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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28300734 No.28300734 [Reply] [Original]

>Michael Burry is short Tesla
>Bitcoin and Tesla have a 0.95 correlation coefficient the past 6 months
>Tesla owns lots of bitcoin
>Michael Burry is effectively short bitcoin

>> No.28300850

no thats christoper nolan

>> No.28300957

>Michael Burry is short

>> No.28300962

Everything in that movie was a lie. Jews run Hollywood

>> No.28300995

Greta movie, my favorite line was
>We need to open up The Big Short!

>> No.28301022
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When is Elon Musk tweeting about CLF

>> No.28301771

Michael Burry was short Tesla way before it was publicly known Tesla owns BTC

>> No.28301827

why ?

>> No.28301850

and Tesla buying BTC has only strengthened his resolve

>> No.28301918

I prefered this one
>I'm in the mainframe, let the big short begin

>> No.28302065

is that your opinion or his opinion?

>> No.28302071
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I would assume there was no glorious fight. All these people just sat on their swaps and sold them for a bunch of money when they made it.

>> No.28302349

No thats patrick bateman

>> No.28302420


Do you bet against the guy who figured out the housing market crash, I mean the fucking guy saw it coming from a mile away and everyone else didn't look or care. He's right about Tesla too, memes only get you so far, they're bleeding money and no way you can sustain a company without profits for too much longer.

>> No.28302486


>> No.28302492



>> No.28302519

No, that’s Paul Allen

>> No.28302594

Let's be honest here he wasn't the only one. There were some pretty big signs, similar things happening now that are due to collapse.
Like car financing. Look into it.

>> No.28302827

He's 5'7''

>> No.28302887


yea sure but burry told the big short already in 2005. and in 2008 shit hit fan

>> No.28302913


thanks for the source !

>> No.28303007
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Ya, he's always way too early, but he's never wrong. It doesnt make sense to me why everyone just ignores the fact that Tesla isn't a profitable company without government subsidies, and they're worth more than every other top 10 car company combined despite having like 1% of the sales.

>muh batteries
You honestly think some rechargeable batteries that don't even work well in the cold is worth more than GM, Toyota, Volkswagen, Nissan, Honda, etc combined?

>muh self-driving cars
Google's waymo is miles ahead, and already selling sensor kits to other car companies that can turn any car into a self driving car for <$10k. They have a driverless taxi company already up and running in the states where legislation allows it. Also, every car company is implementing self driving, or drive assist tech.

>> No.28304847

> google is miles ahead
are you retarded?

>> No.28305103

I still don't get the hype around Tesla, their cars are ugly, overpriced and they're quickly losing tech advantages to other manufacturers. They're probably bleeding a shit ton of money and the bitcoin stunt will be the final nail in their coffin. They'll end up being bought by Stellantis or GM eventually.

This is loss porn to me.

>> No.28305318

That's the thing, he's too early. But he has the funds to play for a long bet. Plebs can't afford to wait 5 years till a crash happens.

>> No.28305371
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>It doesnt make sense to me why everyone just ignores the fact that Tesla isn't a profitable company without government subsidies, and they're worth more than every other top 10 car company combined despite having like 1% of the sales.
It’s as if Elon is “protected” for some reason.

>> No.28305513

I've been telling people for months that BTC and TSLA are correlated 1:1 once TSLA goes down the entirety of crypto will go down with it

>> No.28305880
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>the iphone under all cars

>> No.28305957

it's comments that this that show why /biz/ is the greatest contrarian indicator out there.

>> No.28305986

I thought that was George Clooney?

>> No.28306064
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>> No.28306153

You guys are so dumb it's Bruce Wayne you numbskulls

>> No.28306208

He shorted in December. Says it has "months". It could happen this year anon

>> No.28306338

The Chinese has been planning this revenge for a year. Since America decided to plant covid-19 in wuhan and disrupt 2020 Chinese New Year, it’s now China’s turn to return the favor in 2021. Enjoy the Tesla - stock market - crypto crash.

