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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27096112 No.27096112 [Reply] [Original]

This handy little infographic will help you.

Quick rundown
- our gme
- redditcoin
- perfect pump potential
- normies will fomo in if we shill enough

That is all, do your duty boys, as I said - it's our gme.

>> No.27096207

Do not buy. Pumped & dumped. Now it is a stablecoin

>> No.27096355


Stfu this is hitting 50c this weekend

>> No.27096361

Its trash. Only buy if you want to lose your lifesavings.

>> No.27096364
File: 505 KB, 1000x628, VTKXAqR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>teaching /biz/ how to buy shitcoins

>> No.27096500

It was 1 guy who bought it and it went to 24 cent then he dumped it himself, i tried to buy at under 1 cent but tranny failed 3 times :) so it wasnt the dev, he accidentally bought too much and then just sold.

>> No.27096549

It's all fun and shitcoins until a major exchange picks this baby up.

>> No.27096873

Already integrated on /r/ethtrader. Advertisers literally using it to shill their projects to reddit plebs. Other subs to follow. You're early.

>> No.27096955


exactly, lets see what happens.

>> No.27097028
File: 18 KB, 1150x119, itsover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over, dude. you can stop your shilling and sell your bags before it goes to nothing.

>> No.27097173

I bought 100$ DONUT

$80 BAO got me $600

hopefully this Reddit shitcoin does the same

>> No.27097197

15 min chart looks like it's about to explode if you ask me. you better get a stack if you don't have one by now.

or stay poor, it's up to you i guess.

>> No.27097361

I'm loaded up with $15,000 worth.

>> No.27097984

Holding 100k and not selling under $1.

>> No.27098278

have 10k only, but won't sell before at least 1 usd, too.

>> No.27098334

retard, that guy bought those 6M DONUTS with ~240eth

>> No.27098445

biggest scam on earth... you deserve to lose if you buy this

>> No.27098568

where did the other 132 eth go

>> No.27098778

he unironically bought high and sold low

>> No.27098802

This is never going to actually hit $1 is it?

>> No.27098900

if enough people buy it's super possible,
and easier to achieve then with something like dogecoin.

>> No.27098979

i can totally see it happening in the next few days even.

>> No.27099041

People don't know how to use metamask
Imagine they know how

>> No.27099082

Memes make a lot of things possible, but right now I just want to go to sleep with something that can actually retain value over a longer period of time after buying in at least relatively early.

>> No.27099832

he is the kinda guy i want to take advice from buy high sell low, i wish more anons would post stuff like this so you could see who was a fullblown retard.

>> No.27099905

No. The guy who dumped killed the coins momentum.

>> No.27099915

this, eat those donuts bby

>> No.27100790

another P&D scam.

Jesus. I feel like /biz is filled with newfags with gambling addiction nowadays.

where are the fucking autists that actually go for coins with strong fundamentals?

This place is becoming a cesspool. Fuck. Even reddit feels like a 5 star hotel compared to the shit around here.

>> No.27101199

Yes a scam that's been used on reddit for over half a year already. Do one iota of research you halfwit and stop projecting your idiocy

>> No.27101214

fundamentals get you nowhere
nothing wrong with making a quick buck with memecoins

>> No.27101260
File: 353 KB, 1872x1872, 1611893932874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you want ?
you don't like making money?
I made 10k from this today,
is that what we all want? Easy money?
Enjoy sitting in your little corner on your own.

>> No.27101491

what part of the phrase "P&D Scam" you didn't get? Can happen to ANY coin.

completely different to if I were to say "P&D shitcoin".

Tons of newfags bought at the top and are going to get rekt.

>> No.27101578

that'swhere you're wrong kiddo

>> No.27101589

I made 20k on doge yesterday. Don't give a shit.

>> No.27101612

The absolute state of retards thinking they know how things work

>> No.27101701


>> No.27101830


so how does it work faggit

>> No.27101915
File: 214 KB, 1080x1900, Screenshot_20210129-145753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obligatory dharma.io shill reporting in, for those too lazy to figure out how to use Ethereum as in the OP.

>> No.27102023
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>> No.27102130
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>extension on chrome
ok, fed boi

>> No.27102424

ah so you like doge but not donut, makes sense.

>> No.27102441

how new?

>> No.27102555
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>> No.27102963
File: 119 KB, 1215x207, donutcoffee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Matcha listed DONUT


>> No.27103111


>> No.27103396


>> No.27104027

is... is it gonna break out anon?

>> No.27104213

Wait until the anons that weren't here today to fall for the scam tomorrow.

>> No.27104646

lol kek

>> No.27105208

Go away. Tired of the Reddit creep

>> No.27105561

I am used to exchanges like binance, if I want to take my gains I just go back to uniswap and exchange it back to Ethereum again? Seems clunky

>> No.27105754


>> No.27106107

39 eth buy!

>> No.27106185


>> No.27106274

Wait UNI is on the exchanges. Withdraw UNI and deposit directly to app.uniswap.org ? Is it that easy?

>> No.27106345


>> No.27106390

Bought at 66, why do I always buy into shit when it's too late or too early?

>> No.27106732

When the chart is a straight line up, don't buy.
Also research first. Obvious shit coin and etherscan looks pretty typical pnd. Newfriend.

>> No.27107259

hold tight fren

>> No.27107730

LETS GOOOO!! itsa pamping

>> No.27107930

whats going on with the gas fees? what time is it?

>> No.27109165

up up and away!

>> No.27109451

Didn’t this 25x or something today? Why would I wanna buy it now?

>> No.27109570
