somehow I am only worth 1.5 million right now. Even if you know, you need the funds to make it. I put most of my money in ORN and a little in bonded.finance.

Good luck fellow lifetimer.

>> No.25755449

At least we might make it with a LINK stack... I wish I didn’t waste 2016-2019 on /pol/

I also wish I didn’t ignore that /b/ thread telling me to buy into bitcoin because it hit an ATH of $25.

>> No.25755524

T-this means a-alts are about to run right?

>> No.25755553

cheers lad. congrats on this. I can't even imagine having that much money. Technically I'm worthless since I have as much in crypto as I do student loans (75k). Currently betting big on Parsq, Fantom, coinmetro, and Link. I might read up on those but frankly at the prices we're at I just can't bring myself to buy so I've been DCAing into a portfolio of stocks.

i was here but i was wasting my time with stocks for a while and lost a good chunk in biotech calls. I got grilled. I thought BTC was just stupid fake money. God how stupid and fucking retarded could I have been. I did just sell my stack of DOGE though from 2014 for 300 bucks so it's not all that bad.

>> No.25755612
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Wtf is that syntax

>> No.25755615

then you didnt buy any btc, you bought a big fat IOU worth nothing from robinhood

>> No.25756000

Blessed image

>> No.25756052

How the fuck are you all becoming self aware?

>> No.25756150
File: 352 KB, 828x801, 1609632089526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish m o n i q u e had me shaking

>> No.25756214
File: 51 KB, 500x400, 1397320279847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is everyone on twitter negroids or white people choosing to speak like negroids

>> No.25756419


>> No.25756469

Same here bro. I said I was 12 and worked as a male prostitute for older women and I got a 2 month

>> No.25756522

So I should sell them and buy elsewhere?

>> No.25756612

This is why BCH ran. Jogger can actually afford a whole one.

>> No.25756703

dear god

>> No.25756728
File: 14 KB, 471x388, 1582670929663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek so you finally figured it out huh
at least 10 more years boyo

>> No.25756785

How’s this bad? This is further proof that those with a high iq make it, those with a low iq make it when it comes to investing. Their ignorance and blind faith carries them through, the midwit is the one on /buttcoin and plebbit posting fud and spending nights studying tether wallets, explaining the movements and the impending crash . The same happened with the real estate market and pretty much all other asset markets, brainlets make money they just have little to begin with and high iq anons kill it, the majority of the west are midwits though

>> No.25756996

>tether rugpull

>> No.25757301

>bitcoin stock

despite getting in at 27k when I couldve gotten in earlier, I'm so fuckin glad I had the entirety of december to learn about bitcoin, and set up my funds and exchange accounts and get a wallet and cold seed storage.

then going normie and buying btc on robinhood.

>> No.25757436

Bitcoin is a big fat IOU worth nothing anyways, what's a few more layers?
t. unironically holds grayscale funds

>> No.25757521

Ive been here since 2013 and im still a newfag

>> No.25757964

This looks exactly like 2017 again. Shits a ticking timebomb

>> No.25758345

Lmao... oh god.

>> No.25759044

Best time to short since 2019 december screencap this you fags

>> No.25759690

its post portfolio on this board newfag

>> No.25759749

MAXR is a space company with a single digit P/E

>> No.25760253
File: 1.80 MB, 432x288, 1597962985950.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please go back. Never post here again.

>> No.25760338

>who is buying bitcoin a $40k?

>> No.25760438

Get a load of this retard.