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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 421 KB, 1275x1817, 1611972574574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27457536 No.27457536 [Reply] [Original]

Whats happening? I thought the short squeeze was a guarantee today? We're at 189 after hours.

I'm fucked aren't I? I put in 50k and I'm looking at probably 22k+ losses in the morning. I need this money bad, and half of it is on margin so if it goes any lower I'm going to lose everything.

What do I do? I can't fucking sell now, I'm trapped all because of this gay fucking reddit bullshit.

I need game stop white pills. Please tell me the squeeze is going to happen

>> No.27457560


>> No.27457605

What the fuck is a squeeze? I have never heard that term until reddit started saying it so much and /biz/ caught on

>> No.27457659

Damn, sex dolls are getting realistic

>> No.27457667

it means pump and dump but it sounds less sexual.

>> No.27457671
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>> No.27457694

you know i hate you fuckers lol. /smg/ bought gme at 11-30 dollars and then this is just getting fucking rediculous. were all waiting for all this shit to be over to buy back in and we all sold up +800%

>> No.27457701

There is a reason they want to artificially deflate the price. There is a reason none of the shill threads use curse words or off-color jokes or language, they are PAID to wage a psychological war against YOU.

>> No.27457767

fuck you, sell your stocks negro

>> No.27457777

fuck u nigger shill

>> No.27457798

tbf I think there is a nuanced difference where a squeeze is them buying in an effort to get someones short to the point of bankruptcy or liquidation

>> No.27457840


>> No.27457847
File: 98 KB, 1522x602, ladder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TD Ameritrade in-depth quotes report that 125% of shares are STILL SHORTED, meaning either articles about covers are blatant lies, the Hedge Funds themselves lied about their percentage of shorts, or new shorts came in to replace the ones that covered.

Trading volume was less than 1/3 the ten-day moving average, and five of those ten days was before the initial squeeze five days ago, so the trading volume was incredibly low today. This means most people held, and most of the volume we see is from Hedge Funds. It also means that because volume was so low, the Hedgies CAN'T HAVE COVERED, like they claim.

Analysis of individual trades of tranches of shares show that many shares had extremely unrealistically low bid prices. In many cases, the ask was hundreds of dollars, but the bid was only $3 to $5, and yet the shares were still sold. This happens when two or more Hedge Funds trade shares back and forth between each other in an attempt to artificially lower the share price reported on the ticker. This is known as a "Ladder Attack".

Finally, there has been an unrealistically huge negative FUD campaign on all Internet channels about GME today, as well as patently FALSE attributions of WSB attempting to squeeze the [Au] market. All manner of stocks other than GME are being shilled as distractions to dilute the buying power of our collective. These attributions are all false, and probably arise from a paid astroturfing campaign by either Hedge Funds or their angel investors.

What does all this mean?

It means the Hedge Funds and their investors and parent companies ARE PANICKING!

It means WE ARE WINNING, if we only BUY THE DIP, and HOLD what we have!

>> No.27457882

Stupid shizo, GME is the most retarded investment out there and you are truly an idiot if you believe otherwise. The whole thing was a coordinated PnD action. Get over it idiots or keep bagholding, you are more delusional than the Cripplefags.

>> No.27457884

Short ladder attacks combined with illegally reporting that you covered a short despite no change in volume, but guess what? Sec is literally not investigating anything going on here, probably for months.

>> No.27457897


>> No.27457944

Question, why are they doing short ladder attacks then?

>> No.27457964


>> No.27457965

oh look, it's retarded

>> No.27457993

They are still solvent.
Hold the line pussy.

Oh and stop shilling.

>> No.27458007

Sell at market price at open

>> No.27458011


>> No.27458032

I want to short squeeze those boobies if you catch my drift.

>> No.27458037

see, this is how clueless /biz/ is. you don't even know what a short squeeze is when you could have looked it up for yourself or get spoonfed the explanation from youtubers etc.

just buy and hold. look at r/wallstreetbets for some whitepills. going balls deep only to sell at a loss is fucking retarded.

>> No.27458045

Is this the next FUD campaign after silver and the position closed shill ops? Are you telling me normies would actually put significant volumes of cash onto these stocks without a stop loss?

>> No.27458094


>Select are the squares with BIG FAT JUICY MILKERS HAHAHA BOOBA

>> No.27458096

checked and witnessed

>> No.27458157

a lot of redditors here. OP is probably one of em, if not hes a dreidel spinner
fud fud fud fud fud

>> No.27458274

Idk, I'd let those pair in the OP squeeze my face.

>> No.27458286

Wow I swear to Christ I’ve seen this exact same fudpost 12 times today.

>attractive female in image
>post details financial losses and fear/doubt associated with GME
>incorrect usage of internet slang

They’ve got you guys up all hours of the night, you must be getting your palms GREASED THE FUCK UP, MelvinKike.

>> No.27458389

lol between this and the ladder squeezes.
I bet this place is flooded with shills sent here by the hedgies.
I bet they're the same shills who shilled for biden so hard.

>> No.27459025

Is this real?
Who is she?

>> No.27459041


>short ladder attacks
is this the new fancy term that bagholding plebbitor will use ad nauseam for the next few weeks?

>> No.27459102

what's smg?

>> No.27459199

seems like the S3 report is using a different calculation for calculating short percentage, which is why it seems so low

>> No.27459206

At end of day hedges run the casino, you can't win against them. Crypto seems better

>> No.27459257

Oh it's 100% from reddit. It's a stupid word that shouldn't be used this much when talking about investing

>> No.27459340

/r/WSB is full of retards. The only thing those guys can help me with is teach me how to lose the most amount of money as quick as possible

>> No.27459341

>seems like the S3 report is using a different calculation for calculating short percentage, which is why it seems so low
They will use any trick in the book. Gotta cover Friday's puts tomorrow EOD.

