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File: 50 KB, 595x558, sa9Es91.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26473514 No.26473514 [Reply] [Original]

She's not wrong. The guys in crypto are huge creeps because so many of them are sex starved nerds. The only time I've ever been felt up in a scary way was at a crypto meetup. I feel safer around jocks

I like the money though

>> No.26473594

Because jocks are natural chad’s, they are protectors and winners. Unlike most crypto incels (also the jocks own most of the worthwhile crypto like the Winklevoss twins). Incels will never win

>> No.26473681

not really adding anything of value being a crypto trader. guess you can be proud of being a good gambler. i'm not especially proud of buying and selling at the right time, nor should any guy be proud of having iron hands.
the women in this space are arguably worse though because they're just a bit too homely for onlyfans, they have to beg for handouts; begging for 10x gains just like the guys in the crypto casino.

>> No.26473759


>> No.26473813

Who cares

>> No.26473827

>the women in this space are arguably worse though because they're just a bit too homely for onlyfans, they have to beg for handouts; begging for 10x gains just like the guys in the crypto casino.

>trading crypto is just like posting your nudes for creepy old men


>> No.26473974

Has it ever occured to them that those pictures where often taken with women's consent, them willingly posing as them?

People who post this BS are just ugly af and can't accept it or are delusional.

>> No.26473985

How can one be sex-starved and have money?
Being a sugar daddy has never been easier

>> No.26473986

roasties are not meant to make it or they would

>> No.26474217

I bet you $100 that’s she’s an ugly fat bitch who calls herself a dog mom

>> No.26474239

>in a space
there is no interaction in the "space"
that's the whole point of it

>> No.26474266

molly wintermute is one of the most bigbrained people in crypto

anyway just this once I'll shill hegic on here. you wont buy though so you will never make it

we may not all be stacies but we are better than the incel men in crypto

>> No.26474289

Why would I want women in my industry?

>> No.26474332

This dumb bitch would rather stay poor than see photographs of women on the internet.

>> No.26474367

Only "women" who can make it in crypto are trannies

>> No.26474378
File: 329 KB, 1125x642, AEFD1B23-5E4C-44C6-A763-C25FB2C16216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao at the incels seething itt, were ANY of you invited to your favorite nazi coin event? well? no? I thought so

>> No.26474459
File: 30 KB, 597x559, widepepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the most braindead shit I've ever read on here. This your first day here? Mad you didn't get in on this a year ago?

>> No.26474466

we hear this same old tired cope every time as an excuse for women's lack of performance vs men.

oh no people post hot women to promote coins on 4chan what a toxic industry my fee fees are so hurt its mens job to be more inclusive.

Lol bitch fuck off.

>> No.26474474

Who is this 4 feet, poison frog haired, problem glasses wearing, pronouns in bio having neo tranny whore and why should I care?

>> No.26474693

>I don't want to work in crypto because of pictures of women.
Ngmi unless she can find someone to buy her nudes.

>> No.26474704

I didn't say it was why women don't "perform" as well as men. Men and women are different, I get that. But it's also true that crypto guys are toxic and abusive.

>> No.26474706

I seriously want to beat women. Just break a jaw and leave a ho bleeding and unconscious.

>> No.26474955

>Toxic and abusive.

You don't know what you want.

>> No.26475035
File: 29 KB, 280x305, thatfeelsoyglasses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But it's also true that crypto guys are toxic and abusive.

>> No.26475092
File: 217 KB, 523x372, Typical SJW male.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its also true that you are gay and a faggot.

>> No.26475171

I am a woman though

>> No.26475219
File: 64 KB, 478x640, tranny-mental-illness2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok Tranny.

>> No.26475260
File: 384 KB, 960x508, tranniesirl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never be a real woman

>> No.26475262
File: 349 KB, 600x497, 1611288197477.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Um sweaty women can be faggots.

>> No.26475314

tits or gtfo

>> No.26475323

Don't miss your daily dilation.

>> No.26475409

why can't girls just make their own crypto culture? We did. They could start photoshopping really buff dudes over chart if they really feel like they're missing out

>> No.26475426

what pictures is this bitch even talking about

>> No.26475544

You will never be a woman

>> No.26475576

You can find 'toxic and abusive guys' involved in anything, not just crypto
They're even involved in feminism

>> No.26475631

Shit will hit the fan soon and she is going to be a post apocalyptic prostitute. Who cares

>> No.26475747

Come back in ten years once the industry is more established and we've already made all the money. Leave this to the men.

>> No.26475822

who the fuck goes to crypto meetups

>> No.26475834

unironically this. always fucking cope from these women.

>> No.26475913

Unironically why does this matter

>> No.26475923

OP is starved for attention and needs to make public that she has a hole.

those dumb cunts need to make everything about gender. its good that they are hostile, its so much better without them. one of the few spaces that isnt invested with holes

>> No.26475926
File: 2.44 MB, 1481x911, 1611383136361.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should be an NFL coach then

>> No.26476404

She is mad about an anime drawing being the mascot for bitcoin

>> No.26476693

What anime mascot is that? never seen a cryptochan or something.

