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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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28213317 No.28213317 [Reply] [Original]

well a new dex for the community has just launched on Avalanche, it will show the speed and rentability on Avalanche in order to help the DeFi users who were overwhelmed by the fees and everything,thoughts anon?

>> No.28213513

Lmao its gonna be the best fucking thing of this year

>> No.28213601

I can't see that it's launched. Website still says coming soon. link?

>> No.28213678

fuck yeah it's real https://twitter.com/avalancheavax/status/1359201507648888838

>> No.28213752

Goes live in 30 mins. 2pm EST

>> No.28213890

We pumping

>> No.28213907

So once it launches I can invest in the coin or whatever?

>> No.28214175
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Time to pump!

>> No.28214354

Bullish. There are people in here that had the chance to buy sub $10 and didnt

>> No.28214536


>> No.28214559

So will Pangolin be a coin you can buy?

>> No.28214582

Lets goooo Avalanche it's on fireeee

>> No.28214648

how are you pumping, is this shit even for sale yet?

>> No.28214732

No. He means avax is.

>> No.28214748

yes, it's a governance token for the exchange like UNI is. It is also a reward for liquidity providing.

>> No.28214787

AVAX is going up

>> No.28214924

where can we buy it?

>> No.28214943

I'm shaking guys

>> No.28215021
File: 48 KB, 474x460, 1499712082647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow, time to dump all my money into some shit that already mooned from 50 cents to $30

>> No.28215051

I assume on their dex when it launches

>> No.28215114

feels bad, I'm glad I got in when it was 18.

>> No.28215164

and it will moon many more

>> No.28215201

So this connects to Metamask? Do you just swap with ETH like on Uni but with lower fees? Or do you have to use an Avax wallet?

>> No.28215426

Can some1 smart say if pangolin will be worth buying? Im guessing if you are bullish on avax you have to be hyper bullish on pangolin?

>> No.28215511

won't it dump as soon as the exchange goes live?

>> No.28215567

theoretically pangolin will be just a much faster, much cheaper uniswap. so should be at least as good a buy as uniswap

>> No.28215835

It’s just like the Zero Exchange DEX that launched on Avalanche a week ago.
AVAX fags fudded Zero, will they fud Pangolin? Kek.

>> No.28215923

Will this at least allow custom tokens like uni? Zero doesn't, does it?

>> No.28215930

that's my concern. zero dumped horrendously. what will pangolin do?

>> No.28215953

AVAX pumping hard bros

Pangolin is endorsed by Ava labs (probably a grant recipient) and has none of the red flags that zero does

>> No.28216122

Good fucking shit, is there any news on when it will be launched? Any presale or something of the sort?

>> No.28216239

launching in 8 minutes kek. the only png tokens out right now were airdropped to wallets that had uni/sushi tokens in december at some point

>> No.28216249

You want to think for yourself instead of listening to fudders with vested interests.

>> No.28216296

Someone explain to me where do i get PNG tokens?

>> No.28216346

how the fuck do you buy Avalanche anyway?

>> No.28216419

I wasnt here for ZERO so whats the best way to prep to pump it???

>> No.28216429

So wait, pangolin requires wrapped tokens?

A place like Uniswap.

>> No.28216587

Yeah I saw, I was asking about when can we buy the token specifically
For some reason Im feeling extra bullish on this shit bros, I need some fud to calm me down

>> No.28216629

The best way to profit from the launch is probably to mine PNG. Should become clear in 2 minutes...

>> No.28216651

avax is literally not on uniswap

>> No.28216680

Well it seems like a pain to get started. You have to buy AVAX to use and it's not as ubiquitous as ETH at the moment, so there's that.

>> No.28217068

yeah "wrapped" or rather cross chain transferred using the bridge https://aeb.xyz/#/transfer but it's horrendously expensive to transfer because of the eth gas, I would just wait a bit, sell for avax, and buy the token on pangolin if you aren't transferring tens of thousands of dollars worth

>> No.28217134

guys i just transfered some avax to wallet, i see them but unable use them, balance just keeps on loading. transaction confirmed 10 mins ago. what do

>> No.28217304

Based holy trinity

>> No.28217728

give me your seed phrase and password, I will check the status for you

>> No.28217774

I'm trying to transfer my AVAX from okcoin to my AVAX wallet. On okcoin, do I use 'on-chain' to withdraw, to my X chain adress in AVAX?

>> No.28217795

u negro earn ur own avax stocks!

>> No.28217878

Lmao Avalanche nodes are down. GG

>> No.28218133

So is png only available on pangolin? And can you buy with eth, then use avax for fees, or is avax the only accepted token on the exchange?

>> No.28218358

so should i sell all my avax for png as soon as its publicly available? i got rugpulled today and i really need something before suicide

>> No.28218380

smart money selling for BTC

>> No.28219111

API nodes have nothing to do with the network.

>> No.28219191

>selling your avax

>> No.28219387

Worth it to stake around $500 of ETH and an equivalent amount of AVAX to get PNG, or should I just hold on to my 110 AVAX or whatever and stake them?

>> No.28219488

Prove it

>> No.28219591

>So is png only available on pangolin? And can you buy with eth, then use avax for fees, or is avax the only accepted token on the exchange?
i have this same question dear god someone please

>> No.28219817

there are tutorials explaining how everything works on the pangolin website

>> No.28220303

already been through them and they don't answer this question. they only explain how to connect your metamask to the avax network. and if you're aware of the answer, by all fucking means, dude...

>> No.28220808

Getting a stiffy just looking at that image. The crypto token trifecta

>> No.28221224

>So is png only available on pangolin?
it's a pangolin governance token, why would it be available elsewhere
>And can you buy with eth, then use avax for fees, or is avax the only accepted token on the exchange?
read the litepaper and inspect the supported token pair section, wrapped ETH, transferred to avalanche mainnet through the aeb.xyz bridge, can be swapped for either AVAX or PNG, but, as is only logical, there aren't any other ETH trading pairs beyond that

>> No.28221312
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>trading pairs
liquidity pools*

>> No.28221314

thanks, anon

>> No.28221530

Try sending a small transaction through metamask. It works.

>> No.28222524

It doesn't anymore btw.