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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 6 KB, 193x261, Bitcoin-cash-logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25912568 No.25912568 [Reply] [Original]

Have you seen a more pathetic community than the bitcoin cash community? It's fucking hilarious to see these losers cope. I get so much pleasure out of it, I visit /r/btc. If you didn't know, /r/btc is the bitcoin cash subreddit where they try to convince themselves bcash is the 'real' bitcoin. I have multiple sock accounts where I regularly post cringe and purposefully dumb content and none of them get I'm making fun of them. When Bcash briefly went to $600 I made a big post bragging about it and none of these people had the context to realize I was making fun of their shitty gains.

Listen, I get it. The real bitcoin was probably co-opted by international banking faggots but it's made me so much money I really don't care. I get that the /r/bitcoin subreddit is a shill place for bitcoin maxis but, again, I. DONT. CARE. I get that bitcoin is grossly inefficient. I get that lightning network can't efficiently transact more than $5. Why the fuck do these faggots think we care? The fact of the matter is I've now bought in BTC at the low thousands, waited a year, and made 10-20x my investment.

The last thing is that in the end Bcash can't win because nothing is stopping the actual bitcoin community from expanding block size themselves. They now have multiple companies developing LN with PhDs doing research. If they wrote dissertations on expanding blocksize they could easily manufacture consent and say it's not like bcash and everyone would go along with it. The end product could be nearly identical and bcash's value proposition would completely plummet.

>> No.25912601

>visiting plebbit
that's cringe

>> No.25912606


The most pathetic thing about BCH is that they have no one better than that manchild Roger Ver to shill their garbage. I get that crypto influencers are generally huge losers, but my god they should have dropped Ver long ago. Aside from the fact that he's literally gay, they constantly push the narrative that he was sent to jail for selling 'firecrackers'. Lmao 1/4 of dynamite is not a firecracker, why not just own it? The man was selling low grade explosives, why shouldn't that be allowed anyway? Who cares?

>> No.25912679

It's incredibly fun to watch these normies cope. "this shitty burger restaurant takes my coins!" Wow I moved $1000 for $.01! OMG! Yea, and you fucking paid $10 in exchange fees to do it, and another $10 to turn it back to fiat. Crypto's use as currency is completely stupid at this stage. If every time you need to pay some exchange to refill without any expectation of profit, you're an idiot!

>> No.25912724

I use BCH a lot.
I never use BTC. its too expensive and slow.
Cope more hater. BCH is a $10B market cap and the low fees allow for big developments around it. which in the end mean more network effects. All people of the world can use Bitcoin Cash. only the richest of the rich can use BTC.

>> No.25912755

>The last thing is that in the end Bcash can't win because nothing is stopping the actual bitcoin community from expanding block size themselves. T
if they do this then they admit that they were wrong. if they dont, bitcoin is crippled for life. Beecash wins in any regard.

>> No.25912803
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Roger will punish you

>> No.25912857

Core never said the blocksize can't be increased in the future. Bcash will never win. Even if Bitcoin stagnates another coin will take the lead (most likely Ethereum) but not Bcash, it's forever tainted.

>> No.25912873

>they admit that they were wrong
You're naive if you see this as the only avenue playing out. Governments for centuries have turned around on all kinds of shit and manufactured a new narrative. It's never this black and white. Not to mention, it's not that they're wrong. They could say that X modification significantly increases the security in comparison to BCH, etc.
>using BCH
So? We're not talking about use. I've used it to save a few bucks transferring money out of a poker website. It works fast enough. My point is that it DOESNT. MATTER. Use is not what people are in crypto for, even if they say this outloud. We all want to MAKE MONEY from it. Sure, use can bring us this possibility, but if use is the metric, there are dozens of cryptos that are more usable than bcash with more mature communities and better code. Don't forget that the bitcoin C++ software is unspecced. It can't actually be specced into another language because it exploits quirks in the code. The only reason to hang on to BTC is because it has an immaculate conception. It's the first of its kind proof-of-concept. Some 'fork' that changes some minor things about the code without fixing the code is retarded. It has no real precedent to maintain the status quo spaghetti code.

>> No.25912877
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There are 'people' on this board that own Bcash. kek

>> No.25912914

I actually own a few dollars of bcash because some of my trolling on /r/btc actually got me tipped LOL. The problem is, coinbase won't let me exchange such a low decimal amount so it's literally stuck on my account

>> No.25912983

It's really sad to see this guy default to how much money he's made multiple times when he has his feelings hurt (over a semantic issue). You can tell he's a very empty person. He has no core sense of self, no self-esteem. Or rather, he derives his self-esteem from money. I get that money is a huge confidence booster, and I hope everyone can live a secure life economically speaking. But to base your psychic defenses on money, especially when the 'insult' is unrelated, is really really pathetic.

