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File: 5 KB, 200x200, dexg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25908738 No.25908738 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.25908803
File: 1 KB, 104x293, Screenshot 2021-01-13 012719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25908929

new update from jollen, a few more people bought.

>> No.25909033

people are starting to realise how big dexg will be, seriously.

>> No.25909070
File: 108 KB, 764x551, brains.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With Weasel Adams and Conman Cronje both coming out and basically trying to copy what Jollen is doing, its proving to people how massive DEXG is going to be.

>> No.25909118

Please tell me /biz is buying this?

>> No.25909146
File: 93 KB, 999x749, chenstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With reduced slippage and reduced IL, first mover advantage, how long before this hits $1000 dexgbros?

>> No.25909180

I should have moved my grt profits into this instead of buying back in, I only have tiny bit of dexg.

>> No.25909183

Interesting fact, the equation in that meme is the actual equations Jollen worked out for his AMM

>> No.25909216

It's not too late mate, this is unironically going to $1000 soon.

>> No.25909262

I'll probably do it on the next grt pump.

>> No.25909306

I cant believe this is still so under the radar desu, just by doing a few minutes research I was convinced.

>> No.25909345

DEXG literally does not give a shit about what btc is doing.

>> No.25909417

let biz buy at $1000, if you've ignored these threads until now, thats your own fault

>> No.25909431
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Because it’s the future

>> No.25909520

good old biz, sleeping on a real gem with a 10M market cap.

>> No.25909521

honestly probably not long. 1k is just the beginning. just wait til volume hits the exchange and holders are actually rewarded unlike uni. and when liquidity providers realize they can stake without impermanent loss. it will eat up the defi space pretty quick i think. easy, EASY 10x minimum,even 100x in a crazy bull run

>> No.25909557

we have these threads from time to time. let them buy more .finance rugpulls. we will make it friend.

>> No.25909592

Even that is conservative, a next level DEX that’s going to bring advanced features like order books and limit orders online this year with a market cap of only 100 million? This is surely a X25 in a crappy market.

>> No.25909622

How the fuck it’s only at 10 million at the moment I will never know.

>> No.25909661

exchange isn't out yet. The screenshot shared yesterday is so bullish though, the fact they are working hard on making the contracts efficient enough to reduce gas fees is so important to make it a viable DEX.

>> No.25909670

Even 100 million would be ridiculously tiny for this when you look at kyber and balancer caps.

>> No.25909693

i don't think the traditional CEX implements will be live right away but the team hasn't said much on when they'll be implemented

>> No.25909695

True, some of the things they're working on is unbelievable, it's no wonder people are trying to copy in the DeFi space.

>> No.25909709

by Q3 I think, but the rate they're working it could be before

>> No.25909792

Nobody is selling

>> No.25909867
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>> No.25909931

Imagine a DEX that reduces impermanent loss for liquidity providers, where the pools are single token, not pegged to each other, where the asset price is worked out on chain using the volatility function, no external price oracles, linked to their own private network allowing for off chain transactions governed by an on chain smart contract. A dex with barely any slippage thanks to a unique automated market maker, limit orders, order books and a dextools-like system built in. Imagine all this with a market cap of $10 million and the beta already released.

>> No.25909971

Powerful copypasta.

>> No.25910044

Oh really? Is staking done yet?

>> No.25910114
File: 391 KB, 486x631, greencandles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I told biz to buy at $30.
I told biz to buy at $60.
I told biz to buy at $100.
I told biz to buy at $150.
I told biz to buy at $200.
I’m telling biz to buy at $270.
This will be $1000 absolute minimum soon.

>> No.25910118

one more round left at the end of January

>> No.25910232

I bought my bag at 50. Thanks based anon.

>> No.25910241

I think staking has actually subdued the price funnily enough, it'll be over soon.

>> No.25910318

I just meant the current round. I know it will dip a bit again after, maybe back down to 200 if it doesnt rocket up past ATH

>> No.25910377

Sorry, yeah it finishes on Friday the current round. It might dip a bit before the last round on the 21st Jan, but I wouldn't like to bet on it, it's itching to start moving.

>> No.25910553

Yeah I dont intend on selling either way, I might take some profits at 1k so that I have enough fiat to continue not working but no more than 5 of my 120 stack

>> No.25910611
File: 190 KB, 950x874, watching.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine what will happen when they announce the percentage of transaction fee rewards for DEXG holders.


