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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27296437 No.27296437 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.27296770
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Itll go back to 15 any moment

>> No.27296815

We pumped from $1 to $20... I knew a correction was inevitable but it's still something no man can ever be prepared for :(

>> No.27296891

What a disaster. Fuck UNI. I've lost a fortune.

>> No.27296996

told you fags it was going to dump to 5

>> No.27297008

Good. I finally made a decent swing move.

>> No.27297053


>> No.27297174
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people profit taking and dumping into Rubic

>> No.27297274

got too cocky bros

>> No.27297353

You bought the wrong DEX token retards

>> No.27297390

what does this token do, exactly?

>> No.27297395

where are you now bitches

>> No.27297570

brown hands wrote this

>> No.27297724

let you vote on what the token is for

>> No.27297722

I got all mine for free, I don't care

>> No.27297816


>> No.27297836

at $17.28 USD

>> No.27297841

It’s ok that your hands are this way anon

>> No.27297927

It's not too late to switch to 1inch

>> No.27297978

I’m never selling. Imagine selling a piece of the future biggest exchange in the world.

>> No.27297990
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dat support doe

>> No.27298027

People are waking up the fact that 1INCH is the superior DEX.

>> No.27298028

Nah I'm holding this shit. Good fundamentals

>> No.27298041

I only buy shitcoins that are 2 dollars at most. I want to buy some Uni but I am priced out.

>> No.27298051
File: 328 KB, 828x843, F120EBFB-AFAB-47B1-BC15-1FA322A14ADB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw sold my 400 at $20 last night

>> No.27298110

get wrecked retarded

>> No.27298213

the token literally does nothing, its all hopium, buy SNX

>> No.27298291

Buy at least a little MUSE

>> No.27298336


>> No.27298386

I got 7 grand for free, you shit on the street

>> No.27298498

I mean i got all my UNI for free
Im not selling a single one until i can trade 10 for 1 bitcoin

>> No.27298546

you had your fun
it's dexg's turn now

>> No.27298616

i shit on your whore mother, yes
and made a x100 from selling the 800 uniCRAPs i got for FREE

>> No.27298775

>made x100 from 0
So did I, just now. Ooops did it again just now, and now

>> No.27298989

How vulgar and grotesque. You are a disgusting vermin. I would stomp you like a bug.

>> No.27299121

nice, i haven't got a x100 from 0 which sounds good, only from 800 dollars
try it bitch I'm 6'6" 120kg core of steel I'll fulminate your bitch ass the instant you appear on my vision bitch ass boy

>> No.27299254

I’m 6’8” 320 lbs bitch cunt I would eat you for breakfast and rek your little boipussy

>> No.27299315

>tfw sold at 19.50

god it feels good to be right this time

I’ll be buying back in btw - UNI and 1INCH brought my portfolio up 30% yesterday. felt like that was so much that it would dip. was right. Thank the lord.

>> No.27299378

lmao fatty you wouldn't, beat the fork first

>> No.27299420

did you sell your 1inch?

>> No.27299423

I'm 6'9" (lmao it's a reddit joke) and 420 (nice) kg

Wanna HODL some AMC and DOGE together?

>> No.27299454

Oh yeah?
I'm 7'6" 440 Ilbs I could use both of you as human beanbag

>> No.27299602

lift fatty

>> No.27299678
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>try it bitch I'm 6'6" 120kg core of steel I'll fulminate your bitch ass the instant you appear on my vision bitch ass boy

>> No.27299774

I'll lift you over my head unless you buy DEXG right now.

>> No.27299800

Is that a picture of your boyfriend? I wish the best to both of you

>> No.27299914

Healthy correction, buy the dip.
I think it will stabilise/ find a floor at 17-18 before going above 20 later in the week

>> No.27300008

The 1inch shills are the most blatant I've ever seen on this board.
But why not hedge bets and just buy both?

>> No.27300153

1INCH aggregates all DEXes and gets you the best deal possible. There is no reason to use any other DEX. If you actually understood what 1INCH does I wouldn't even have to shill it to you.

>> No.27300228

And I barely see 1INCH mentioned at all compared to many other coins on biz. I genuinely want you guys to maximize gains.

>> No.27300291

I just look at the best coin to invest in and 1inch is only gaining the past month. there are no dumps

>> No.27300330
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buy the dip. also buy $DIP

>> No.27300345

1 inch is the size of your tiny cock you little Indian faggot

>> No.27300400

dude I am buying uni so I can get paid dividends per transaction burh

>> No.27300431

Wow, very creative! It's called 1INCH due to Bruce Lee's 1 inch punch because of the efficiency of their DEX. Stay poor.

>> No.27300460

/biz/ is genuinely too dumb to use 1inch even though it's a Pareto improvement over UNI. This is unironically bullish for UNI, given that other cryptotards are even dumber than /biz/lets.

>> No.27300484

lmao nerd

>> No.27300535

Only Europeans shill RBC

>> No.27300551

Oh noooo someone is calling me a nerd on a FUCKING CRYPTOCURRENCY BOARD

>> No.27300716

Yeah. In retrospect it wasn’t necessary, but I sold at 5, so as of now it’s still up in the air.

I’m a bit of a poorfag and my portfolio went from 10k to 14k in the past 48hrs, so taking profits to be safe was good. Put most of that profit into GRT and looking good today.

>> No.27300745

Have they become delusional?

>> No.27300870

Tbh I'm torn between both sides of the argument. I'm going to keep holding uni because I think it will stabilise above $20, but I'll also DCA some 1inch asap before it hits $10.
Only issue with all these defi projects atm is they remind me of the erc20 boom post 2017 bullrun, and look how many of those worked out.

>> No.27301030


>> No.27301102

That's perfectly fine. I don't necessarily think it's the best move to sell UNI for 1INCH but you guys need to pay more attention to 1INCH and what their DEX is doing at the very least. It's never good to get too attached to a coin.

>> No.27301367

UNI and 1inch aren't pure speculation though, they already work. I would definitely put money in one or both but exchanges, but don't neglect other types of DeFi check the thread

>> No.27301482

Literally everything is down you idiot.

>> No.27301568

Its fine everything was dumping earlier. If it dips below $15 then pull out. Its still a decent profit anon.

>> No.27302310

Anon told me about MIR airdrop last night kek would have been 2k instead of one but I sold my other wallets uni 3 hours early...cest la vie

>> No.27302339

>caring about the price of a token
you need to consider the market cap and supply, otherwise you could find yourself buying some shit with billions and billions of tokens with an incredibly high market cap that has low room for growth

>> No.27302463

Will not sell a single UNI for less than 500 dollarinos....Ill just sit and take my liquidity dividends forever

>> No.27303189

Based and unipilled.

>> No.27303351

fucking chill it'll all be ok

>> No.27303576

>The pajeet copenigger is back
lmfao love to see it. You will never shit in a toilet.

>> No.27303620

see you at $100 lol

>> No.27303726

yes retard im back i was banned for some bullshit but you are on your way to 5 dollars faggot ass bitch each day im closer to the truth

>> No.27303971
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should i convert my eth for 1inch? it would be around 1k.

i already hold a 500+ bag of uni anyway

>> No.27304996

I think so. DeFi is where it's at right now and 1inch has a lot more room to grow than uni and has its own advantages.

>> No.27305277
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>people think 17 is a dip
Hahahaha see you guys at 3k

>> No.27305339

yeah, i'm running a 1inch uni split

>> No.27306596

I sold all my UNI at $17 and put everything in GRT. Best decision I ever made, already 30% up in just a day. $20 was the top.

>> No.27308198


what's a make it stack of 1inch?