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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25806539 No.25806539 [Reply] [Original]

I've lost $20,000 in one day.

>> No.25806587

You sold?

>> No.25806596


>> No.25806606

you're either the dumbest trader on this board or your portfolio is about 160k and you need to shut the fuck up

>> No.25806635


>> No.25806654

You haven't lost or gained any USD until you buy or sell

>> No.25806660

Is 160k supposed to be a lot or a little in your scenario I don't get it?

>> No.25806664

If Allah wishes it, your money will return to you.

>> No.25806665

I'm down 40k, it hurts.

>> No.25806666

$20k is still a lot of money even if I was a billionaire.

>> No.25806674
File: 62 KB, 976x850, 1609115766713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if not larp, that is tragic

>> No.25806694
File: 212 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20210110-204624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't get away from $100k

>> No.25806700

Checked. 20k is my yearly salary. I have to slave for 10 years just to save 20k after all my expenses

>> No.25806732

You know I just realized something. Bitcoin is going to be a quarter million, ethereum will be tens of thousands, link will be 1500, and biz will have the exact same ratio of depressed retards worrying that we’ll never make it. We’ll have literal millionaires on this board talking about how they can’t go on.

>> No.25806736

>t. Richest man in india

>> No.25806753

I'm down $47k today but haven't lost anything because I'm not a weak handed bitch that sold

>> No.25806772

Down over $100k over the weekend. Not like it matters since I wasn't going to sell and never will sell my Bitcoin. But it still hurts. Maybe I should I install blockfolio just so I'm not checking it all the time it's become a really bad habit

>> No.25806778

18k and counting here.

>> No.25806851

Until you lose 6 figures in a day STFU poorfag

>> No.25806943

what did you expect buying at the top and shit? It obviously couldn't continue rising at that speed.

>> No.25806946

-250k here, just hold

>> No.25806964

You'll be up $20,000 by EOD tomorrow. Crypto is gambling stop thinking you're investing.

>> No.25806977

its make it money

>> No.25806978

Down 50k in unrealized gains. Still feel nothing. Still not selling

>> No.25807017
File: 698 KB, 1439x1824, 7B284B28-84C2-4221-A557-AD89C1609989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t like crypto anymore, bros

>> No.25807022

Then you didn’t lose shit faggot. You think a casino cries and black pills when a whale leaves the table for the night up $3,000,000? Hold your fucking coins and act like a man

>> No.25807045

$160k won't make shit.

>> No.25807094

Shut the fuck up you fucking retard. How the fuck do you even have that much money and still do not understand scale and perspective holy shit.

>> No.25807135

Low IQ post. 20k is 1/50,000 of a billion, or 0.00002. Would you think it's a lot if say your Bitcoin went from $34,445.00 to $34,444.31?

>> No.25807197

Listen MegaSatan. $20k is only 'a lot' if your networth is less than $100k.
I lost $15k last year and I don't even give a shit and I'm a long way from even remotely making it.

>> No.25807266
File: 58 KB, 540x540, MIGA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lost $30M today. All of my money is in BTC. I bought at $2.

>> No.25807292
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>> No.25807319
File: 166 KB, 645x729, 1509310015941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am also in financial devastation, will it bounce back bros? fuck...

>> No.25807442

Are you a rich newfag or something?
My portfolio went down by $145k in a single day in march and I didn't even flinch.

>> No.25807522

If you didn't sell you didn't lose. Shut the fuck up and hodl your coins.

>> No.25807538


>> No.25807591

your evil

>> No.25807657

I think he means $160k worth of crypto will make it in the long run

>> No.25807707 [DELETED] 

I sold right before it all went to shit

>> No.25807711

you didn’t lose anything you’re just retarded

>> No.25807850

If it matters, depends on why it was lost. If it's a long term hold and it's just down on the day/week/year. Who gives a fuck? If it's an investment whose upside is gone and is trending downward, realizing losses is imminent, and you need to get out... Then it's a bit shittier of a situation. Also down large today on previous total, but yeah, who cares? BTC still going 100k+ and eth 5k+ this year.

>> No.25807887

Paper loss you faggot. I hope you sell the bottom but that be funny.

>> No.25808316

You idiots do know that if he sells and it continues dropping, he can buy back his exact position and have more money than he would if he just held it all the way down? The only fucking thing that matters is if it’s going to keep dropping or not. Fucks sake.

>> No.25808360
File: 10 KB, 223x226, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stuck in mid $30k

>> No.25808428

and if you had sold the top, how much would you pay in taxes? Probably more than 20k