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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27397080 No.27397080 [Reply] [Original]

>FOMO'd into GME at 330
>bought NOK at 5.34 and BB at 21.5

I'm down a thousand bucks. What do? How do I stop getting Bogged?

>> No.27397144

>How do I stop getting Bogged?

>> No.27397212

No one is actually this retarded

>> No.27397335
File: 12 KB, 242x208, download (99).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i just gambled away my college funds
>and my parents money
>I was supposed to be the family financial counselor (in Minecraft)!!!!

>> No.27397347

but I am

>> No.27397485

There's no restrictions on trading shitcoins

>> No.27397670
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Learn not to fomo and be cattle or simply stop giving a fuck about money and move on with whatever it is you want to do, whether it be sell and eat your losses or baghold.

>> No.27397706
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I'm transferring assets from RH to another broker and while it's processing IT'S SUDDENLY SHOWING ALL MY GEM SHARED UNSOLD ON THE NEW BROKER....

That shit better just be them catching up to my current holdings. They can't just revert my sales just because I transferred, r-right?

>> No.27397800

Stop being a bitch. If you hurting for a grand you shouldn't be playing the game anyways

>> No.27397889

>im down the equivalent to a bi-weekly paycheck
Who cares?

>> No.27397940

hold nerd

>> No.27397954

>How do I stop getting Bogged?
buy BTC and hold for 10 years
or kys
up to you

>> No.27398190

get a job fgt

>> No.27398273

$1000 isn't anything to me, I'm just pissed to be losing money like a retard.

>> No.27398292

stop chasing pumps

>> No.27398315

keep listening to unsourced claims on the internet, you fucking mark.
you're a mark, your parents were marks and your children are marks.

>> No.27398332
File: 434 KB, 500x387, F2C0AA19-873A-4249-91B7-8EAE01D74BE8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do I stop getting Bogged?
You don’t.

>> No.27398539
File: 31 KB, 432x259, 1611985076420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bought NOK at 5.50
>Bought Made money on AMC then bought back in at 18.36
>Been holding UWMC since before the merger at 12.78

I'm down in all of my investments atm but I think if I hold out some are bound to turn green