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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27749572 No.27749572 [Reply] [Original]

road to 1$

>> No.27750065

unironically a scamcoin. the entire team dumped their bags at .25 and broke the wallet on purpose and are scamming every newfag buyer

>> No.27750316

Just like the entire team dumped and exit scammed 10 times in 2019 and 2020, if room temp IQ fudders on biz were to be believed.

>> No.27750453

shut the fuck up faggot

>> No.27750478

Rockets don't take roads

>> No.27750544
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>> No.27750580

i have insider information about chen dumping his bags and laughing about it on discord

he just bought a new porsche with it and moved into a downtown condo

>> No.27750584


>> No.27750610

Waiting for the rocket to $5

>> No.27750858

someone please dump a fat million fantom bag tomorrow around 5am eastern time nyc so i can buy at a discount thanks

>> No.27750949

no, you had 3 years

>> No.27751121


no fuck you nigger i have 6 months left still :) neck yourself

>> No.27751236
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pajeets, swingers and panic sellers you had your chance and you failed...

>> No.27751408

No other coin gets the fud this fucking thing gets.

>> No.27751487

unironically can't wait for FLend

>> No.27751619


>> No.27751925
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You are still 40% from ATH you deluded fanties, this is the final dead cat bounce before fantom plummets. Do yourself a favor and sell then buy a good coin instead.

>> No.27752281

Holy fucking god I'm using fantom network on anyswap and the fees are so ridiculously low. Holy fuickedsafedsafesd
FUCK ETH. I lost 30 bucks yesterday for a failed fucking transaction

>> No.27752468

is the rumor true about anyswap airdrop for fantom holders?

>> No.27752600

I must confess that I missed uniswap airdrop

>> No.27752608


>> No.27752657

Yes, along with a CB listing soon.
This is a good time for us fanties, we cant even have a slow thread without assblasted FUDers entering.

>> No.27752757

you know rubic and a handful of other exchange clones are blowing up for doing what fantom and anyswap just released; where is the giant fomo at? do people not understand wtf they just did?

>> No.27752776 [DELETED] 


i will cope in a suit made of your fucking skin

>> No.27752852

Was a toss up between this and rubic a few weeks ago, kind of regret not going half and half but I'm pretty confident this shit will moon.

>> No.27752960

I did setup for opera mainnet on metamask to try buying some any coin for FTM staking rewards and it was easy and fast, i did only have 4 ftm but I'm still happy, thanks for the guide anon from last thread.

>> No.27753191

source this now nephew

>> No.27753386
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gonna laugh when rubic is culled
all 5000 /biz/reli wallet holders seppuku

>> No.27753497
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uhhhh... FANTOMBROS ????

>> No.27753567

1$ is fud, 10$ eoy

>> No.27753571
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>> No.27753794
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>imagine being so mad you didnt hop on the moon mission you monitor a coin just to FUD it
KEK! So we got the 2 discordtrannies pushing FUD back in here.
41%, you will never be a woman.

>> No.27753867


what is this

>> No.27753961

im all aboard the fantie train dumb dumb, just laughing at miniscule things

I do have a question. I'm staking with a delegator, but do I also get self-stake BESIDES the delegator? I have extra fanties in my wallet but all my fanties are locked up in staking...

>> No.27753982

Weakhands getting sent out the airlock.

>> No.27753991


sell walls?

>> No.27754054

No doubt there's going to be a whale that dumps the ever living shit out of it. The rubic exchange looks very amatuer; i've seen anons commenting that transactions from rubic are listed as uniswap transactions. If Rubic is somehow creating a ghetto order book site and the word gets out; I don't know how long that'll last.

>> No.27754153

buy anon, look at the buywalls, they're being set up as we're speaking

>> No.27754154
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>posts reply 30 seconds after his trannie mate posts FUD
>i-i-im not f-fudding!
Mmmmmmmhmmmmm... suuuuuuuure...