>> No.28306678

This is a great bit

>> No.28306881

this retard was also in the red for 2 fucking years in the movie, i think i know better than him about investing anon

>> No.28307116

all that time and stress for his fund to make less than 3 billion...

>> No.28307133

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.28307191

it probably will happen at the end of this year, check how long he waited last time

>> No.28307330

my CLFcoin stock doin a lil sumn

>> No.28307363

he had to wait an entire year just to make 300 million on GME, I can't imagine waiting that long

>> No.28307368
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that's not that short god damn it

>> No.28307468

michael burry here

post my actual picture you literal faggot

>> No.28307552
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Ok mike

>> No.28307567

it would take a while to get into, but mostly they lie by omission. there was a lot more to the whole thing with many pertinent factors never even mentioned and ignored completely. also they make it seem as if the entire crisis was fueled by ignorance, greed, and stupidity, when in fact the entire crisis was engineered deliberately

>> No.28307915

your meds schizo

>> No.28308039

imagine buying Tesla™ car

>> No.28308739

>Google's waymo is miles ahead, and already selling sensor kits to other car companies that can turn any car into a self driving car for <$10k

Bro, I am a big Tesla/Elon hater but this is bullshit. Waymo is a fucking scam, their idea is bullshit and is not sustainable. You can buy 1000$ device from geohot right now, put it in ur car and have almost tesla level autopilot. Tesla is way ahead of everyone in terms of self-driving and some other ways. It does not deny the fact that its hugely overvalued though, even Musk himself says so.

>> No.28308945

You know what to do about spambots frens

>> No.28309181

Yeah and peter schiff predicted subprime as well. Not saying burry is a bad investor. But I am saying being right once doesn't mean he'll be right always.

>> No.28309555

Saw GME for the scam it was and dipped out before shit got too bad. Big Mike knows whats up.

>> No.28309556
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Should I be expecting a moonshot from MOGO?
I just randomly bought a bunch of dips when the jews stop loss raided the market earlier.
I have no idea who Michael Burry is supposed to be except a blue checkmark named Cassandra but I'm pretty sure he's a glownigger of some sort

>> No.28309678

It is probably due for it's every couple of years when it gets really high and the normies start asking about it again earth shattering crash

>> No.28309714

Thats that dickhead Marcus Halberstram

>> No.28310099

Elon jumping on bitcoin with a billion investment is a huge red flag for me. Makes no sense from a business perspective, so what could be the reason? I'm talking about illegal practices here my friends.

>> No.28310446

if you knew you could make 300 mil after one year you wouldnt wait? even pinkies have more patience than you lel

>> No.28310539

i was an average pleb at the time. lots of articles about the housing bubble. i don’t think any of the sources connected that the housing crash would connect to the stock market nor the idea of contagion. not from the sources i read at least. if and when the housing market crashed it was assumed to affect the housing market only

>> No.28310792

he literally predicted GME as well, and then made 300 million off it

>> No.28311061

He was also all in on TLRD and lost his ass

>> No.28311282

that explains a lot.

>> No.28311551

Someone needs to explain to this boomer faggot that many of us have great positions. Why should I be cautious of bitcoin when I bought at 12k? Its not going to magically dump from 46 to below 12k overnight. Also, bitcoin is a market where traditional market traders have NO FUCKING CLUE what they're talking about. Am I supposed to listen to a guy on digital currency just because he predicted the extremely obvious housing bubble? Bitcoin and other cryptos have NO allegiance to a bank or any other central authority. He can fuck right off. Im sure this little nigger is stacking sats as we speak. Always do the opposite of what kikes and Wallstreet nigs have to say.

>> No.28312042

>extremely obvious housing bubble
lol zoomers

>> No.28312082
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>> No.28312301


>> No.28312343

zoom zoom

>> No.28312749

wtf you on about nigga, crypto follows the stock market. The stock market dips and so does crypto

>> No.28313995


>> No.28315772


also boeing, facebook, and and and

>> No.28316988

they're better to drive than any other car, and by a mile.

>> No.28317132


it's literally over

>> No.28317505

bo gack

>> No.28317675

You don’t know WTF Michael Burry is up to, that’s a fact.

