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28319869 No.28319869 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best way for a leaf to get into crypto? Is it buy on coinbase then move it to binance to buy shitcoins?

>> No.28320011


>> No.28320076

paytrie to binance

>> No.28320081

Newton for an on/off ramp.
or Shakepay but I don't trust them for some reason

Then transfer to wherever for other coins

>> No.28320135

Dont use Binance. It'll eventually shut down and CZ will take all your money.

>> No.28320167

if you can get through the verification process right now
use it as onramp and transfer stablecoins to binance to buy shitters

>> No.28320285

Why not just buy on binance? Why deal with 2 exchanges?

>> No.28320305

overthrow your govt.
It's a crime they aren't letting you in the biggest global wealth transfer in history/

>> No.28320748

another warning for all newleafs:
for the love of god don't use your main bank account to transfer your money to exchanges
you can get flagged by your bank and have your account closed without argument (big 5 banks especially)
make a shitter account at eq bank or tangerine and transfer small amounts at a time

>> No.28320867


can i get your newton referral code

>> No.28320948

>you can get flagged by your bank and have your account closed without argument (big 5 banks especially)
that's messed up. source?

I use paytrie>binance

>> No.28321006

i've had no problems with bmo etransfers

>> No.28321050

For sure homie
Good luck on your crypto journey

>> No.28321086
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The best way to get in crypto is don't get in crypto.


>> No.28321176

sorry sent from my phone, checked from the app
but there it is

>> No.28321190
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anyone use ndax.io? or know any reasons not to

>> No.28321238

This is true. The last you want is the bank to shut down where you keep all your deposits and multiple line of credits. CIBC is pretty anal from a friend who deposits in crypto.
Crypto is legal in Canada and the CRA has documents on how to pay tax on it. Banks despise it though and will actively try and do everything to stop you.

>> No.28321287

this, use tangerine

they locked my account multiple times and I had to go into a physical branch with ID to unlock it, fuck BMO

>> No.28321306


is it better to stick in a large amount at a time to minimize on the gas fee/trasnaction fee?

how do the poor fags get in with like $100? do they pay $25 gas fee?

i glaced at paytrie and looked a CAD to USDT

>> No.28321412


that sucks tangerine is my main bank

>> No.28321463

gas fees are $5 last ETH transfer I did a few days ago. But uniswap the gas fees are insane because the gas fees increase seemingly exponentially depending on the contract

>> No.28321489

Bitbuy you can use e-transfer

>> No.28321553

newton has lowest fees. only reason to use paytrie is for non intrusive KYC (no selfies, drivers license) and takes minutes to set up. newton is best if you don't care about kyc

>> No.28321573

ok thnx

is eth the cheapest to get in on shit coins? or btc would be better? i guess btc would have better pairings on binance?

>> No.28321598

the boomer at my branch was so smug because I had to explain what I was trying to do, purchasing cryptocurrency

>> No.28321820

there are horror stories on r*ddit and a couple of articles in the leaf papers... banks supposedly do it if they suspect you of money laundering with crypto involved
i've been flagged but thankfully not shut down

if you send sub $1000 at a time you might be ok

with sub 1000 amounts you should be fine, the gas fees won't hit hard. not usually $25, maybe around teens. gas depends on how many trades/transfers are going on at a time
you can check here

>> No.28321851

Shouldnt you use litecoin?

CAD to litecoin to random shitcoin to btc (to hold)

Is that what people do?

>> No.28321897

thanks for your help

>> No.28321977


how do i buy litecoin with my Canadian monopoly money

>> No.28322022

wtf do we go to the same branch? kekekkek
a boomer at my branch told me something similar when i was trying to unlock my account
fuck them, it's my money

>> No.28322051

i send $2500 regularly

>> No.28322347

you're a lucky one my friend
i'm with TD and i got flagged and locked immediately on a $2000 etransfer to newton
my bmo account had been closed previously for sending a $2500 transfer during the quadriga era, thank god i had no lines of credit there

>> No.28323264

but funds r safu?

>> No.28323396
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coinsquare. free e transfers to fund.
use my referral if you want to help out a doomer leaf

>> No.28323819

RBC hasn't blocked my eTransfers yet but I think they are just used to weird shit going on with my accounts since I work overseas most of the time.

If they ever try to stop me I will just pull all my money from the bank and tell them to blow me anyways.

>> No.28323988

I'm using binance and probit op

>> No.28324005

I made a 5 figure deposit a year back with a bank wire. She gave me the confirmation form smugly and I had to snatch it from her to look it over. She made a mistake on the bank number. The fucking boomer almost certainly did it on purpose when I told her i was buyin bitcoin. the money would have been lost in the system forever probably thats the thing with a bank wire. The whole process is archaic. The banks are fucked. Start peer to peer, find people in your communities or large nearby cities. trade cash on the underground.

