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26926666 No.26926666 [Reply] [Original]

I'm gonna have a sensible discussion about Rubic. If you have any disagreements explain what they are with facts. Saying it's a scam will be ignored.

Here is my take. Firstly even after the initial pump it's dirt cheap compared to swap exchanges like Uni and 1inch. You have to look at diluted marketcap. Uni is 10billion!!! 1inch is 3 billion!!! Rubic is 10m. So its mc is tiny tiny tiny compared to their competition.

Here's my next point. Yes Uni and 1inch are now big vol exchanges but they are only months old. Uni really only got going last Summer with large vol from projects like Ampl and Sushi and Cronje projects. 1inch really has only got traction in the last few months really as well. My point is the market is still new and open.

Reason why I think Rubic can explode like Uni and 1inch.
>multichain so all the moves going on in polka and L2 solutions are gonna make using Rubic a no brainer. Why pay 50 bucks or more for an eth swap when you can don't for 5 cents? It will explode in use, no doubt.

As crypto gets more regulated making swaps anonymously is gonna be huge. Big money as well not wanting to show their moves. The pools that are coming will explode.

What I'm saying is Rubic is a bet on where the swap market is going in the next 12 months. At 10m marketcap fully undiluted it really could end up with a multi billion mc as real usage balloons, just like with uniswap and 1inch. Why would anyone use Uni ever again if you can do it far cheaper on Rubic???

So there is the narrative that makes this a potential 1000x which is 1.5in which would still be 1/10th of Uni marketcap.

If you think it's not gonna get used then sure it won't do well. But as a bet its upside is massive. Literally will make millionaires out of people with a 1k bet only.

Ignore all shilling and fudding and make your bet or not. The narrative is solid. Let's see where this goes. Clearly it's not a scam and has names and faces behind it.

>> No.26926823

There's a huge dip right now too, a whale just dumped everything

>> No.26926868

It’s a legit project obviously but the shilling is clearly paid. Denzel is a faggot.

>> No.26926891

Get out.
Shilled by pajeets with VPN.
Dont fall for it!

Copy pasta code.
Tech from 2017.

Nigerian Community Manager.



>> No.26927020

Discounted whale dumps will be eaten.

RBC will moon and you will miss out anon. You have been warned

>> No.26927034
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Based quads.
Will never understand the fud, huge biz ownership, good exchange, low fees.
We could come together and ignore that fat fuck Norbic and all get rich boys.
I'm still way up, buying this dip shortly.

>> No.26927088

Obvious FUD. You've been spamming the same shit ever since it pumped. Stay mad pajeet

>> No.26927405

i want to buy this dip. i have eth on binance so can i just send it to my mm wallet then buy on uniswap?

>> No.26927713

Buy it on rubic.exchange, you get more Rubic for your money than on Uniswap, plus the fees are already lower. Not as low as they will eventually be (pennies), but still like half of what Uniswap fees are.

>> No.26929903
File: 617 KB, 1043x1621, Rubic moon ticket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically that, newfag friendly

>> No.26930550

Why are the fees in rubic so high?? when nobody uses it
the fees are not half of unisawp you dishonest piece of shit

>> No.26930802


>> No.26931266

Maybe its anecdotal, but I compared two transactions earlier before buying more rubic and it was a way better deal on rubic.exchange

>> No.26931535

Some whale has been suppressing the price for a while

This faggot posts in every thread, I think rubic raped his dog or something

>> No.26931631



>> No.26931905
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I want to see a transaction hash of someone who bought Rubic in their platform

>> No.26932383

I dumped my 28k STA for RBC.
Good decision?

>> No.26932475

Can I keep my RBC in exodus? I'm sketch about metamask.

>> No.26932481

Yeah, going to $0.50 soon

>> No.26932529

Can’t believe this scam is being let on the first page when it’s clearly just the same couple of people.


>> No.26932655
File: 968 KB, 1080x1546, 1611000916856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fair enough OP and rubic holder since 2 cents.

but my main and only issue is that their UI sucks ass. even a Uniswap clone would look and feel better than it. you can't even add a max/50% option or see how much of an asset you hold. You have to have metamask open while manually inputting your fucking numbers. It all needs to be fixed asap.

>> No.26932671

Proof its a scam? They literally have a working product you FUDing piece of shit

>> No.26932799

This autist is called Mika D he has a strange obsession with Rubic.