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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 169 KB, 800x1200, 1572769207069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26976683 No.26976683 [Reply] [Original]

Something is massively wrong in all markets.
This will end worse than 1929

>> No.26976811

because things were going so fucking great

>> No.26977024

Tried to tell the retards this but they are too busy spazzin out trying to hop on pumps. Exchanges stock/crypto will fall, financial institutions will be going under and everyones going to lose in the end. Personally I think this is part of the "great reset"

>> No.26977138

Thanks for using the pic i posted last night.

>> No.26977215
File: 81 KB, 255x253, 1607782799339.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a ginger version of her with smaller tits absolutely obsessed with me but I'm such a fucking autist I blew it. I fucking hate being hot but autistic I FUCKING HATE MY LIFE!!!!!!!

>> No.26977237

>This will end worse than 1929
Good, I want to be able to fight in WW3.

>> No.26977275
File: 310 KB, 640x880, moon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can't wait for the bloodbath

>> No.26977314

Kek, shutup incel. Pathetic loser. Have sex.

>> No.26977333

Angela without the tits is no Angela.

>> No.26977378

i've seen this exact thread with these exact replies at least twice before
update your bots faggots

>> No.26977399

I hate every single handsome and/or big dicked autist so much. All your genes should be transferred to someone who actually knows how to use them. t. average on face, dick and height but i get pussy with my charisma alone

>> No.26977427

>but I'm such a fucking autist I blew it
are you absolutely certain anon? 0% chance of recovery? I say try and fix it up if you can. Don’t assume you’ve fucked it up unless it was explicitly clear.

>> No.26977443


>> No.26977448

Maybe this time you retards will 110.

>> No.26977465


There's plenty of fish in the sea stfu

>> No.26977486

You know what that means? Short the fuck out of the US economy.

>> No.26977490


>> No.26977494
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>Have sex.
I do, a lot. But I always ruin the relationship part :(
I'm a walking dildo and it makes me sad. Be nice.
>Angela without the tits is no Angela.
>czech'd and corect

>> No.26977500

good thing i'm allin xrp, aka the bridge currency of the post-great-reset elite

>> No.26977528


>> No.26977568
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>> No.26977577
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based glowposter

>> No.26977588

You can't go wrong with PM though

>> No.26977596


>> No.26977599

Without the tits she's just a typical 6/10, can't be that good looking if that's a major accomplishment that you actively go online to humblebrag about lmao

>> No.26977604

Based schitzo, no one's been talking about it for like a month, what's going on with the sec thing?

>> No.26977603

that's the beta move right there

>> No.26977632

if you haven’t bought in yet you are retarded

>> No.26977651

dam poor american nigger always cash out at this time. Pump usually happen about six hours from now
Don’t believe this fucking retards who tell that xrp will rise again, noncence
Just take part with me and my pool on poolz finance. Use your brains and get income with NFT

>> No.26977666

>he think i pay attention to the SEC fud

>> No.26977710

>I hate every single handsome and/or big dicked autist so much.
Average dick I guess but I'm truly beautiful and I look 25 (I'm 39). I really don't deserve my genes, I know.....

>> No.26977713
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you'll find a qt autist gf soon enough anon

>> No.26977781

always do the opposite of......... :0

>> No.26977858
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>> No.26977897

kek, nice

>> No.26977954
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>> No.26977987


>> No.26978014
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Nothing much from what I can tell. We wont know much about the lawsuit for another six months to a year. But I have noticed some of my non schizo friends talking about xrp. one of them showed me something he found on reddit. Maybe normies are starting to notice.

>> No.26978191

Good, I haven't seen that one before and I have been on here since the dawn of the human race

>> No.26978317

I feel like there's swans flying all over the place. The market's gotten completely divorced from the economy, we're constantly beating ATHs in the middle of a crisis, retail's going wild, interest rates in the negatives everywhere and all it takes for a stock to moon is one twitter shitpost from the owner of the most overvalued bubble out there - and boy does he print them.
You can already hear all the old farts on the TV talking about a "paradigm shift" and we've got pornstars talking about stock and crypto investments. When was the last time shit like that didn't end in a crash?

>> No.26978371
File: 40 KB, 600x336, a39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it won't.

Current stock craze is basically wealth transfer from boomers to millennials. Who do you think makes hedgies go round? Fucking boomers holding onto their 0.% interest.

Plus you have decline of political freedom and economic in the third world(XI going empire-building), so 3rdworlders have to invest into 1st world. I speculate that there will be many more reddit-style pumps as millenials and zoomers utilize social media to get the share of economy that they deserve.

>> No.26978387
File: 28 KB, 383x431, Femcel1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a walking dildo and it makes me sad.
ah yes the rare femcel man

>> No.26979087
File: 91 KB, 1171x936, 1595552872191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, cool