>> No.27754323

Im already in brohan.
NoFanties will be sobbing and worriedly looking at their handgun on the desk in a month.

>> No.27754375

im only a low level clergy so you can mock me for that
t. 25.4k fanties

>> No.27754457
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feeling so comfy holding my fanties

>> No.27754478
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MOAR buywalls

>> No.27754480
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That 30d chart looks like it's about to bust a fat load

>> No.27754679

where do you need to hold ftm to get airdrop, fwallet?

>> No.27754826

Whats a suicide stack and make it stack?

>> No.27754830

Looks like wagmi then, I was just a little sus on the timing.
And to answer your question, desudesu, Ive never seen any info on self-staking yet.
Ill read more into it.

>> No.27754906

You liar, he said he would buy that condo at $1

>> No.27754929

Fantom has been almost 100% legitimized now; anyone who's got a brain and isn't looking for purely speculative PnD's will see this is a legitimate project with future use cases.

FLend alone is going to cause massive growth for Fantom; flashloans are going to be accessible to normie burgers. I don't know if a lot of anons actually process what kind of insane impact that's going to have.

>> No.27754979

Officially 100k-1m. But my personal updated one is 50k-500k. Never going lower than that. Fuck outa here with the 10k-100k shit newfags have been pushing lately.

>> No.27755004

I don't know whether the rumor is true. I heard it in telegram groups. You need fwallet connected to metamask and make 1 transaction on anyswap. I think it's worth a try...

>> No.27755037

shill me on fLend

>> No.27755125
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I'm an Oldfag and the real number is a 10k make it stack. (If making it = $1M usd)

Die newfag

>> No.27755136

Thank you, its always been 100k -1m. Kek

>> No.27755397

I'm just going to stay locked. If we crash down to 5c-10c I'll buy. Turns out coinbase was a fake rumor.

>> No.27755425

>you need 10M usd to make it
No biztard actually believes that

>> No.27755571
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5mUSD is making it for me and I'm cashing out heavily at $10 but I'll always keep at least 300kFTM

>> No.27755621

Say you're Joe Normie and have a stack of fantom worth 1k. You know of a quick shitcoin project/ or a gem that's about to explode. You offer your fantom as collateral and receive a flashloan(I don't know ratio's/interest percentages). With the flashloan, you put that into the whatever. If whatever you took a loan out for works out well; you'll have profit and you'll have enough to payback your loan and get your fantom stack back.

>> No.27755643

t-ten dollars?

whats the make it stack?

>> No.27755731

nvm just saw the post

>> No.27755798

there are sites that do this already; but fantoms network is very very normie friendly. It's basically so simple a retard can do it and understand it

>> No.27755873

Wow, this is gonna be huge!

>> No.27755911

is fantom /thecoin/?

>> No.27756097

if this shit buys me a house i swear to god every early adapter of fantom is invited to come get drunk and fuck around

anyone who bought under 6c

>> No.27756213

How about those who bought under 1c? :)

It's a tool of the globalists to instill their "Great Reset" and CBDC system globally. Insanely profitable though

>> No.27756401


>> No.27756566

>Invested 200@0.04 last Fall
>It's now 0.14
I hate this fucking scam, I just want my 200 back...

>> No.27756568

Sir what if I’m a browskin faggot.

>> No.27756608

im not racist

>> No.27757033

Gonna buy for my pops. Use my own Kucoin accnt or have him set up his own for (((tax reasons)))

>> No.27757121

Enjoy the crabbing shitcoin, no use case, team all left, andre only talks to the new team when there pulling billies on weekends. Afghan is a shitshow wont happen

>> No.27757253

fantom - the coin that made your portfolio a ghost

>> No.27757268

damn dude cbd oils huh

>> No.27757287

wait why the fuck dont you keep this staked?

>> No.27757310

>afghanistan is a shitshow wont happen
It already has though lmao.
And Dubai is already starting the same process.
This will be the real oilcoin, not that shitty nonproject coin that uses oil to promote itself.
Dont cope, dont rope, just buy.

