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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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258941 No.258941[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>try to get health insurance today
>everyone telling me i cannot until november
>2014 usa

absolutely disgusting

>> No.258945


I got health insurance a couple months ago, no problem.

>> No.258998

>I got health insurance a couple months ago, no problem.
yeah before the deadline

>> No.259006

Why does there have to be a deadline? I don't get it. This is seriously entirely new to me. I randomly wanted it today, and everyone is denying me. What do?

>> No.259014

>tfw state chose not to expand Medicaid
>tfw poor parents and slowly can't take advantage of them anymore
>tfw $11K in grant money for just taking a few CDL classes at community college

This country is fucked.

>> No.259018

Why even bother

The fine is only $99 and 1% of your income the following year, and you're still covered, even if you didn't sign up for the ACA.

Compare this to $200-$500 monthly payments and $2000-$10000 deductibles.

The math makes this one a no brainer

>> No.259021


Excuse me

It's a tax penalty, not a fine.

Cause they're so totally different, except calling it a fine is illegal

>> No.259026


If you're young enough you can get a cheap as shit catastrophic plan.

>> No.259034


What country do you live in? I pay $40 a week which has been covering everything I need for the past two years since I got it. I just pay $15 deductible for each doctor's visit and prescription. And some sort of outpatient coverage I've never used. Why are you even paying for $500K surgery coverage when you're not a fragile 50 year old who's been smoking since he was 12. Medical insurance is cheap. It's your own fault paying for coverage you will likely never need.

>> No.259037

>a tax penalty is not a fine

We truly are in 1984.

>> No.259040

How the fuck are people actually still defending obamacare?

>> No.259043


I dunno, it doesn't go nearly far enough. We need a real universal healthcare system.

>> No.259046

>We need a real universal healthcare system.
No, we need to shoot you people in the brain.

What we need is a total free market in healthcare in the united states so the price can come down so everyone can afford it.

Fuck your medical fascism.

>> No.259049

>so everyone can afford it

Except that all the people who would raise costs will be excluded from coverage. Universal healthcare lowers costs AND increases coverage.

>> No.259052


While taxing only 20% more of our taxes. Free market would be cheaper.

>> No.259051



This is our government making another half assed attempt to provide mass health insurance, while also giving a huge rim job to the insurance companies.

>Government fucked up health care
>"What we need is the government to do more"

>> No.259063


Only poorest of the poor get lower costs and increased poverty.

The rich keep their same policies

The middle class get fucked in the ass with huge tax increases

>> No.259058
File: 130 KB, 1134x1357, 1353540304091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Except that all the people who would raise costs will be excluded from coverage.
In a free market system, insurance would be a very very small part of it. Most things would be paid out of pocket and thus the price will come down to very very little.

Pic related, when we actually had a free market in healthcare in america, this is how cheap it was and nobody was denied.
Even when it was only partially regulated and controlled in the 1950s and 60s, prices were so low everyone was taken care of.

>Universal healthcare lowers costs AND increases coverage.
Universal healthcare RAISES costs and shrinks coverage.

It also DESTROYS medical innovation, which is the sad thing.

>> No.259060

>what we need is the government to do more

Yep. Half-assed measures help no one. If you're going to do something, fucking do it.

Debatable and still has the problem of less coverage. It comes down to whether you think health care is a right or a privilege.

>> No.259067


Oh boy, it's this pic again. It was nonsense when it was first posted and it's still nonsense now.

>mfw /biz/ is infested

>> No.259071

>Yep. Half-assed measures help no one.
You dumb fuck.

The government is what made healthcare expensive in the fucking first place.

Now you want anyone who tries to provide healthcare privately to be shot at?

We need to kill you people.

>> No.259074
File: 84 KB, 400x300, 13533464509095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, you're THIS mad that the image proves you wrong.

Get off my fucking business board you socialist piece of shit.

>> No.259083


I believe life-threatening conditions that require medical attention should be forgiven when it comes to medical debt. But at the same time when it comes to get gastric bypass because too lazy to work out or I need help to study give me addy I have ADHD bullshit - I'm not going to be happy to pay taxes for that.

>> No.259086
File: 1.28 MB, 1097x2706, WHY IS HEALTHCARE SO EXPENSIVE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is healthcare so expensive in america?

Lets get the price down to near pennies by deregulating, not letting these fascists take over the system.

>> No.259088

Single-payer universal care is the only answer.

>> No.259094

You have no argument.

Murdering people who try to treat patients is NOT the fucking answer you sick fuck.