>> No.25912987

>Use is not what people are in crypto for,
people like you maybe. kek. I use it and so do many others.

>> No.25913031

You're literally on /biz/ a fucking finance forum embedded within a Siberian wood cutting website. You fucking care about money and finance, not as use, but as capital. Don't fucking lie. That's like saying you only care about USD or the Euro to use it. Yea, to fucking use it to make more money. OBVIOUSLY, we use money for consumption.

>> No.25913125

BCH (and ltc and all the other scams) will pump after BTC just like any other time in the cycle. BTC -> majors -> altszn. Stay seething and poor faggot.

>> No.25913155
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they already did LOL. That was your pump dude.

>> No.25913172

no I actually genuinely use cryptocurrency. BCH is one of the nice ones. I also hold BTC but lets be honest here, apart from holding theres not much you can do with it. Thus Bitcoin cash will eventually grow in network effect while Bitcoin core does not as much. I am on a few social media websites build around BCH (uncensorable). There are many, even poor people who probably don't have more than $500 to their name using it , transacting it. spreading it. This will not happen for Bitcoin core. Bitcoin core is only usable by like 1pct of the population of earth. Network effect has been great until Core decided the block limit should stay at 1MB. The innovation happens not around Bitcoin core.

Honestly only super braintards who don't know anything about anything in this space shit on BCH. and maxis obviously, but yeah they are braintards.

>> No.25913215

>I am on a few social media websites build around BCH (uncensorable)
Lol how are they built around bch? Unless the information travels onchain (which would be cool) it sounds like some shitty app that attracts pajeets with free pennies for using their network.

>> No.25913267

Next you're gonna tell me that was the high for this year. Lmao babbys first crypto cycle

Don't worry when it hits 1200 you'll at least be able to cope by shitposting on Lebbit again. Wouldn't want you to kys just yet

>> No.25913300
File: 371 KB, 1080x1112, Screenshot_20210113-102653_Boost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reddit can be pretty based sometimes

>> No.25913350

>Don't worry when it hits 1200
lmfao. BTC hit $42k. You think I care about $1200? You can't even hold $600 let along break ATHs. Talk about setting the standard LOW lmao.

That's not me, but I do very similar things weekly.

>> No.25913363
File: 94 KB, 1835x750, network_effects.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you pay transaction cost to embed the message on the blockchain. memo.cash (uncensorable)

theres also noise.cash where the messages are not stored on the chain but im unsure of the inner workings

then theres DEFI on BCH now too you can go long or hedge decentralized now.

Then theres K.im building a file shop around BCH. and many other cool stuff that all build massive network effects for BCH.

I buy gold and silver online with BCH,
I transact micropayments to post on social chain sites.
I can tip someone $0.001 in BCH.

none of this is possible with BTC hence .. growth will slow.

>> first defi on BCH

>> K.im (creator of megaupload) builds his next product around BCH

Memo.cash (social uncensorable chain twitter, no ads, you pay for sending a message ( like $0.001 per post )

noise.cash new recently launched social site around BCH.

pic related.

>> No.25913516
File: 92 KB, 1712x698, Screen Shot 2021-01-13 at 11.36.30 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That memo idea would be cool if the website didn't look like it was put together in a weekend.

As for DeFi, I really do not give a shit. I cannot for the life of me understand why anyone would actually go through all the trouble of using defi.

>> No.25913596

>I cannot for the life of me understand why anyone would actually go through all the trouble of using defi
No wonder lmao absolute brainlet confirmed
You should take the L and fuck off to plebbit where you belong

>> No.25913607

>you pay for sending a message
Holy shit do you cunts seriously do this?

>> No.25913609

memo is just one front end theres also member.cash

>As for DeFi, I really do not give a shit. I cannot for the life of me understand why anyone would actually go through all the trouble of using defi.
then you are truly , a retard. as I expected.

>> No.25913622

This is like saying people who use wrenches on nuts are stupid because a hammer is better at driving nails. Two completely different tools.

>> No.25913634

Yes. we do. you rather get exploited by facebook I get it. not everyone is a retard

>> No.25913656
File: 8 KB, 225x225, 1535927680040s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got that Bitcoin Cash!