>> No.27757419


>> No.27757492

its literally a lazy fud it mooned 9x since hes copy pastad this

>> No.27757530

can we please close above 400 sats


>> No.27757683
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>> No.27757726

I do. I just use blockfolio to represent roughly my staked wallet, because I don't want to actually dox myself

>> No.27757787

you lock for a year?

>> No.27757869
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>> No.27758300

/biz/ knight and baron sell walls

>> No.27758409

back in 13c town

>> No.27758496


>> No.27758507


nigger this is a 24hr market

>> No.27758969

Isn't this what you can do with fMint though? What's the big difference?

>> No.27759047

no god please no

>> No.27759880

What does this mean bros?

>> No.27759890


how this affect ftm

>> No.27760182

it has nothing to do with FTM.

>> No.27760335

hes in the team and yfi is used in fantom.

>> No.27760353

If anything money will pump into FTM from this.

>> No.27760381

last time andre fucked up with yfi it really fucked with ftm price

>> No.27760432


the icons for the coins look pretty similar like they're designed from the same pallet and meant to be brothers

>> No.27760556

im about to minecraft andre

>> No.27760605

remember eminance or whatever the fuck that always sketched me out

>> No.27761407

how do i connect fwallet to metamask?

>> No.27761610
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>> No.27762282

big button on fwallet home saying connect wallet

>> No.27762304

why so much resistance at 15c wtf

>> No.27762443

Assblasted FUDers putting up a little fight is all.

>> No.27762482
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>> No.27762514

This will be the most epic rug pull in biz history, get out now

>> No.27762516

I'm fucking out if this hits .145

>> No.27762694


andre just fucking lost a billion dollars in #YFI LMAO

>> No.27762724
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I haven't been keeping up with FTM much recently, why is there suddenly a massive 100 fee for binance chain transfers?

>> No.27762762

It was barely a few million. Seethe poorfag

>> No.27762819

they were bleeding money from gas fees

>> No.27762861
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is andre a scammer

>> No.27762912

wtf the transaction through Opera is so fast. It appeared instantly in Metamask and didn't even cost 1 FTM (I'm honest, not even shilling)

>> No.27762917


send me fantom you fucking prick

>> No.27762961

Bros my hands are getting real sweaty here

>> No.27763004
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all signs point to trips god i hope i dont get trips

>> No.27763046
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as they should be
don't worry mine are dry enough to tie the rope for both of us

>> No.27763645

If you are feeling weak, sell now. We dont need paper hands on this ship. Get out now

>> No.27763818

Well I used some to buy a gold coin, does that count?

>> No.27764031

Yup, you can test it live here.

Its pretty fucking amazing and unlike eth its actually scalable too

>> No.27764147

How long are you guys locked in staking for? I want to lock for a year but the penalty sucks if you unlock early.

>> No.27764455

unlocked because i think swinging is better than staking

>> No.27764497

>How long are you guys locked in staking for? I want to lock for a year but the penalty sucks if you unlock early.

If you have over 100k it's a good idea to stake, but for sub 100k virgins like myself just accumulate. Yfi fuck up will drive down the price of FTM which is good news for me.

>> No.27764519

50c mid Feb?

>> No.27764937

ask europoors selling tomorrow from andre success

>> No.27764964


hhaahhahah not with andre literally giving away millions of dollars for free on $YFI

>> No.27764990

1$ early March

>> No.27765007
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welp it's been fun

>> No.27765098

im scared. i was hoping for a crash so i could buy more but now im scar3ed.

>> No.27765228
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pajeets and fudsters are suffering... so good to fantie

>> No.27765252


>> No.27765308


>> No.27765428

If we drop to 12c I'm gonna swing my stack, don't rope me please.