>> No.28317759

his thesis is sound, but ultimately incorrect. it is based on a narrow understanding of geopolitics. he just looks at the numbers. this strategy works inside a closed system; however, BTC is not confined to that closed system, although it is connected to it. this is a transitory period over the next 5 years from state issued fiat to software controlled crypto.
the same can be said for tesla, internal combustion engines are transitioning to EVs.

>> No.28317849

one of the single most cringe posts ive ever seen on this board

>> No.28317998

i see you cannot think outside your box either.

>> No.28318009

Burry also sold all his GME before it ever blew up and invests only in water lmao. Even a retarded clock is right twice a day

>> No.28318083

he made 300m on GME

>> No.28318114

No that's Marcus halberstram

>> No.28318161

HEE HEE XD nobody knows geopolidix but me XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

>> No.28318162

He could have made billions

>> No.28318225

he sees the trees, not the forest.

>> No.28318283

and he could have lost billions but he made millions, fkn zoomers man

>> No.28318313

he's right retard

>> No.28318397


>> No.28318488
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>> No.28319383


>> No.28319474

>extremely obvious housing bubble?
Zoomer kys

>> No.28319732

CIA made the virus and the chinks were probably in on it too. Both benefited from from the it to defeat Trump and get an unpopular candidate elected via voter fraud. "Don't come out and support our unpopular candidate because it's unsafe!"
Hope they don't try this shit in my country ffs

>> No.28319944

You will never be a woman

>> No.28319951

>shorting a valuless meme that is up 400,000%
Sounds like a pretty good idea to be honest

>> No.28319976

That’s batman

>> No.28320330

Hör mal her du HUND, vergleich mal wie oft Krypto und Stockmarkt gleichzeitig grüne/rote Tage haben, und dann versuch nochmal deine kEiNe vErBiNdUnG These aufzustellen, du kek.

>> No.28320635
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>he did it in december

>> No.28320771

God damn I want to see a picture of mike burry standing next to a monitor displaying this post.

>> No.28320884

hasn't he had a terrible track record in the past 5-10 years though??

>> No.28320959

no it doesn't.

>> No.28321019

60 IQ: the post

>> No.28321157

the burden of proof is on you. go ahead and show me this correlation.

>> No.28321211

>ID is literally iFag
there's your proof

>> No.28321470
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>yfw you realize

>> No.28321474

>people actually shorted Tesla
Biggest faggots out there
>Fuck new tech, I'm gonna make pennies on the dollar and hope a cool company does
All the Tesla shorters are 1000000% beyond retarded and shortsighted

>> No.28321914

>he has a europoid face shape
try harder

>> No.28321933
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Based and Dominic Greene-pilled. Can I get a qrd on water

>> No.28322004

Oy vey!

>> No.28322542

so the joke behind this pic is that the lower you go, the more grim your feelings for the future of humanity?

>> No.28322758

I think i prefer
"maybe the biggest short was the friends we made along the way"

>> No.28323044

So would you say this is 'the new normal'?

>> No.28323134

If retail and their paper hands hold a decent supply of coins, they will dump if it breaks 20-25k.

>> No.28323196

i hate that greta girl

>> No.28323298
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>monopoly man sightings

>> No.28323783

Tesla got bitcoin stock?

>> No.28325156

On the upside? Anyone could see that. Well anyone but reddit noobs

>> No.28326282
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>he thinks it's a joke

i've experienced a correlation of 1 between my increasing profitability and decreasing human form as my primary trading indicators descend these depths

somewhere between vega and rho at the moment

i trade price action and can't remember the last time i looked at price

>> No.28327183

Weren't you at like 1.5 mil earlier this year?

>> No.28327612

read thomas sowells book "the housing boom and bust". the movie ignores how the bad loans got there in the first place. it turns out there are government programs which were paying lenders to write bad loans especially for women and minorities

>> No.28327810

I don't get it either, but on twitter they are debating about fully automated cities and asteroid mining and shit. it's just sci fi/fantasy lore autism but for rich sales bros. this shit will never happen.

>> No.28328143
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