>> No.25913697

Then explain to me the value proposition of Defi easily so I can fucking make fun of you. Put your cards on the table.


Jesus fucking christ your stupid currency is totally unused and now you're telling me there's like 5 websites all doing the same shitty thing?

>> No.25913720

where is all this organic fud coming from all of a sudden?

>> No.25913747

>esus fucking christ your stupid currency is totally unused and now you're telling me there's like 5 websites all doing the same shitty thing?
at the moment it has 1/3th of the (max) amount of bitcoin core transactions.

you are a blabbering fucking retard.

>> No.25913767
File: 53 KB, 534x596, 20210113_100643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>explain to me the value proposition of Defi
Hahahahahhahahaha holy shit you actually are this retarded, no way this is bait

>> No.25913816

I know what defi does. I'm telling you to tell me why you think it has any value and I will tell you why you're wrong.
>1/3 of bitcoin core
fucking lmao. Are you serious? Your little twitter clones are sending back and forth $.001 messages and you're BRAGGING it has 1/3 of BTC's transactions. LOL stay poor faggot! Or sorry, congrats on having $3 instead of $1 when it 'moons' Rajeesh! Congrats on upgrading your shitting street when that happens!

>> No.25913845

Is he actually a fag? Starting to make sense now.

>> No.25913867

bch has always been trash, always been regarded like that and always ridiculed for it. stop larping as surprised.

>> No.25913925

Yea. He said that was a big part of why he became libertardian, because of the statist discrimination. Which, okay, sure, but the soviets also protected faggots.

>> No.25913962
File: 407 KB, 498x474, 0E787E4C-6989-46A7-AD31-FC821DC8E711.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I just don’t use social media, retard. Also there are multiple censorship resistant social media protocols (fediverse). Your retarded Bitcoin cash social media will never take off. Have fun spending money to tweet

>> No.25914006

btc maxi cope

>> No.25914089
File: 92 KB, 680x459, stop_sending_coins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

super cope.

I'll take the 10B bitcoin with much growth potential over the 700B bitcoin that is crippled.

>> No.25914208
File: 6 KB, 250x169, 1578065311251s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've made 10x my money and I'm the one coping? That's fine! I accept! Let me cope more! If this is coping I FUCKING LOVE IT!!!!!

>> No.25914233

Buy signal

>> No.25914256
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>> No.25914284


>> No.25914308
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Bitcoiners of all 3 forks are such faggots

HODL Bitcoin Core, spend Bcash as cash, and use BSV for crazy on-chain experiments and immutable storage. It's all Bitcoin as long as it shares the same genesis block and sha256d mining algorithm. I use all of them pretty much daily for different purposes and trading between the three pairs is my main strategy these days




>> No.25914324



>> No.25914331

I've been thinking about getting some BSV too. but i missed the bottom few days a go

>> No.25914352

>use BSV

>> No.25914987


BSV is fascinating to me even though I only hold like 100 or something like that from the fork, you can do some truely funky and novel shit with that chain


Holy fuck I forgot about this, classic

Really wish BCH was accepted more on darkmarkets although most of them have been switching away from BTC to XMR-only which is probably smart. I need to look into Cashshuffle sometime, do any Bcash anons have experience?

>> No.25915069

>truely funky and novel shit with that chain
The thing is, anything that uses the benefit of it being a blockchain ends up not being very secure because the network is tiny and can be attacked if the cost of information on the network outweighs the cost of the network's currency itself. The idea that they are the same presupposes an efficient market that doesn't exist.

>> No.25915134

It is fucking gross though that child porn is onchain and can't be taken by the feds. In that disgusting sense I will say it's a fascinating experiment that can be used to prevent things like valuable documents from being removed. But again like I said heere >>25915069 for some the cost might be high enough to distort the chain.

>> No.25915291

>20 posts by this ID
Nobody gives a fuck you dumb faggot we use what we want. This isn't a console war lmfao.

>> No.25915555

Genuine question: So apparently Bcash can upload 1mb files. What's stopping someone from spamming the network with illegal content and making Bcash illegal? BTC does not have this problem. Bcash does.

>> No.25915616
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I don't think it would be wise to use BSV for anything mission critical at this point, I'm just drawn to it as a bitcoin nerd and I think over time people will find that bitcoin script is much more powerful than people thought because of the experiments being done on BSV


See pic related


Console wars is a good analogy, the tribalism between the 3 bitcoins is the same nerd shit we've seen in video games

>> No.25915684

I'm not using the elicit child content to make an argument against the chain, dude. I'm saying it's fascinating that it has that possibility but in a perverse way.