>> No.27765471

I'll tie one for you

>> No.27765530

i will jack myself clean tomorrow if i wake up to something like .06c fanties :)

>> No.27765900
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I will regret being liquidated from spending my investment funds at .11 :^)

>> No.27766069

Keep dreaming partner, the hacker was a assblasted linkie, prepare your stinkie bags for a dive bitch.

>> No.27766100

all of andres shit keeps getting hacked. are we next. i was just thinking about this like how secure can the ftm wallet be?

>> No.27766235

my eight month lock is ending later this month, at my birthday
I'm gifting myself 1.2m fanties

>> No.27766954

making it is financial freedom, retard
suicide stack implies a mill because youll regret not putting anything in

>> No.27768005

so is this gonna pump or dump bros

>> No.27768217
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Sorry swingers, but big fishes are entering the pond

>> No.27768261

Depends on how other markets feel about the hack. Could be like when XRP was announced to be investigated and entire market did like a 15% dip but then charged ahead the next day.

>> No.27768326

fuck, XLM is a prison, I could be accumulating more Fanties rn but half my portfolio is in the Stellar crabcoin

>> No.27768390

no volume

>> No.27768462

This? Why is the wallet not functioning every time ftm reached .25? Thank goodness i sold at .2. thanks for holding my bags everyone!

>> No.27768505

Who this?

>> No.27768615

$1 FTM is real

>> No.27768653

I bought at 6c and only a 5k stack because yuro&poor, can I still come?

>> No.27769275

Depends on the strength of your arms.

>> No.27769970

Kucoin is anonymous.

>> No.27770434

Famtom to be hit by yfi exploit before breakfast time

>> No.27770553

breakfast time? be more specific, retard, we don't all live in India

>> No.27770556

not even yfi was hit by yfi

>> No.27770596

cronje, slayer of trannycoin

>> No.27770782

is he a scammer? this keeps happening to him and one time they sent him 50% of the amount that was hacked

>> No.27771015

Oooo000oooo i am the money fantom i am bringing your monies with me to the ghost real where it will die foreber

>> No.27771184

kill yourself nigger. you had 3 years, stay poor faggot. we're going to $3 without you and then I'll buy your whole family and rape them while you watch. screencap this

>> No.27771382


>> No.27771577

Made up term, you mean prejudice and yes you are.

>> No.27771671

Kek they were using a free version of Amazon API. They weren't expecting that much volume and had to update it on the fly.

Opera was functioning normally while that occured just not the wallet

>> No.27771734

i bought a scam didnt i

>> No.27771846

yes, now sell your 10k micropeen stack and gtfo from our comfy threads once and for all

>> No.27771956


>> No.27772259


>> No.27772853

Yes huge scam, ok now sell me your bags.

>> No.27773167

Moon to .16 coming in 5 hours. Hope you bought the dip.

>> No.27773447

Are you schizos trying to self fulfill a prophecy?

>> No.27773513

.16 is not a moon, fool.

>> No.27773518

Those are the only kind.

>> No.27773696
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.2 eod if dubs

>> No.27774194


>> No.27774319


>> No.27774370


>> No.27774384

unironically with the things i know, i could genuinely believe this

>> No.27774449


>> No.27774506


>> No.27774662

No but what is real is that the team stopped working in the middle of 2020 like a typical pnd team that just wants to pump and not work.


When are they going to come back with new "Developments"?

>> No.27774735
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sbill the beans

>> No.27774770

What things

>> No.27775050

its fud

>> No.27775309

my friend could get fired if i said but its just something funny with the team, its not fud honestly nothing fundamentally wrong with the product. just something entertaining that i found out today

>> No.27775586

Of course big ol nothin burger as always

>> No.27775785

yeah, its nothing. its just funny. and if i could share i would.

>> No.27775925

is it just social gossip?

