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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26759480 No.26759480 [Reply] [Original]

Hedgefunds get free money from bansk that back them. These banks get free money from even bigger banks. The bigger banks get free money from the Federal Reserve, who prints it out of thin air.

Hedge funds get to gamble this money as you have now seen. 140% naked shorts with no limits. And this isn't just happening now, it happens all day every. And they never lose. Even the one time they might lose the government and media band together to save their asses because they're not supposed to lose. All while destroying an AMERICAN BUSINESS.

Crypto is the solution. No man or group of men need the power the Federal Reserve has, and it will ONLY ever be sold to the highest bider. Money will be printed and gambled and YOUR savings account is eaten away at by the inflation they don't give a fuck about because every politicians money is in a Hedge Fund just like Melvin. Decentralized control of the money supply and financial system is the ONLY solution.

I don't just mean buy bitcoin. Crypto has built tons of unused infrastructure on the blockchain to facilitate an entirely decentralized financial system, that no one is using yet, and we know will be the entire world in years to come.
DeFi provides decentralized loans and leveraging. An AAVE flashloan is a way for a decentralized lending pool to provide single trade Leverage with NO downpayment, and the transaction is a self fullfilling smart contract.
You can Loan, lend, Leverage, Long, Short, and speculate on crypto assets NOW without a single hedgefund getting a slice of the pie.
You can be the broker if you so choose providing the leverage and collecting APR.

>> No.26759590

Please do not spread this contagion to crypto.