>> No.25910806

what are we thinking, 0.1%?

>> No.25910891

anything involving percentages of transaction fees sound too good to be true when the volume is put into perspective, so I become skepical but here is hoping it is actually true

>> No.25910923

Hopefully 0.15

>> No.25911354

Yeah this would be amazing, literally live off DEXG if you’re stack is big enough

>> No.25911393

This will make it explode.

>> No.25911461

this shit is going to fucking explode and biz is gonna miss the best the easiest 100x of this bull run - classic shit.

>> No.25911515

There is no way it does a 100x from 270. It could hit 10-12k eoy if things line up right though

>> No.25911686

Yeah X100 might be wishful thinking

>> No.25911786
File: 96 KB, 627x625, madpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they didn't buy when the market cap was 1 million and it was shilled on biz
>they're not buying when the market cap is 10 million and it's shilled on biz
>they might buy when the market cap is 100 million and it's shilled on biz.

screencap this

>> No.25911835
File: 104 KB, 903x405, dexg_up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10k EOY is conformed if dex will make 20-50m daily volume and pay fees to dexg holders

>> No.25911842

Possibly but a X50 from here gives it a cap of $500,000,000 which is almost half that of uniswap and this will be far superior.

>> No.25911855


>> No.25912113

Why would I buy this when Uniswap-V3 will have the same (or better) implementation in 1-2 months while having billions of volume vs. 0 volume that DEXG will have when it eventually releases.

>> No.25912145

imagine all the volume that will arbitrage into dexg

>> No.25912308

>uni v3 in one month
kek more like in december 2021

DEXG compared to uni now:
- highly reduced slippage due new to sAMM that is not using oracles
- reduced gas fees compared to other dex'es and later on off-chain limit orders with 0 additional gas fee
- single token pools that eliminates impermanent loss for liquidity providers compared to dual token pools with high IL on Uniswap
- dexg governance token with locked total supply of 55k tokens that will pay you % of trading fee made on DEXG exchange
- LPs will not be hit with impermanent loss so all fees they will get for providing liquidity will be simple profit for them
- LPs will receive additional secondary token for providing liquidity similar to Balancer BAL token

>> No.25912516

best place to buy?

>> No.25912688

balancer has the most liquidity but it's on uniswap too

>> No.25912740

No biz, don’t do it. Just fomo at 100m+ how you usually do

>> No.25912816

Why would you buy this instead of uni swap when v3 is due out?

Let’s start with the fact that this has a 10M market cap instead of uni swaps almost 1 billion market cap.

Also consider that this will not only be superior, as it’s built from the ground up, but also has additional off chain features that v3 won’t necessarily have and this is a no brainer.

Also don’t forget DEXG isn’t trying to emasculate it’s users in to becoming sissy boys with pink unicorns everywhere.

>> No.25912824
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>> No.25912888
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>> No.25913082

New ATH incoming by the end of the day biz, engage your brains.

>> No.25913623

unironically true

>> No.25913740

just took out a $5k loan to buy more DEXG. we are going to get superbly rich

>> No.25913922

Big balls move, I like it fren, may Jollen bless you with riches.

>> No.25914299

Imagine investing in a gook scam like this. Jollen Chan is a known chinese scammer. The only impressive thing he's ever done is write technobabble well enough to fool a bunch of neckbeards into buying his erc-20 token. I have a PHD in math, and the white paper is complete malarkey. The equations are not even remotely cromulent. "Spectulative AMM"? Ya, speculative as in it doesn't fucking exist. Oh ya sure, this cross-armed faggot came up with a magical way to solve impermanent loss and slippage. This is totally gonna eat up the DEX market share. Get real. If it did that it would be worth billions by the end of this year. That's over a 100x. Stop believing in pipedream fantasies anon. You're never gonna make it this way.

>> No.25914451

what I take away from this is that DEXG is going to be worth billions by the end of the year! thanks anon.

>> No.25914516

How is he a know scammer? My research clearly indicates in the opposite direction. Please provide additional information on this anon

>> No.25914566

kek yeah sleeping on unn is just as dumb. been waiting for it to pop for a few weeks but here we are sub 10M

>> No.25914698
File: 107 KB, 1011x1280, flo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuders cope

>> No.25914812

Fudding this is really bizarre, why not just buy some if it's on your radar and make money instead?