What we need is freedom, where people are allowed to treat whoever they want.

We need the price to get down to pennies so everyone can afford it.

Not a system where healthcare stagnates and people die in waiting lines.

Fuck off you technology hating neo-luddite.

>> No.259096


It's a waste of time anon. This argument has been had over... and over... and over. Both sides know what the other is going to say and you'll never agree.

Luckily they're an extreme minority.

>> No.259099

So you're saying central planning is the most productive way to organize an economy? That is obviously not true.

Socialism is a productivity death spiral. The only way to sustain healthcare and produce enough for everyone, is with a free market system. Ingenious producers and consumers, trading with each other, working out our problems, is the way to do it. Not with the state commanding us to do it their way or else.

>> No.259103


How does it feel knowing that everything you believe is either wrong or propaganda?

>> No.259106
File: 184 KB, 786x1138, 1396569330795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The private sector is what made it expensive in the first place and insurance lobbyists are what blocked the first serious push to fix the problem in decades. Talking animal commercials, litigation against deserving claimants, and eight figure CEO salaries are completely unnecessary expenses that Americans and only Americans are forced to pay ridiculous health insurance premiums for. Health care is a public interest, not a discretionary or luxury expenditure. A government take over is literally the only thing that will fix the health care system.

>> No.259109


>Private sector
>Insurance lobbyists

>> No.259115

I looked up what that plan was. The deductible was laughably high. Like $10,000 or something. Fuck that. At that point, I'm just paying for the ability to say I have health insurance.

>"Some is better than none"
In this case, it's really fucking not.

>> No.259123
File: 35 KB, 471x455, Figure3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're ACTUALLY showing an image of the united states government controlled system and pretending it is a free market.

Do you have down syndrome or something? Do you even know how to argue?

>The private sector is what made it expensive in the first place
The complete fucking opposite is true you brainwashed idiot. pic related

>and insurance lobbyists are what blocked the first serious push to fix the problem in decades
Insurance lobbyists are what made it expensive in the first place.

>and eight figure CEO salaries are completely unnecessary expenses that Americans and only Americans are forced to pay ridiculous health insurance premiums for
First off, nobody pays for expensive CEO salaries.
Unless they are actually spending that money on consumer goods(protip, almost all of it is not spend on that, it is saved) then it doesn't affect anyone.

Second, americans have to pay extremely high health insurance premiums because of the system YOU CUNTS put in place 40 years ago.

>public interest,
There's no such thing as a "public interest". Violence is anti-social. You are the one who hates society.

>A government take over is literally the only thing that will fix the health care system.
A government takeover is the only thing that will completely destroy healthcare in this country, cause massive shortages, DESTROY innovation and technology and cause massive poverty due to the amount of taxes it takes to sustain it.

You people want to MURDER anyone who tries to practice medicine privately.

Kill yourself.

>> No.259121


It's called catastrophic for a reason. It's only helpful if you get really fucked up somehow.

>> No.259126
File: 43 KB, 223x215, lefttard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Let your tears flow.

>> No.259130

Obamacare is shit. What we need is a 60% flat tax rate for everyone. The extra tax money would be used to give everyone free healthcare

>> No.259132
File: 81 KB, 812x1023, 812px-Murray_Rothbard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That feel when if we had a free market in healthcare, we would have artificial hearts and lungs already.

Fuck this shit.

>> No.259181

How fucking retarded are you?

>> No.259188

>free market

Libertardian shill detected. It's so ironic to hear poorfags spout free market this and free market that. A free market isn't about marketplace competition, it's about deregulating markets so companies are "free" of the burden of taxes, due diligence, environmental laws, and everything else that protects you as a consumer.

>> No.259193
File: 36 KB, 345x720, yeah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Australian
>tfw don't have medical insurance
>tfw hurt myself
>tfw receive top quality health care with less than an hour to wait

>> No.259201

Good argument faggot.

>Libertardian shill detected.
If you don't like it, get off MY fucking board you cunt.

>It's so ironic to hear poorfags spout free market this and free market that.
Yes because we don't want to be fucking POOR anymore.
Ever think of that you fucking idiot?

>A free market isn't about marketplace competition
Yes, it is.

>so companies are "free" of the burden of taxes

>due diligence
A free market would have MORE due diligence than the fascist system we have in place today.

>environmental laws
There would be more environmental protection due to property rights actually being enforced.

>and everything else that protects you as a consumer.
Yes like the market itself.

Fuck off and die you technology hating luddite.