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File: 1 KB, 300x168, eththefuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2827726 No.2827726 [Reply] [Original]

Give it to me straight /biz/

>> No.2827732
File: 51 KB, 777x437, http.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no i'm hacking it right now

>> No.2827735


we dont even know how much it was, some say 30 million other say 80 million, others says stuff still getting drained.

>> No.2827743

I don't eve own ETH. I'm just trying to figure out what the heck is going on.

>> No.2827749

Eths attack surface is huge. Redditors dont care and are still buying it so might as well buy it too. Basically investing in eth is investing in swarms of redditors buying this due to fomo of the next bitcoin just make sure you get out before it all comes crashing down

>> No.2827756

Until the next one, yeah

>> No.2827762

Yes long eth now to be rich rich RICH!

>> No.2827772

t. Bitcoin holder in 2014
Fucking retard lol.

>> No.2827779

nice, just hacked 100k

>> No.2827791


>> No.2827817

No way. Normie coiners don't even known yet. They will read the headlines tomorrow and panic sell. The fact that Ethereum is trading above 200 right now is a monument to the irrationality of mEth heads.

>> No.2827858

>we dont even know
you mean you dont know?
30m, 70+ is white hat address

>> No.2827882
File: 1.11 MB, 356x200, 1498872432975.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vicious cycle of hacks->attention->hacks has begun, if the developer of the language can't code a wallet then why would anyone else be able to code anything else?

>> No.2827900

Naturally something that lets you program control over money will be fairly risky. The attack surface is large relative to other cryptos because it has more features. You might as well point out that a banana has a smaller attack surface than Ethereum.

>> No.2827902

>not having hacked ETH

you guys are using real money to acquire ETH ?

>> No.2827904
File: 84 KB, 500x334, 056165000414122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a 3rd party wallet service has a vulnerability


>> No.2827916

>co-founder and developer of solidity can't into something as simple as a wallet service
>the exploit was trivial and easy to do
>nobody in the community could see it
>people asking vitalik why he wont rollback
>vitalik provides nonsense responses
>people realize ethereum is truly centralized and at the whims of this autist

It shows how gullible and stupid the ethereum community is

>> No.2827928

ok so just to sum up your argument

>a 3rd party wallet service isnt secure

>vitalik has no control over a decentralized currency

so what your saying is, that mtgox isnt solvent? Holy shit this is huge, surely no one will use bitcoin after this. Its all over, we cant trust exchanges and satoshi can't do a roll back! ITS OVER SELL IT ALL NOW

>> No.2827934

ETH's big advantage over BTC is letting you make money programs on the blockchain. One money program related to a wallet was written poorly. As a result, tens of millions were stolen from a few richfags and ETH dived like 10%.

>> No.2827936

Nice strawman retard. Idiots may be convinced by your attempts to mislead and deceive but not the truly intellectual among us

>> No.2827939
File: 146 KB, 1181x709, 1486521275413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


so just let it run in the ether and never access anything so no one can hack it?

>> No.2827963

You can tell that most people asking him to roll back don't actually care about what happened and just want to troll the Eth community. Shame that people are so petty.

>> No.2827978

>vitalik decides not you manipulate the currency after a 3rd party wallet hack
>hurr durr its centralized

>> No.2827987

>tfw you will never be enough of a 1337 h@xor to hack the ethereum and give yourself 100 million dollars

>> No.2827988

I just started my steroid regimen so I can hax good.

>> No.2827996

Stop :(

>> No.2828013


>> No.2828051

It's weird because to me it seems like a pretty big deal but the price looks completely unaffected. Crypto shit never makes any sense.

>> No.2828056

I like how this somehow is supposed to absolve ETH of any criticism when it literally is a fundamental problem with ETH that I don't see being fIxed anytime soon, the whole basis of ETH's success is in the ICOs, right? This sealed the deal for me, ETH is doomed

>> No.2828067
File: 1.97 MB, 356x200, hacker.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is just the beginning

>> No.2828070

That's because the people holding ETH have a serious emotional attachment to it. The amount of money the think this will make them of it succeeds has forced their brains and left them void of any logic or reason

>> No.2828128

Emotional attachment? Lol.

It's because old coiners who own a majority share bought for like 7$ in January. They are still way in the green.

>> No.2828257

>vitalik can make that decision
>hurr durr its decentralized

Listen to yourself

>> No.2828278

That's 12 violations of the computer fraud and abuse act of 1982 in one image. What a sick maniac.

>> No.2828305
File: 74 KB, 711x800, 117265_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>People getting hacked left and right
>"white hat" hackers steal a shit ton of money from people BY FORCE WITHOUT CHOICE, promising "we'll give it back when the issue is fixed XD"
>Even after people still getting hacked left and right

This shit ain't going away anytime soon. I'd wager a lot of traders haven't even been made aware of it yet if they don't keep up with crypto news. If I held ethereum, this is when I'd sell, at a loss or gain, because the shit's pretty much hit the fan, and holders are left dicks hanging right now.

>> No.2828372

It's a balance. Viruses, hacks, and shitty code are everysecond occurrences on the internet, yet its usefulness more than makes up for those.

>> No.2828380

Let's get back a few months.

Crypto is booming.
Shitcoin ICO's everywhere. Personally makes me think it is not a scam, but greed-based vulnarability.

Then the BTC uasf thing start beep-booping.
I have seen 3 crashes since May. I can't explain these crashes.

In bitcointalk threads a SHITLOAD of people/ chinks pop up using Engrish to fud and fomo at will.

Beep-boop coming close. Jihan and his fellow traffic accident concerners are sweating and pulling some *nice* shit.

Now ETH is supposedly hacked after thread after thread of "member of chinese whale group here".

Yeah. No.
Fuck off slant eyed motherfucker.

Go create something of your own instead of shitting up the bed you copied.

This is chinese trademan's fear people.
August will prove this.