>> No.25915054

Sorry fren, I bought at $30. This is my 100x

>> No.25915073

kek, remotely cromulent this is good shit anon well done

>> No.25915484
File: 109 KB, 512x494, illuminati.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Illuminati links confirmed as well to pump this to outer space. Image attached.

>> No.25915674

Capped supply of 55,000, Market cap under $10M, Business registered in Singapore and fully compliant, Genius dev in control, Revolutionary decentralised exchange, Low slippage, Low impermanent loss, Offchain minting. I can’t even be bothered to continue.

>> No.25916155

You’re not going to miss a life changing opportunity...are you biz?

>> No.25916266

I sold this at $60 before /biz/ even knew about it for a clean $500 profit.


>> No.25916428

DEXG will change my life.


>> No.25916592


>> No.25916813
File: 342 KB, 750x805, IMG_7766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The next update is going to be big. DEEPTHROAT.

>> No.25917079

I got in at $80 but I won't sell anything until at least $2000, I also want to know what the rewards for hodlers will be.

>> No.25917127

I got told about this a while ago after my friend had being introduced into some of the flow chain projects. Initially Im always sceptical about defi tokens. There seems less regulations and an inherent chance of it being a scam. This has definitely become an exception. Im unfortunately a "later" investor but still VERY bullish. This has moonshot potential. The trading platform and the tech that it has with less slippage makes this one of best defi tokens out there.

>> No.25917321

If only had listened. Still bought one for fun.

>> No.25918410
File: 25 KB, 753x621, dextokengov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better than 0

>> No.25918430

what’s it going to be anon?

>> No.25918864

he won't say, he drops in to dexg threads with juicy info and then leaves.

>> No.25919879

What will 30 dex's get me?

>> No.25920099

atleast 30k

>> No.25920575

correct answer fren. at the absolute minimum in 2 months.

>> No.25921516
File: 76 KB, 512x512, wolfwall2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DEXG, biggest mover of 2021.

>> No.25921562

getting paid in ETH from transaction fees made on dex is based af. Even 10m daily volume on dex will skyrocket dexg token

>> No.25921632

thanks for whoever shilled it at 40$. i bought a few but not enough

>> No.25921761
File: 45 KB, 480x960, Screenshot_20210113-105053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is your stack looking like /biz/?

>> No.25922427
File: 284 KB, 1080x1919, Screenshot_20210113-161008_Blockfolio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like this.

>> No.25922682

change DEXG to "Uniswap v3" which is doing literally everything DEXG promises to do and better

>> No.25922815

damn im pretty jealous, your stack is worth x3 of my portfolio

>> No.25923455

there are 0 details on uniswap v3 and its advantages over v2 nice cope

>> No.25924165

Extremely Based portfolio

>> No.25924171

Yes Yes, gay pink unicorn swap exchange will redesign itself from the ground up with a speculative AMM like jollen’s self designed model. Even if it DOES somehow manage to do everything DEXG does, that will make this the second best exchange, and with a current market cap of 10M, I know where the smart money would go,

>> No.25924447

This scam coin has the most blatantly fake linkedin bios I have ever seen kek

>> No.25924822

Shuu Shuu ranjeet

>> No.25924898


If you looked at that linkedin, when there are projects in this space with anonymous dev teams and much higher mcaps and thought "scam" then I give in.

>> No.25925394

Doesn’t the fact that hayden adams and andre cronje are scrabbling around trying to do what Jollen has been working on for months tell you bizlets anything about this?

>> No.25925830

I’m throwing another 5 eth at this weakhanded faggots

>> No.25926246

And they dont have a timeline out yet either. But even if uni delivers it doesn't mean dexg wont either. People still trade on scam CEXs and DEX's that offer the same as features as uni and even those exchanges have volume in the 10s of millions. Would be foolish not to get at least a small bag and just get some passive ethereum for holding.

>> No.25926420

I dont get it, who are you calling weakhanded? nobody here is selling

>> No.25926537

When it hits 1000 soon we’ll see how strong your hands are

>> No.25926916

my average buy in is 50 bucks, a x20 investment doesn't sound too bad to me

>> No.25927369

Nice, you'll be a rich man when it hits $10,000

>> No.25927497
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dont get me all excited like that anon you absolute tease

>> No.25928054

It's unironically not that much of a cocktease, $10,000 would only give it a market cap of $550,000,000 which isn't unbelievable for a leading dex

>> No.25928547

I can't find this on Binance or Bittrex, where is it listed and is it too late to jump in the rocket?

