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26388119 No.26388119 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone redpillme on wtf is AVAX? I've seen a lot of threads involving this token and I would like some of your opinions to start to research it.

>> No.26388347
File: 413 KB, 1984x2972, goodfellasmid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quick AVAX rundown:

Emin Gün Sirer:
>Cornell CS Prof has been in crypto since BEFORE BTC
>is the Number 2 in Cornells IC3 (Ari Juels is number 1)
>h-index of 46 (Juels h index is 83), nobody in crypto comes close to these 2 gigabrains (Vitalik has h index of 27 FYI)
>EGS recognized the importance of Chainlink from early on and is in close contact with the Flannel Man
>Vitalik endorses EGS and is already looking at "Athereum", a Subnet on Avalanche to solve what he cant do with ETH 2.0 https://athereum.avax.network/

Avalanche protocol:
>The third consensus protocol after Nakamotos Proof of Work and Classical Protocols
>This is not repackaged shit with minimal tinkering here and there, its a completely new family of Consensus Protocol
>4500+ REAL TPS (no bullshit account tricks, batching, or L2), sub 3 seconds finality
>already more decentralized than everything else in crypto running a Node is really easy and hardware requirements are low, anyone can do it
>basically consensus is reached by probabilistic sampling thousands of independent nodes over multiple rounds
>Resist 51% attack (need 80% network control to take over)

Full EVM support:
>Low friction of adoption for projects developing on ETH
>All Ethereum smart contract and infrastructure can work on AVAX out of the box which means all the slow DeFi running on ETH right now will switch to AVAX to speed it all up
>AVAX nodes will Validate ATH (Athereum) which makes running a node very profitable

>This is Avalanches bread and butter. Independent networks can be launched on Avalanche, with near infinite customization. Athereum is a good example of this.
>Big picture: Within one year, the best parts of the entire cryptocurrency ecosystem can be mirrored on Avalanche. Giving it all the TPS, scalability, and speed, and also interoperability with the entire ecosystem.

right now it trades at $12.57

>> No.26388357

anything that has a daily General thread should be a good buy

>> No.26388578

Do yourself a favor, read this and buy LINK instead

>> No.26388645

thank you anon! very good summary!

sry but this is just stupid fud. ignore.

>> No.26388862

lmao you can tell this FUD was written by some trenchbrain that still doesnt get how the Avalanche Consensus or how the Nodes work.
AVAX is literally unfuddable thats how solid it is. probably one of these salty radix jeets. sure smells like them.

>and buy LINK instead
Link and AVAX are the only 2 bluechips in crypto right now.
With an AVAX node set up you can use the easy passive node income to accumulate LINK, completely risk free too.

>> No.26389193
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>> No.26389194


Doesn't include DOT.

Opinion immediately discarded and ignored

>> No.26389298
File: 314 KB, 955x993, gavindead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Polkadot is centralized (only 10 Validators) and Gavin Wood is a bugchasing Pedophile.

>> No.26389642

>literally unfuddable
Yeah you lost your credibility there retard

>> No.26389699

His main argument was that Go was an unsafe programming language as well. Overall he overanalyzes particularly unrealistic scenarios, but at the same time says AVAX will 3x.

>> No.26390404
File: 58 KB, 631x628, ruggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no I didnt nigger, AVAX is unfuddable.
I read it, hes an Algocuck shill, completely clueless.

>> No.26390815

all this is fake news. arpa is the real solution to privacy. fuck this third consensus protocol crap

>> No.26390982

>layer 2
this is centralized.

>> No.26391076

DOT vs AVAX = the winner is DOT

>> No.26391166

see >>26389298
Polkadot is also very slow compared to AVAX

>> No.26391208
File: 196 KB, 699x600, pedodotshed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.26391255

Turkish scam

>> No.26391366

bitch I got that AVAX