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28195074 No.28195074 [Reply] [Original]

This market is driven by greed in insane levels. Everybody is buying and holding believing they'll be
millionaires and are afraid it's gonna crash at the same time. The new retards buying at peak prices will panic when they see the slightest dip, and it could all go downhill from there. When it goes down 50% in 1 day even the most hardcore bitcoiner dude will panic sell.

If I was a rational person I would've already pulled out with the profits I made, but I'm too greedy, like 90% of bitcoin hodlers right now. This is not gonna end well.

>> No.28195272

can confirm
I keep buying shares of btc in robinhood but even though it goes up super high some days it dips super fast and I think it’s the big dip so I sell everything. I think I just need to learn more about cryptocoins

>> No.28195367

nope, this time it's gonna be different
now the institutional investors are in
Microstrategy was the first company to buy billions worth of BTC last autumn, numerous others already followed
now Tesla was the first major company to buy too
a few days ago Microstrategy held a conference to representatives of many other big companies on how to buy large amounts of Bitcoin, there were people from Apple, Tesla, SpaceX, Siemens, etc. etc.

remember institutional investors have much stronger hands than private people with small amounts, they understand Bitcoin's scarcity and won't sell easily

it might dip significantly again but I doubt it will go below 20k ever again

>> No.28195404

I don't care even if it goes down 90%. The only thing I am doing then is buying. But I agree: for people who get nervous easily and can't really afford to lose any fiat on crypto, this will probably end very bad.

>> No.28195504

This is how you trade crypto. What more is there to know?

>> No.28195551

i care more about missing out on the golden bullrun than it dumping for another year or two. simple really

>> No.28195719
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>this is how you trade crypto

>> No.28195789

I think you're looking for /lgbt/ because your post is extremely gay

>> No.28195978

What does institutions holding have to do with any big price movements? Remember, the OG whales have much bigger pockets than these institutions and have better power in control of market prices. Institutions are like many of us. If they all want to have a giggle at these institutions shitting they pants, they could just do so anytime.

>> No.28196139

>buy high
>sell low
No, you've figured it out.

>> No.28196218

Dont panic sell your btc to the billionaires

>> No.28196288

This is a buy signak

>> No.28196443

God I hope so. The best outcome is that another 2018 happens and a 2 year bear market crashes the price enough that I can invest my life savings in preparation for the third bull market that will x100 and make me rich.

Worst outcome for big gains is the market stabilizing and crpyto becomes traditional stock market 2.0, with fuck all gains unless you want to hold for 5 or 10 years.

>> No.28197559
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Most old fags on biz aren't really scared about a 50% drop.
I'm not an oldfag, but I've been around long enough to see at least two massive btc drops down to 3-4k from the high of 20k.
Shit happens. If you're not prepared for it, crypto is not for you.
Now go concern fag somewhere else

>> No.28197658

i don’t think you realize i am literally NEVER selling my bitcoin

>> No.28197665

what cryptos have an inverse relationship with BTC?
do any?

>> No.28198031

>i don’t think you realize i am literally NEVER selling my bitcoin


>> No.28198063

that's what they all say until it starts dumping endlessly and no hope is on the horizon, people now say that if it ever dropped to as low as it was a few months ago, but when it does drop there again they won't

>> No.28198212

>nope, this time it's gonna be different

oh boy

>> No.28198272

>with fuck all gains unless you want to hold for 5 or 10 years

There's stock that's outperformed Bitcoin by double this past year.

>> No.28198371

There’s huge chunks of Bitcoin that've been lost anon. Those Bitcoin will never be sold, thus retaining some of bitcoins value.

>> No.28198532

I tried that and lost money. Now I just hodl and everything is comfy.

>> No.28198614

Cute thread. Now show us your pussy, sweetheart.

>> No.28198655

2018 there were no institutional investors in, now they have arrived and will go in

I'd be happy to be proven wrong, I'd love to buy more Bitcoin at a lower price, but I doubt it will see a big crash again

>> No.28198674

i’ll sell enough rsr or link to be fiat rich at the end of this cycle
once again kike, never touching my bitcoin. ever.

>> No.28199045

I'm sure it will crash but it might go up a lot and crash to prices in the current region.

>> No.28199168

What about when you want to spend it?

>> No.28199645

>2018 there were no institutional investors in
institutional investors were buying XRP and they literally dumped at the top or on the way down to buy back cheaper

>> No.28199737

Hopefully people learned from 2017/18 to pull profits. I myself am going to pull into cash on the first full week of bloodbath and hold off until the ultimate swing. Yes institutional cash will keep it propped up but market craze caused the rapid buy-in, not the big banks. I bet we see $18k-$20k BTC again and that's where I'll reenter. Of course one or two alts will make it and maybe they'll even fix ETH in a year...

By my estimates, we've got another half month of ludicrous alts, BTC will crank a bit over $50k before it begins the plummet, and 1.5 years from now we'll be going back up. Fibonacci is no good at predicting prices but it's really really good at predicting timing

>> No.28199942

>even the most hardcore bitcoiner dude will panic sell.
Found you’re incorrect assessment

>> No.28200831
File: 184 KB, 900x558, investing chart timeline.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
