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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26596125 No.26596125 [Reply] [Original]

Undumpable coin

>> No.26596194

10k EOY easy

>> No.26596549

Pretty incredible. Been trying to get it for 2 weeks. Literally lost thousands trying to jew on the buy in.

>> No.26597030

>Bought 10 litecoins instead of Aave last month

I want to end myself

>> No.26597934
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>sold my aave for weed last week

>> No.26598200
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It's never too late anons.

>> No.26598583

Don't think this can go much higher or I will be earning too much from staking

>> No.26598671

How much are you staking? 150 here and feel pretty comfy

>> No.26599582

Facetious? Explain anon

>> No.26599696

yeah people who are buying at these prices fail to realize just how much money people like you are making, this is unsustainable

>> No.26599928

For ever buyer there's a seller, anon. Moon mission is still a go.

>> No.26599958

Please explain, doesn't he just make around 6% from staking? Wouldn't that be the same as anyone else who is buying in now?

How does him making money from staking somehow diminish anyone buying in?

>> No.26600206

Same here, I never like to buy on a pump (went from $120 to $200 in a week when I was first interested in it) but I wonder about this. It just keeps pumping and doesn't stop.

>> No.26600228

Retard logic. You can earn over 10% APY staking Ethereum right now, guess it’s over because people who got in early are making too much money

>> No.26600229

maybe his 6% are bigger than yours?

>> No.26600243

how do you stake RBC? And are those 6% daily returns?

>> No.26600386

if you keep waiting you will likely just be more priced out than you were before
t. that's what happened to me, I'm still dcaing in

>> No.26600504

For me its too late to get into AAVE, I'll rather stack LINK

>> No.26600563

if you're interested in defi but AAVE is too pricey, check out SNX

>> No.26600763

Oh yes yes, exactly. I'm so glad you said that. SNX is my second choice.
Projects I also like are Parsiq and Idena. But I only hold like 40 LINK, I'll be buying it until 120 or so, then I will put some money on SNX and Idena. Meanwhile I will keep an eye on PSQ.

What else do you trade?

>> No.26600853

what you mean how are you staking AAVE

>> No.26600962

70% of my 5-fig folio is AAVE SNX and ETH
got the remainder in GRT and LINK
feeling pretty good about it; time will tell
how about you?

>> No.26600997

should i dump my elrond for this, i wanna hold aave long term but dont really have the money right now

>> No.26601009

Blackcoin, OKcash, ODN, NLG

>> No.26601193

Thanks anon, this does actually look quite cool at a glance. I'll probably grab some of this along with AAVE soon.

>> No.26601276
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>silently drinks your milkshake

>> No.26601613

I'm feeling good about LINK. Its something that one must hold for long. Of course this also means missing out on big gains from other projects. I already missed some like this, but I'm waiting to accumulate some still relatively cheap LINK so maybe then I can put some small stack aside to trade, only to eventually accumulate more LINK and SNX of course.

GRT The Graph, I see its a great project, but I have my doubts. New, few shareholders, its nature requires it to stagnate in price I think. As a newfag I'd wait with GRT and maybe think about something else, but its all a leap of faith after all.

>> No.26601643

wut is birb

>> No.26602014

I'm with you on GRT, which is why it's only 10% of my folio
I've got 150 LINK but haven't felt compelled to accumulate much more compared to AAVE or SNX
it's true, we're all taking risks here; I used to have 40% of my folio in BTC, but with the amount of $ I have in the game I felt that wasn't risky enough
hopefully wgmi

>> No.26602200

lending service with oracle allowing you to borrow more if you're a good goy
on-chain credit rating is a missing piece of defi until the birb lands in feb

>> No.26602211

yeah, I hope so too. probably not /biz/ tier gmi but some security would be nice. anyway, good luck

>> No.26602318

interesting ty
it's the wild west out here

>> No.26602702
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This. Check out SNX. People have been meming 10 SNX = 1 AAVE for awhile. It was true up until a week ago. The derivatives markets are huge and the possibility for snyth Apple and Tesla stock makes my dick hard. They already have a snyth for gold, silver, and the FTSE 100.

>> No.26602838

Smartcredit is also trying to do this. Would suggest looking into them too, coin contract at https://etherscan.io/token/0x72e9d9038ce484ee986fea183f8d8df93f9ada13

>> No.26604364


>> No.26605626

All in Aave bro. And use leverage

>> No.26605958
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>> No.26606346
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for poorfags that want to diversify, this SNX derivative may be helpful