TDAmeritrade still says 125% shorted, and 1/3 normal volume, so they are NOT covered.

>> No.27459342

>only to sell at a loss is fucking retarded
He's on margin, tard. dye know what a margin call is? can't hold a dip when your brokerage liquidates your loss position. fuck off this board

>> No.27459367

Holy fuck I'd love to cut those tits off with one swipe of my katana!

>> No.27459393

thats what u get for cheating on us with reddit.. now u become a plebbit

>> No.27459443

Get out.

>> No.27459442

Trust In The Plan

>> No.27459479

and buy GRT

>> No.27459586

I'm only saying this to pay it forward.

You have no visibility as to what is happening. There is no accurate real-time short interest data. You don't know which institutional holders have sold or how much they've sold as of today. Institutions can trade under the table, so do not trust volume. This is no longer an investment, it is a twisted version of prisoner's dilemma. If you have anything more than play money in this, tread with caution

>> No.27459601
File: 96 KB, 244x184, haxor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ameritrades statistics are from january 15th you fucking stupid nigger

>> No.27459652
File: 52 KB, 600x500, chocolate-souffle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taking a hot steamy dump on her chest
>cum on your shit
>make her eat it
>"the chocolate soufflé"'
It's a french thing

>> No.27459672

nah I'm not even in it, but what does /smg/ mean?

>> No.27459741
File: 106 KB, 986x608, ameritrade.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inb4 omg "kike shill!!!"
you fucking retarded reddit trannies think you have all of this figured out while in fact you're just listening to the same fucking garbage echochambering in a estrogen pumped landwhale board, you can't beat the kikes at their own game, the short interest is most likely accurate on s3

>> No.27459772

I only put a toe in, literally a strand of hair. If it crashes, I will buy more...but only if low enough.

Hold if red, buy low, sell high.

>> No.27459964

what's ur price predicktion for today

>> No.27460077

>The only thing those guys can help me with is teach me how to lose the most amount of money as quick as possible
So you're saying Melvin could learn a thing or two from them about which stocks to short?

>> No.27460079
File: 44 KB, 900x599, soy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>69420$ anon, to the moon!!!! :rocket:

>> No.27460323

Kill yourself dumb fucking retard I will slit your throat and shit down your neck

>> No.27460328

Statistical Multiplexing Gains

>> No.27460358
File: 153 KB, 326x269, Screenshot_16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omg!!!!! I put my entire body into $GME if it doesn't moon i'll be killed plz guys!!!

>> No.27460407

You have to go back

>> No.27460446
File: 220 KB, 600x881, 1592411716867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27460480

Realistically do you see it going to 600? Thats a 2x for you. 900? Crazy talk. You got memed on for a potential 2x but more likely a blown out asshole kek

>> No.27460666

What the fuck

>> No.27460732

Go back now we don’t want you here

>> No.27460772
File: 29 KB, 403x253, ooff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I put all my life savings in silver coins.
I feel no different but it's fun to fondle the coins.

>> No.27460808

the patrician fetish

>> No.27460818

Shakka Souffle?

>> No.27460886


>> No.27460897

ah k thanks.

yeah I'm not from plebbit if you are implying this. here for different reasons.

>> No.27461135

Wat your losses and put it either in dogecoin or physical silver
Never ever buy paper physical

>> No.27461407

Sub machine gun

>> No.27461461
File: 369 KB, 1170x1594, 69BC8007-7C10-40A7-9CFF-28FE28BAE49F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick. Put as much money as possible into this and you’ll be fine. The circulation is claimed by every one to be much higher than it is. It’s only probably 200-300k max.

>> No.27461504


>> No.27461507
File: 356 KB, 450x359, 1611762386297.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sell now

>> No.27461519
File: 217 KB, 882x872, 190411-monkey-pr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27461550

1 large rock and it’s over for him.

>> No.27461563

You deserve this for
1: being stupid
2: trusting fucking reddit of all places
3: not knowing that reddit is basically just AI bots and paid shills
4: not seeing a common stock scam immediately and using common sense to play it (make your money and RUN ASAP)
5: being stupid
6: trusting fucking reddit

>> No.27461624

sexy midget girls

>> No.27461730

"The price of Nintendo Switches in the city skyrockets. Melvins parents were able to get a few units from Keiths friends, but they had to pay really inflated prices for them, first $1,000, then $2,000, now $3,000. It's nearing Christmas, and every rich parent at the Country Club is desperate for the Nintendo Switch they promised their kids. They can't trust that Melvin will be able to get them one. They all start bidding against each other for Switches. Everybody in town is in on the action now. Everybody wants to get a Nintendo Switch to sell at the country club for $10,000. Meanwhile, Keith and his friends are just hanging out and playing Animal Crossing."


>> No.27461894

Recuperate your losses and go home
Stocks aren’t for you

>> No.27462524

>Statistical Multiplexing Gains
>ah k thanks
You really do have to go back.

>> No.27462734

get out now and buy crypto numpty! buy eth and you will make it back in a jiffy

>> No.27463420

please guys im scared

>> No.27463452



>> No.27463516

Take the L and get out because it’s going below 100 by the weekend

>> No.27465000

g-guys it keeps going down

>> No.27465526


>> No.27466587

its going down more