>> No.27775956

Guys, I know who the schizo fudster is. It's a tranny from netherlands named Joleen I think. He was fud-ing Quant the same way, for years and years. Dumped that and went full fomo in Fantom, buying 30M a few years ago. Iirc, he/she dumped all his stack at sub $7M market cap

The tranny went by the name of Bosch. This is her/his address

Dumped over 35M Fantom at all time lows. Now he's fucking dying inside, hence all these fud posts. By default any tranny has mental illness, but this one is borderline fucking insane. I think I even have pictures of him

>> No.27776011

weak fud, you can just look at their github to check the development

>> No.27776460
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Thank you based autistic digger anon.
>coordinated nonstop fud
>fudders defend eachother to the death or deflect smugly
Yes, this is a discordtrannie op, I have spent years in anti-discordtrannie clandestine operations.
I can smell them from a mile away (so can anyone else kek).

>> No.27776663
File: 122 KB, 828x1063, bosch tranny 2019-10-17 20.52.39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Found the pictures of the tranny. Guys, I'm not trolling. We did in-depth research at Quant to find out who the troll was. This dumbass tranny was creating at least 5 sock puppets per day on Telegram to fud Quant. We found him because at one point he used the name Joleen I think. He also did a transgender-related interview in Netherlands if I'm not mistaken

>> No.27777006
File: 192 KB, 987x910, tranny bosch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More pictures of the schizo tranny who's fud-ing Fantom.

>> No.27777100

wait is this the NWO dude or a different schizo?

>> No.27778137
File: 30 KB, 468x254, Combined.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even more proof that this tranny is behind the FUD operation. This schizo is fud-ing alts on 4chan and Telegram since 2018.

>> No.27778325

FTM is so based that it let me tell a literal tranny that he will never be a woman, how cool is that?

>> No.27778369

pretty much, my friend works with the fantom team and he just showed me some texts

>> No.27778453

Whats the cheapest way to get more fanties? I hate the cb>eth>kucoin route

>> No.27778552

buy it on non-gay exchanges. Ausfags can buy it directly with fiat on coinspot, not sure for other regions.

>> No.27778584

Anyway, use the tranny as a reverse indicator and buy as much Fantom as possible before the euphoric bull run to $5-$10. The schizo should have been a multi millionaire multiple times, but fucked up by having spaghetti arms.

>> No.27779852

>schizo fudder is literally a tranny

>> No.27779933

Any of you fags sell link for fantom? Have a $30k suicide stack

>> No.27780132

I actually did sell a little over half my link for this. Figured there'd be more going on for FTM in the short term than link and I intend to buy back my position eventually (or sooner if link pumps but I doubt this).

>> No.27780140

is fantom the new link

>> No.27780334
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pretty cool, keep up the good work anon.

>> No.27780629

Was this before the recent movement?>>27780140
same price as early link which got my noggin joggin about it

>> No.27782079

Lets make some millions

>> No.27782673
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>> No.27782942

Unilend is integrating fantom

>> No.27783117

>29 posts by this ID

>> No.27783317

I can't believe Andre fucking lost all that money.

>> No.27783562

kek it did hurt the pump

>> No.27783757


it seems the asians do not care and are still just buying

>> No.27784104


>> No.27784145
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>> No.27784182



>> No.27784211
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memelines say the pump is on

>> No.27784294

I want this piece of shit to dump again so I can buy !!!!!!

>> No.27784585

someone tell asia that andre lost a million fucking dollars

>> No.27784710

>trannie trying to FUD a multi billion MC over a 1m hack
Post gaping colonbusy.

>> No.27784900


not that tranny hahaha just an anon who had like 1 days to buy in under .05c and then this bullshit pump happened, even though andre is going to fuck over all of DeFi lmao, so who cares

>> No.27785167

based azns

>> No.27785505

>tranny schizo keeps fudding Fantom
>fantom's ticker is FTM
can't make this shit up

>> No.27785697

glitch in the matrix

>> No.27785745


check my dubs


also kill yourself tonight

>> No.27786322
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>> No.27787846

Patiently waiting for the parabolic run to commence

>> No.27787876
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You thought this thread was gonna die trannies?