>> No.28325246

Anyone know around when the capital gains rate for 2021 will be announced? There's a lot of talk about changing it from 50% exempt to only 25% exempt.

>> No.28326432
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Guys just curious if they flag and close your account do they sieze my money too?

I want a safer way to take home my profits as a canadian :(

I bank with a big 5, how do I safely withdraw my sweet drippins?

>> No.28326962

bump plz im scared

>> No.28327120

me too anon

>> No.28327490

anon i read online that they cant legally sieze it, they would have to send you a cheque or let your withdrawl, saw on leddit.

can any canuck anons confirm.

also fuck the big 5 i fucking hate them all. RBC is the better of the 5 but fuck the rest theyre fucking garbage and can suck my nuts these fucking faggots. Shit service, have froze my accounts before for no reason.

never let me withdrawl my fucking money. its always an uphill battle with these shit ass banks legit retards

>> No.28329045

Only law enforcement and the judiciary can confiscate assets. Banks are neither of these. As custodians of your account, they can freeze your access while you are investigated after they report you.

If you are moving a large sum of money, involve an accountant before you start transferring. If it's a lot of money, the accountant might recommend a lawyer.

>> No.28329419

I use it. bretty gud. Obv not every coin you could ever want but it does what i want.

>> No.28329577

that makes no sense you retard

>> No.28329647

ShakePay to exchange

>> No.28329832

From one leafcuck to another, I’ll throw you a bone. DO NOT get into crypto right now. I haven’t sold yet but will be soon, and you’re going to be holding my bags and lose your money. Anyone that says this is FUD just wants another poor sucker to drop their bags on. We’re all in huge profit right now

>> No.28329929

never had any problems regarding crypto and canadian banks, but I was also lucky enough to buy most of my etherium via coinbase for <$20 each with my friggen mastercard while getting reward points

>> No.28330030

I have been advising the same, but honestly we've got another solid month of face ripping gains before a big dump; stock market drop will come first this time

>> No.28330166
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Try https://coin-metro.com/ fren

>> No.28330260

They only have like 5 currencies thought

>> No.28330272

I hear this a lot but realistically how far away is the crash? Im a newleaf with only 500 in crypto right now.

Also do banks only investigate large deposits and withdrawls via crypto or all of them? Im scared of getting my shit fucked in by TD for investing 500 bucks a paycheck

>> No.28330473


use raspberry and then transfer it to an exchange, everything else sucks ass. just went through this today, i transferred my shit to kraken.

>> No.28330619

I've transferred over $25,000 in Canadian dollars from my CIBC Chequeing account to Shakepay then converted it to BTC. I then transferred it to Binance to buy alt coins or other exchanges.

Man, the taxes in Canada sucks balls. I heard it's like 50% tax on capital gains if you sell within a year of buying. Any Canadian 6-7fig chads here able to teach us how to save on taxes?

>> No.28330735

When we do taxes for crypto, do we have to report every fucking trade like burgers, or do we just report our total cashout amount as capital gains?

>> No.28330768

I heard in the U.S the rich just go to the cayman islands and open up a business over there and pull out their crypto and claim it as their business earnings or something then legally transfer it to their U.S Bank Account after and it doesn't get taxed at all. What can Canadians do?

>> No.28330902

>how to save on taxes
layers is the key, don't tell anyone, unverified accounts (basically impossible now unless you opened them years ago)
you've started off right though, pay the fees to pass the money around, in once account, out the other (when doing fiat conversions)
but seriously, main thing, just never tell anyone

>> No.28330961

I just use Coinmetro

>> No.28331259

Almost right. You capital gains are taxed at 50%. So if you make 100 000 in profits, only 50 000 will be taxed.

>> No.28331336

also Im with RBC and never had any issues deposits or withdrawal wise

>> No.28331619

Probably within the month.

>> No.28331697

Taxed at 75% is on the table but the window on that is closing as governments haven't been telling NGOs that they will need to withhold extra on this year's capital gains. We won't know for sure until March though.

>> No.28331778
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NDAX. Got me my ADA 2 weeks ago, that's all I wanted. If you really want to get into shitcoins, just buy USDT and then move it to Binance or whatever for a small fee

>> No.28331971


If you think it's vague, that's because it is

>> No.28332306

500 a paycheque is how I accumulated my stack and the banks have never even noticed (4 years of this) I'm also with TD so i'm going to say you're good. That said i've never made a huge withdrawl through my bank (always traded crypto directly with others to facilitate large purchases) and would be nervous about doing so. My advice? maintain a neutral balance between credit and chequing accounts at the bank; If they ever fuck with my money I won't be paying them their debt

>> No.28332329

Has anyone used crypto.com? I gets ads from them all the time

>> No.28332731

my city just went back into lockdown. Are there any leaf banks I can open an account with online?

>> No.28332881

TD will flag anything. I bought a subscription to Yousician to learn guitar and they froze my account for that