>> No.25928591

with a capped supply of 55000 tokens and more marketing funds coming available by february i can see this pulling a yfi like run soon

>> No.25928966


>> No.25929913
File: 43 KB, 512x512, F3182250-4DBC-4604-8F1B-F0B15579D217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The beta is seriously impressive. The UI needs polishing but it’s the real deal

>> No.25930640
File: 64 KB, 889x648, Uniswap mcap divided by DEXG mcap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B-bros, I think 100x is not as unrealistic as you may believe...

>> No.25931040

There are many factors that go into it. DEXG is still a human product subject to human error. Things can easily go wrong with the project due to its ambitious nature, all it will take is one hack to kill momentum, one serious flaw. The growth wont be as exponential if it doesn't out perform other exchanges in terms of features. A functional exchange will still see a pretty easy x5-10 by the end of the year, but you have to approach things with a form of skepticism as well. Should DEXG launch with many promising features or at least beat other exchanges to such innovative features, have the speculative AMM and single pool liquidity set it apart, pretty good dividends, a volume that makes such dividends worth talking about, it will definitely have an explosive growth but for now you have to remain vigilant, cautious, and not delusional. If the dividends are nice, and the exchange picks up even an ok amount of daily volume then there is no reason not to hold anyway

>> No.25931246

what the fuck, a reasoned, intelligent and accurate post on biz, am I dreaming?

>> No.25931568

I see a few holders that dont have their heads too high up in the clouds, I saw this post the other day, even skeptics do think this token will grow however.

It wont quite live up to the bold promises it has made, but I do see them producing a functional exchange. I think it will probably hit around 500 after the exchange launches with a modest 1.5k end of 2021. If they decide to hold off on the exchange due to things not going as planned I see it tanking back down to 80-90 at least, if not lower but I think they will try to have a product out there first and foremost, even if it isnt exactly as planned. I hope im wrong and it fucking explodes to uni levels though. I think hitting UNI's market cap is very possible if it truly is a revolutionary exchange that reduces fees slippage single pool liquidity stop losses on a dex ETC, but to a simple man like me that sounds too good to be true, so I wont be delusional about it.

My recommendations based on these scenarios
1. Exchange launches in January, everything that is discussed, or at least some of the key features come to fruition. In this case you hold with iron fucking hands, because it will blast off

2. Exchange is launched, perfectly functional, but doesnt really come with the promised revolutionary features. In this case id take some profit, or dip out if you so wish, but dont leave everything in just in case things go wrong with "updates"

3. Exchange is delayed. Back up and wait for a dip

4. Other unforeseen issues. Probably just abort entirely if they seem dire enough.

As for myself, I do believe the team is capable of making a very nice exchange, which is why I hold 150 of these bastards, but I am not delusional enough to stay married to it like a lot of people are with alts, shit can happen. I do think it is a token worth holding through January however should you be willing to take the risk

>> No.25931631

>1.5k EOY
nigga this is crypto you're bad at numbers

>> No.25931899

You're being really conservative and I respect that, but I think a factor that is going to make this different from other exchanges is the priceless AMM which will, in theory, drive a lot of traffic to the exchange for arbitrage alone. So it's hard to compare this exchange to others in that sense. If it has the liquidity to handle a huge amount of trade volume (big "if" of course), I can see it being used as a hub for a lot of arbitrage.

>> No.25931970

Yeah not my post, but I thought it was relatively sensible, this guy looks like he was operating under the assumption that the exchange was functional but doesnt start as revolutionary which seems reasonable at least.

>> No.25932116

One small point of correction: I think they plan to launch the exchange in February, not January. January is when the staking rounds end.

>> No.25932285

Yeah that would make sense, I know a lot of people assumed a January launch, at least when I was looking around

>> No.25932371

Correct, launch is actually scheduled for mid february. So about 4 weeks away from mainnet.

>> No.25932916

Just wait for the medium article which will provide a lot of additional details including: more details of the tech (for non tech/math people), fees %, details on the second token + probably a lot of other stuff which they haven’t yet mentioned. That will be a decisive moment, if it’s good, it will spike big time.