My question now concerns BCH. You can do the same, spam the network with illegal content. It will cost, sure. But regardless, you can short the chain if you stoke enough controversy.

>> No.25915775
File: 771 KB, 969x1725, 1610540522822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You can do tons of illegal things with BTC, see pic related and imagine that but with onion links to CP. Or just spend a lot of money and put it in OP_RETURNs--- a miner could pollute the chain with CP in OP_RETURNs and not have to pay any fees to do so.

>> No.25916143

Onion links are nothing. Any fed can take down an onion link. Onchain content is a bigger deal. And it's not so easy on BTC. While you're right it can be done there as well, it costs A LOT more. It's not so easy as saying a miner could pollute the chain. That's a huge opportunity cost instead just mining. BCH on the other hand does not have such a large fee. Furthermore, it's not the top dog and much easier to take down.

>> No.25916622

no one can explane what an slp token is

>> No.25916773
File: 1.15 MB, 3648x2736, 1610543443364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's a huge opportunity cost

Not if they do it in small chunks across many blocks.

>Onion links are nothing. Any fed can take down an onion link.

Yeah, so you just make a new one and do another dust attack around the network advertising it.

>> No.25916947
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>> No.25917352

meh, I have hung on to my 100 stack, I think it's still interesting and undervalued. Has smart contracts and native mimblewimble in development, it's the cryptocurrency of choice in africa, and of black people in general. plus you know, it's actually transactional instead of store-of-value. I think Dotcom is right in saying 3k eoy, people are pulling their money out of banks left and right, people are getting into crypto for the freedom. You're going to need a crypto that you can actually transact in. Between LTC BCH and XMR my bet is on BCH if for nothing else the branding.

>> No.25917389

also there's fair reason to think LN won't ever work, simply not enough trust to live up to the bitcoin standard, I think you would need something like ZK-rollup.

>> No.25917507

BCH and XMR. LTC will always be just the testbed for BTC.

>> No.25917558
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>cryptocurrency of choice in africa, and of black people in general

>> No.25917654
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>I visit /r/btc

>> No.25917670

yes, to make fun of them you reactionary nigger

>> No.25917850

Weak fud

>> No.25917974

idgaf I just know that it was got crypto penetrate black culture and so there is probably something to that and adds to it's potential

precisely this lmao

are there any actually interesting things being built on it? Like what an app be that would actually be best suited to BSV as opposed to something like ADA, AVAX etc

>> No.25917997

>As for defi
Brainlet confirmed

>> No.25918057

Like I said earlier, give me what you take to be the simple value proposition of defi and I'll tell you why it's wrong.

>> No.25918282

Kim dot com shilled it

>> No.25918719

I bought BCH because its used everywhere and doesn't seem to be going away.

>> No.25918897

LMAO, Is Roger Ver even a programmer? How is he supposed to keep BCH up to date and running?

charts on it look good though

>> No.25919028
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if u split
>we bankrupt u

>> No.25919159


>> No.25919234

Never even collected this turd from old wallet. How do I go about doing that so I can save it up for a spike and dump on these retards?

>> No.25920305

Big dick cashie here. Suck it.
Cashies are oldfags, pre fork, coins on both chains.
BTC is digital gold, fine, I'm crying all the way to the bank.
BCH is currency and the most popular coin for actually buying shit. I don't care about its price but when I buy with crypto, BCH is what I use.

Yes they did faggot, many times. On chain Bitcoin tx will be for bank settlements only.

>> No.25920795
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>> No.25920874

i would use bch for purchases and transfers if it wasn't an insecure shitstain. should have switched hashing algo m8.

>> No.25921668

>are there any actually interesting things being built on it?

Yes, look into Twetch, 21e8, TDXP, Bitping to name a few. All of these apps could not really be done on any other chain.


>implying anyone has ever lost money this way once on any of the bitcoin forks

>> No.25922068

What is this? Can't find much info

>> No.25922503

wait Twetch is on BSV??
another thing I don't get is that for apps on it, does all storage for the app have to be replicated by all miners? or is there sharding/pruning of some kind.

shill me on BSV legit I've been meaning to try to figure out what their edge actually was but it's hard to read through the scammy vibes

>> No.25923154

Fuck no, he’s gay? Kind of explains his lisping voice.