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26387708 No.26387708 [Reply] [Original]

>coworkers talking about retirement savings
>so what plan did you pick anon?
>50% BTC 50% LINK

>> No.26387741

That's a man.

>> No.26387763

>link price in 2060: 22.00

>> No.26387796

Stop transposting

>> No.26387816
File: 28 KB, 696x464, pep-the-frog-696x464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>female deterrent

>> No.26387820

should I use my stimulus check to buy more BTC,ETH,LINK, or go for GRT? I feel the formers would be safer, but I'm I can get more GRT because it's cheaper.

>> No.26387838

how does 100k sound?

>> No.26387942

Zoomers and boomers are basically retarded robots following a script. Millenials are all angry at having the weight of the world. And GenX just being like dont notice us.

>> No.26388037

I fucking hate women
>ahaha le funny dance me so silly
>ahaha look at me pay attention to me

Put some clothes on your cleavage you godless woman

>> No.26388051


>> No.26388066

will getting rich get me a loyal gf

>> No.26388191

no lmao

>> No.26388393

escorts it is

>> No.26388840

Get red pilled son
t. Half chad

>> No.26389571

Look at that pile of makeup

>> No.26389748

Anyone ever wonder why their parents don't stop them?

I'd be ashamed of my daughter if she tried doing that. It's clear it's not about looking like she can sing, it's about showing off her tits for likes and attention.

Pretty pathetic really. Those parent's are likely the same one's who complain about the current generation being lazy and attention seeking except their

Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.26389766

too much makeup, decent amount of clevage this time though. you're getting there.

>> No.26389815

If you’re getting a stimulus check you should put that money into savings

>> No.26390283
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>loyal gf

>> No.26390712

Yeah I posted about this a few months ago. Got laughed at by my colleagues for saying I own LINK and other crypto. They're all in Vanguard S&P500.

>> No.26390813

And you're a godlike being who has transcended generations?

>> No.26390869
File: 74 KB, 345x345, zikler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>talking to some guy and he asks me if I'm saving for retirement
>tell him I made $200M on crypto
>the absolute devastation on his face

>> No.26390952

>it's about showing off her tits for likes and attention.
she is a women after all and her parents know.
they are happy if her attention whoring ends up with her getting railed by some skinny trustfund cocaine addict instead of other trailer trash

>> No.26390988


>> No.26391036

>6.5m in btc
>2.5m in eth
>1.9m in bank from 2018 cash out
>no job
>have wife and kid
>tell everyone im a stay at home dad
>huge 6 bedroom house
>two cars
>wife some shitty marketing job pulling like 68k a year
how to hide powerlevel?

>> No.26391055

How did you get there?

>> No.26391176

unironically bought like 1,100 dollars worth of btc in early 2011 because my wife, then gf, was begging me for money since i had a summer job between college. told her i lost it all gambling then she wanted to move in with me so she would watch my finances. i think she just wanted to move in with me.

>> No.26391340

How old were you back then?

>> No.26391487

fucking based
how is life?

>> No.26391629

hope shes hot bro