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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 101 KB, 1464x1458, cryptocurrency-bad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27526462 No.27526462 [Reply] [Original]

who /nocoiner/ here?
there have to be at least a few of us here, right?

>> No.27526600

Change the name to retard general because only retards aren't in crypto. You had fucking 10 years to get into it.

>> No.27526833

>actually being upset that someone isn't addicted to hoarding your fake internet money

>> No.27526983

Cope harder nigger

>> No.27527214

>Getting upset that you are too retarded to see exponential gains in your portfolio
Stay mad, I would tell you to stay poor but obviously you will because no coin.

>> No.27527658

There is a subreddit that might be a better fit for you.

>> No.27527809

a what?
i'm here to discuss actual real tangible finance
many others are as well

>> No.27527956

Nocoiner here.
Stocks + silver +gold
Cryptofags are addicted gamblers in one of the biggest ponzi schemes of the new century.

>> No.27528370

I am. Third world poorfag here.

>> No.27528483

the future is now old man

>> No.27528537

Same I have some coins but might as well be a nocoiner, even if my holdings do a x10it would still be pityful

>> No.27528550

I was really excited when /biz/ opened because I wanted to discuss ways to make location independent income, but then it turned into a crypto board. I still remember the occasional dropshipping thread here and there. Anyway, why not buy at least a bit of Bitcoin?

>> No.27529022

honestly, if it wasn't for the money I'm making, taking a step back I'd see that too many are ponzi schemes lol

>> No.27529229

/biz/ was made for cryptos faggot.

>> No.27529315
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>> No.27529324

>ponzi scheme
I put money in Bitcoin, it grows quickly, and I take back a bit of profit every time I want to buy something that I want but I wouldn't spend "real money" (money earned by trading time) on, like Tinder Platinum, condoms and sex toys. The ponzi's been working out great for me, got my profit and the pile keeps growing.

>> No.27529426

nocoiner general = /pol/ and reddit imports general.
Have fun retards

>> No.27529460
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Can someone give me a qrd on how to do crypto correctly? I’m trying to get out of robincuck but there’s so much stuff out there I don’t know what to do. I have a Gemini account I never used because the government ID thing weirded me out. Do I need a hardware wallet? Am I gonna get home invaded if I order one?

>> No.27529578

Me cuz I'm homeless, I make money by pushing carts and sometimes dealing drugs. But I do drugs myself so

>> No.27529593

Im all in illiquid altcoins. You might call that /nocoiner/ or even worse. Price does fuck all and I can't sell. I just keep adding to my stack and nothing happens. Its weird cause others do the same. But the price still doesn't budge. I'm not sure how it's even possible.

>> No.27529595

Crypto isn't sustainable. It is the ultimate fiat currency. All of these fags are going to wonder what the fuck happened when this shit inevitably goes south.

>> No.27529643

Don’t do this anon. Someday Monopoly money coin will be a thing and then we will see who is laughing.

>> No.27529663

I have .2 eth so im basically a nocioner

>> No.27529758

There are just so fucking many I don't even know where to begin

>> No.27529838

Big time irony

>> No.27529873
File: 160 KB, 1600x1213, 928497819-OfficeSpace_122Pyxurz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The copes never stop coming

>> No.27530006

pmg are just as much of a ponzi as crypto.

>> No.27530095

Nope, but I see you posting everywhere, shitting up most threads.
Enjoy staying poor!

>> No.27530165

Fiat currency has no value.
Its value is the system is support.
Crypto is like fiat currency only better.
It has all the benefits of paper money, plus has an inherent value.

Its still early to invest, don't be bitter because you missed the early spike.
In a few decades crypto will replace fiat.

I am also a nocoiner because I am low IQ and didn't get in early..
But from now on I am putting all my money in crypto.

>> No.27530275

jesus stay poor bagholding dollarinos

>> No.27530281
File: 104 KB, 640x1039, C756EC92-3000-4B36-9319-0E453952187E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello Carbon County! Welcome to the FLO Blockchain!

>> No.27530348
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No coin here. I'm dumb and only understand traditional finance. Need to take the time to fully learn the crypto game because I never spend money on things I don't understand. Also I make a good income and the coin pushers always smell distinctly of curry, which is a red flag for me.

>> No.27530371



>> No.27530384
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>> No.27530470
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>> No.27530490

>Cryptofags are addicted gamblers

Uhhhmm..you been paying attention to the stock game these days? Look like players gambling in a rigged casino.

>> No.27530583
File: 92 KB, 1024x512, 55F76200-511C-4F81-A94D-807222C46A36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Open Index Protocol

>Teton County, Wyoming’s land records

>Electron Tomogram Database at Caltech



>> No.27530688
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>> No.27530728

>and the pile keeps growing.

You mean of your sex toy collection right? Dragon dildos went all in on you it sounds like. I hope it pays off for them. You seem like a solid investment for them.

>> No.27530834
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>> No.27530933

You're the funniest guy in school

>> No.27530945
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>> No.27531017
File: 138 KB, 822x730, dollar-crash-like-burning-plane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes I too trust plan. We're all in this basket riding to hell.

>> No.27531067
File: 61 KB, 513x518, BCCBAA63-53B8-4F09-B5BD-096784BEEB8C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Firearm blueprints

>> No.27531194
File: 76 KB, 1136x640, A7F4ACCA-DFF3-4752-A5A3-2323F84CA329.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Supply is 160,000,000
Suicide stack for less than $20

>> No.27531255

I actually do have that award around here somewhere.

>I am dead serious..I won that award in HS.

>> No.27531281

you had 11 years

>> No.27531318

Found the boomer

>> No.27531437

We are taking capital out of your system.

>> No.27532556

defi is real finance. at least as real as your magic fiat money, backed by nothing but a prayer and a promise.

>> No.27532614

yep, im not buying any cryptocoins

>> No.27532756

Buy cryptoshares pussy

>> No.27532786

>you had 10 years
indirectly giving away your age like a faggot

>> No.27532896

Yep , i only use stock

>> No.27533259
File: 100 KB, 513x597, 1611721080212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>10+ years
>3+ media/hype cycles
>still a nocoiner