>> No.26476981
File: 147 KB, 303x566, 77ABD8EB-A521-453B-B2BC-85A189E2897A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s your crypto anime mascot

>> No.26477076
File: 42 KB, 447x441, cryptochan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This triggers the female investor

>> No.26477145

It's not meant to keep women out, but normalfags. It's just a coincidence that women are almost exclusively normalfags who only follow the herd. And if everyone would like anime girls over charts, they, too, would like it. Tough luck.

>> No.26477324

Every woman Ive spoken to, and these are women with jobs and stable lives who can easily put some money aside - said it was too risky. Cant stand the chance of losing a grand when it could be 10, 30, 50, 100 in a few years or less. Women just dont like to invest, it doesnt come natural to them. They like to save, not to put things at risk.

>> No.26477404

>They like to save, not to put things at risk.
No, they don't.
They like to frivolously waste the man they're leeching onto's money

>> No.26477511

Thats a man

>> No.26477788

why is there an entire thread about a literally who Twitter roastie with an Elmo avatar

>> No.26478536

checked, so I'll let you in on a secret since you seem like a well meaning newfag;

>tits or gtfo

>> No.26478550

Not much different than conventional investors and wall street culture tbf. And you don't need to tolerate any of the stuff she mentions to invest in crypto. The main dex is fucking rainbow unicord themed for christs sake.

>> No.26478600

>No don't be self sufficient and wealthy and help your friends and family, work for the Jews and make them rich instead reeeee!

die in a fire cuck

>> No.26478749
File: 114 KB, 569x567, feels good.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>normalfags and roasties will never make it because crypto is 'problematic'

>> No.26478769

She sounds like she loves to hear herself talk. Anyone who trashes their own space, here crypto, like that is likely nepotic to another space. $10 says shes a jew.

>> No.26478785

this thread smells like curry, someone opens a window pls

>still they try to provide you trash ref link to dump shit

LMAO someone even try to give staking pools.

You should know one thing, I have already used Poolz and their nft for income, I wouldn’t believe in your shit

>> No.26478849

If you're a woman trying to get a point across on 4chan, don't identify yourself as a woman.

>> No.26478937

>molly wintermute
is unironically a man

>> No.26478991
File: 160 KB, 181x191, 1610931270293.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally who?

>> No.26479013

>crypto guys are toxic and abusive.
capital markets are toxic and abusive
want to play? grow a thicker skin
fuck off wanting special attention because you're too fucking useless to make it anon like the rest of us

>> No.26479030

Either adapt to the culture or fuck off bitch. 99% of people in crypto could
Never get a gf anyway so why the fuck should we care about some dumb cunt who doesn’t like the memes? This is our safe space that we happen to make tons of money in. We don’t need anyone else in the space unless they can’t stop being a bitch and just die a good job.

>> No.26479073

because they don't produce anything. they just complain until they bend some tech-smart but otherwise braindead turbobeta into hiring them and giving them sacred cow status

>> No.26479099
File: 81 KB, 738x524, Screenshot from 2021-01-15 14-42-02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will rape you

>> No.26479371

I’m proud that I’ve got the balls to put my money where my mouth is, and that I can spot the winners before they win.

>> No.26479532


>> No.26479625

Can they even photoshop an original idea?

>> No.26479883
File: 3.06 MB, 1883x3460, 1609955179829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ya dont say...

>> No.26480541

I keep seeing this crime meme but I don't see where they are getting their numbers from. The FBI chart shows that whites make up a majority of all arrests and that whites are also responsible for a majority of violent crimes. Where the fuck are they getting this 53.3% number from?

>> No.26480688

in a scary way == not by chad

>> No.26480840
File: 2 KB, 121x125, mechapepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26480975


>> No.26480982

dammit got the jpg instead of the gif fml

>> No.26481066


>> No.26481151

Dumb filtered roastie

>> No.26481196

I literally typed "fbi crime stats race" into duckduckgo
here's the one from 2019 https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2019/crime-in-the-u.s.-2019/topic-pages/tables/table-43

>> No.26481219

>implying insufferable virgins want to work with insufferable virgins
If you want to make money you have to work for or with terrible people. It's hardly the nerd's fault for having Newtonian autism, but those are exactly the kind of characteristics which succeed in that environment.

>> No.26481221

>he doesnt understand per capita

>> No.26481414


>> No.26481470

you will never be a woman

>> No.26481512

Fuck off with your twitter screenshot bait threads.

>> No.26481768

yeah it's fucking annoying women what they do is this: wait for culture to appear then they jump onto it late and change it for the worse. they can never create culture, most women culture is literally just stolen from queer culture too. lol it's so funny

>> No.26482217

I hope it stays libertarian, based and inclusive as long as possible. The ultimate satisfaction from the rise of sjw woke world to watch normies seethe from the BRRRR whilst 'nazis' win at life, doing nothing.

>> No.26482291

This is why I like to have obscure autistic interests like PS3 modding etc. Because 'no women's allowed'

>> No.26482753

Absolutely based and natural selection pilled

>> No.26482817

okay, who cares? then don't use it

>> No.26483589


>> No.26483827

Tits or gtfo bitch

>> No.26483884

So why don’t de ladies do there own thing? What’s stopping them?

>> No.26483963
