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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27447352 No.27447352 [Reply] [Original]

Now that there is a pretty decent chance Redditors are bag holding at this point can we discuss put options/shorting? I have the following positions

$31 P 2/19 (Probably a dumb move)
$80 P 7/16

I am a little nervous of people hanging around keeping the price up in the $40-50 range either out of delusions of a short squeeze or to virtue signal. Any predictions on what the new baseline will be once this blows over?

>> No.27447771

bump. ive traded btc options but never stonks. hoping for some tips too.

>> No.27448165

fuck this inorganic glowie shill site

>> No.27448358

its just a dumb nigger adding to the fear porn nobody is going to short this shit. wtf

>> No.27448538

its literally just one dude, he made a thread last night to about his girlfriend going on a trip with her mom to see some dude off bumble. he browses biz 12+ hours a day and shits the board up bc hes an autistic poorfag who thinks hes good at manipulating others but doesnt realize how much he glows. that and hes shit at covering up his tracks. ive been paying attention to this for a bit now because im sick of seeing this shit everyday, this anon pisses me off.

>> No.27448626

These premiums are insane. You need like a 80% dip to even get back in the money

>> No.27448743

I did at 90 myself. Gonna double my 20k investment by Friday. Idiots who still hold are making this too easy.

>> No.27448746

Don't even buy any options rn. It's far too volatile even at these levels.

>> No.27448947

>using any of those words without irony in a sentence

>surely only one person would give me good advice, everyone with karma agrees with me.

>> No.27449017

how do you know it’s him? does he always use the same picture or something?

>> No.27449076

you are autistic, go check on your girlfriend. ignoring her again for biz?

>> No.27449115

GME will slowly burn back to ~$10-30/share, leaving zero time value on puts.

>> No.27449161

if you lick my cock ill tell you

>> No.27449163
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crazy question, can you short the options themselves? like, borrow calls, sell them, rebuy later at a lower price and pocket the difference? i wouldn’t expect it to exist but maybe crypto could create something like this...

>> No.27449259

ask your girlfriends boyfriend

>> No.27449374

You can write options yourself, so there's no reason to borrow them.

>Write and sell call
>Buy back call to close position

>> No.27449596

oh shit, yeah i didnt think about writing them for that purpose.

>> No.27450089

op is a faggot kike who thinks hes anonymous, look at the pathetic faggot samefag his own thread and spam the entire board EVERYDAY

>> No.27450682

>imagine trying to profit from bought puts when you are paying these implied volatilies
you are retarded

>> No.27450718

bless your tism my guy