>> No.25933392

The medium article is going to be very interesting.

>> No.25933583
File: 90 KB, 907x316, Supply is finite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just found my address on etherscan while looking at the top 100 DEXG holders
It's a strange feeling...

>> No.25933623 [DELETED] 

How much to be in the top 100?

>> No.25933680

Yeah it’s still very early annon. There’s only like 600 holders so probably 40 gets in you in top 100

>> No.25933708

~40 DEXG puts you in top 100, or about 0.1% of the entire supply.

>> No.25933766

Damn, im probably in like top 50 then

>> No.25933892
File: 84 KB, 750x725, comfy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top 20 with 450 dexgs checking in. future wealth assured.

>> No.25933924

I have over 100, I will probably try to aim for 150 after the next dip for the last staking round

>> No.25934016

i wish i had sold all my litecoin for dexg.

>> No.25934552

Imagine how you’ll feel when it pumps to 1000 anon.

>> No.25934633

if it goes to 1k no matter how many i have right now it wont be enough to satisfy the greed

>> No.25934934
File: 51 KB, 799x500, No Survivors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DEXG surpasses Uniswap in 2021.
>The crypto space as a whole grows into the trillion range
>DEXG keeps getting updates from Our Savior, Jollen
>DEXG begins surpassing big CEXes
>You begin making millions every day from simply staking in wallet, ETH flows like mana from the heavens
Honestly, the fact that this has a pretty good chance of happening activates my almonds greatly. And I think the DEXG team will continue innovating on DEXG. I can't even imagine what a DEXG 2.0 , or 3.0 , would look like.

>> No.25935180

Every transaction on the network injects 1mcg of dopamine straight into your brain for each DEXG you hold
You can now use DEXG to send messages through time like in Steins;Gate so you can tell yourself to buy bitcoin in 2012

>> No.25935304

Jollen is now God and we’re his disciples, communicating directly with him through the dexg mainnet.

>> No.25935929

>DEXG 5.0
the team increase slippage using an outdated market maker, have paired asset pools to increase impermanent loss and implement a gay pink unicorn theme across the site. it becomes known as "the dark ages of dexg"

>> No.25936239

Jumping on the band wagon hard here boys
Don't even care I missed the initial boom
Low market cap even at this point

>> No.25936401

nice, looks like there's less than 1000 left on Uniswap now

>> No.25936722

>DEX 6.0
The planet as we know it has become too inhospitable for human life to thrive. A rocket ship designed, funded, built and piloted by jollen chan blasts out through the atmosphere to safety moments before the earth implodes into the vast darkness of space. The ship, carrying earths best and brightest individuals including all dexg hodlers, hurtles towards Mars to start a new Atlantis-esque society, governed by the dexg chad masterace. Elon musks rocket ship blows up on the launch pad.

>> No.25937373

It won’t be long until there isn’t a large amount left, imagine what will happen to the price then with a capped supply circa 55,000 tokens.

>> No.25937599
File: 44 KB, 822x832, 1607358612440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dexg bros.. is their any chance it might dip soon? You've convinced me to buy a bag but I'd feel dumb buying now after a 30% pump in 24 hours... so do I wait and pray for a better price entry or is this just going to keep climbing until the dex release? thanks

>> No.25937673

it does tend to dip after these big spikes so it's possible it goes back to like the 250 area but it's also possible it just goes up more
so you might get a better entry but not like an amazingly better entry

>> No.25937704

Not likely. Staking ends in just over a day, and between now and then people are going to be pulling out of the staking pool (buying back their DEXG for 10% USD). The trend is that this causes the price to go up, not down. But a new staking round will start after that, and once again people are going to be adding liquidity to the staking pool and selling their DEXG for USDT, causing the price to come down a little. You might want to wait for that to happen and see what the price looks like, but there's no telling whether it's going to go up a lot more before then.

>> No.25937727

I meant USDC

>> No.25938037

Maybe wait until around January 20th and see what happens with the price before the final staking round, it may fall back a bit by then. Don't just fomo in because we're all hyped about it mate, it's a long term investment for most of us to be honest.

>> No.25938368

Thanks! Nice to see some helpful, honest and logical responses instead of
>sir buy now or stay poor
I think I'll wait to see what happens in the last staking round, cheers.

>> No.25939087

Good idea fren.